Can a child have green tea, at what age? Healthy drinks for children: is it possible to give a child green and black tea


Tea is a wonderful source of vitality; it refreshes and quenches thirst.

But often parents ask themselves whether it is possible for the child to have tea, and at what age you can introduce your child to this drink.

Is it possible for a child to tea: the positive and negative effects of the drink on the children's body

The composition of tea leaves contains a lot of ascorbic acid, which helps to strengthen the immune system, protects the child from various infections. The presence of methionine contributes to the acceleration of lipid metabolism, which is very useful for children who are overweight.

Fluorine strengthens teeth, improves the condition of hair and nails. The content of this trace element in green tea is higher than in black. Vitamin B has a positive effect on mental development, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

Contained in tea leaves and biologically active components that can adversely affect the health and development of the baby.

Tannin - The main component of tea leaves, removes salts of mercury and lead from the body. But this substance is contraindicated for children, since it destroys iron. Negatively affects the gastric mucosa. Excessive use may decrease hemoglobin levels.

Thein - tonic alkaloid. In babies, it prevents the formation of vitamin D, which can cause rickets.

Purine bases contribute to the production of large amounts of uric acid. This provokes increased kidney function, which can adversely affect the health of the child.

Oxalic acid binds calcium, problems with milk teeth can begin.

How tea can be dangerous for a child’s body:

• allergic reactions;

• increased irritability and nervousness, restlessness;

• worsening sleep quality;

• poor memory and concentration;

• problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Untimely introduction of tea into the children's diet can adversely affect the development of the cerebral cortex. Which in the future may cause violent imagination and a tendency to lie.

The daily dose of the drink should not exceed 300 ml.

Is it possible for a child to have green tea: at what age is it better to acquaint a baby with this drink

It is better for babies up to 12 months to brew special baby teas in granules. A drink with fennel will eliminate colic, help normalize digestion. A child can drink no more than 100 ml of such a drink per day, since tea granules contain glucose, fructose, and sucrose. An excess in the body of these substances causes tooth decay, allergic reactions.

When choosing a drink, you need to choose tea in accordance with the age of the child, carefully study the composition.

It is better to start acquaintance of a child with an adult drink with ordinary black tea, it can be given to children from 18 months. The drink should be slightly brewed - the stronger it is, the less vitamin B is in it. To prepare a drink for a child, it is enough to pour 250 ml of boiling water 1, 5 g of tea leaves.

Black tea can be drunk immediately after brewing - as it is insisted, the tannin content in it increases. Such a drink impairs digestion and appetite.

Hibiscus can be given to children from the age of three; this drink does not have pronounced tonic properties. The drink contains many vitamins, which can be effectively used for the treatment and prevention of colds.

Can I give my child tea before bedtime? No, because tea leaves contain substances that excite the nervous system - caffeine, theophylline. Any kind of tea is a weak diuretic, so you should not have a tea before bedtime.

Green tea is healthier than black tea, but it should be given to children only older than three years. This drink can be infused for several hours without losing its beneficial properties. Green tea leaves contain almost all vitamins, iodine. The natural antioxidant catechin helps the body fight viruses and bacteria, normalizes blood sugar and speeds up metabolic processes.

Non-alcoholic bottled tea drinks, tea bags contain dyes and preservatives, a large amount of sugar, so they are categorically not suitable for baby food.

Can a child have tea: which drinks are good for children

Tea with sugar will not benefit the children's body. Sugar provokes the development of caries, destroys the beneficial substances of tea leaves, contributes to the incorrect formation of taste sensations. You can improve the taste of tea with honey or fruit slices, provided there is no allergy.

Tea with milk is the best drink for a child. All useful substances are stored in it, and the negative impact of the drink on the children's body is minimized.

The benefits of tea with milk:

• reduced concentration of tea leaves;

• milk softens the effect of tannins, such a drink does not irritate the gastric mucosa;

• coloring pigments of tea leaf in a diluted form to a lesser extent affect children's tooth enamel;

• milk neutralizes oxalic acid.

Children under three years old should mix tea and milk in equal proportions. In the future, the ratio of components may be arbitrary.

Herbal and berry teas

These drinks contain many useful substances, they help eliminate some childhood ailments, without resorting to treatment with medicines. The benefits of herbal teas:

• to strengthen immunity, a collection based on the flowers of linden and chamomile, rose hip and hawthorn is suitable;

• with vitamin deficiency, you can brew a drink from raspberry, blackcurrant and strawberry leaves;

• Excitable children should brew mint, oregano;

• Fennel in combination with a string and chamomile will help eliminate digestive problems.

But you can use such teas only after prior consultation with the pediatrician.

Can I give my child tea? Yes, if you do it gradually, observing all the rules of complementary foods. Children under one year old are better to give special and herbal teas - these drinks improve the intestines, strengthen the protective functions of the body.


Watch the video: Can kids drink green tea? (July 2024).