Prayer for the fulfillment of desire


Desires are the most endless thing in the universe. In humans, desires begin to appear after birth. The newborn baby wants to get out of the maternal womb, to warm up, being wrapped in a diaper. The desire to drink mother’s milk, to touch a toy, to go to dad, to go to school, to get a job, to build a house. This list is endless for everyone, it can neither be zeroed nor completed. Items on this list vary depending on priority, and not always the fulfillment of desires depends on us or our actions. Sometimes, when we just have to wait and hope, we are looking for support. And we find it in prayers, requests for the fulfillment of desires for higher powers.

The difference between a prayer for the fulfillment of desire and a conspiracy

One can talk endlessly about the differences between magic and religion. Trying to understand the difference between a prayer for the fulfillment of a desire and a conspiracy for the realization of dreams, one should dig deeper.

How is prayer different from conspiracy? Both types are pronounced in words, both require faith, and both of these rituals work in ways that the person does not fully understand.

However, the differences between them are significant:

  • Conspiracy - a tool of the occult, its action is controlled by the speaker himself. Most often, the conspiracy has a form of command, that is, the magician believes in his own strength, in the fulfillment of desire, putting in words confidence.
  • Prayer the way to communicate with God in the ways learned by saints, supported by generations of believers and ministers. While reading a prayer, a person asks for the help of the Lord, arguing the importance of his desire. The person praying does not order the higher forces, but gives them the will of the decision, accepting any result, because Vera.

Thus, the main difference between a prayer for the fulfillment of a desire and a conspiracy is that its power is supported by the holy power of spirituality, religion and the church, while the plot relies only on the words and energy of the magician.

Of course, this does not mean that a conspiracy is worse than a prayer, or vice versa. People are different, and everyone chooses what is more convenient for him. There are many conspiracies in the text of which Orthodox dogmas are mentioned. Their advantage is that they unite the divine and natural forces.

Concretization - the key to the fulfillment of desire

Any prayer must be formulated clearly so that its result will meet your requirements. Many priests advise, reading the prayer for the fulfillment of the desire, to change it to fit your needs, so that the higher forces would be easier to understand and give you what is needed.

Also, in every prayer, it will not be superfluous to present the highest forces with the words “God's servant” or “God's servant”, adding his own name. Prayer is first of all a conversation with God, and what is a conversation, if not a story? Take the prayer as an important and responsible stage, put all your emotions into it and visualize the result as much as possible.

You yourself, for yourself, must clearly understand what is said in prayer. When choosing a prayer, read it carefully. If you see unfamiliar words - find their meaning, replace with synonyms if necessary. Understanding the prayer text is the first step to concretizing your request, and it, in turn, is the key to the fulfillment of your desire.

The concretization for a reason is consonant with the word "concentration", which also holds a special place in prayer. For the words of the address should be pronounced, with extreme concentration on the words and the image of the desired achievement.

Is there a ritual to strengthen sacred words?

Orthodox divine service itself is a real ritual. The pronunciation of ritual words in the setting of the sacrament is already a ritual. The presence of an appropriate entourage, lit church candles, images of saints, worship of the knees, the fall of the cross itself - part of the ritual. All these things help the prayer tune in to talk with God, clear his mind of unnecessary thoughts and relax. Only in this way can we speak frankly with the Lord.

Orthodox priests recommend that everyone who prays at home conduct a simple ritual consisting of several steps:

  1. To pray strictly in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, before going to bed.
  2. If the situation requires it - to observe the sacrament, if the desire is collective - to pray together.
  3. Always light a church candle at prayer.
  4. Have at home fresh holy water and sprinkle corners of it in the house after each cleaning.
  5. Raising prayer to a certain saint to have his image in the house.

That's all, this is enough to properly tune in to prayer.

The strongest Orthodox prayers

Surely every person has heard in his life and more than once the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. This saint is so revered by people that even became a kind of "analog" to Santa Claus and Santa Claus, not only in the Church, but also in some countries. They love him for his kindness, for the miracles he created during his life and continued to occur to this day. Rarely the prayer addressed to Saint Nicholas does not come true. If you say it with all sincerity and hope, it will come true. It is especially effective to say a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker about the fulfillment of a desire in the days of his memory. These are the Day of the Summer Nicholas - May 22 and Winter Day - December 19. Read the following text:

“The holy wonderworker Nicolae the Blessed One, my wishes are frail, don’t be mean to humble a request and impertinent thoughts, help in vain deeds. I beg your mercy in the fulfillment of my dream, since it is evil, turn away the attack and do not be angry. I ask, the slave (s) of God (s) named (name) about that (it is necessary to explain what exactly is your desire). May the righteous prayer be fulfilled, the soul will be filled with peace, as you will, Amen. ”

If your desire is truly sincere and kind, disinterested and not harmful to others, it will surely be fulfilled.

If your request has a material character, you want to get some thing, but you do not have enough money, should read a prayer for money to St. Nicholas:

“The Most Holy, Nikolai the Pleasurer, the human assistant and the intercessor, the prelate and preserver, the healer from sorrows. To me, a sinner, I ask for help, turn the Lord’s gaze to my mortal existence, pray the petition of the sins of my young and tender ones. In the name of the holy spirit I pray for forgiveness and blessing. Help me, Lord, servant (e) of God (s), who was called (name) by holy will, help me to establish things for the Father, to gain wealth under your banner, not to know me more than poverty and oppression. May the will of the Lord, Amen! ”

It should be remembered that the fulfillment of material desires with the help of God's will does not look like a bag of money that fell from the sky. The Lord hears desires and sends us opportunities to fulfill them ourselves. Therefore, after prayer, tune in to the fulfillment of a dream and be attentive to everything that happens in life. Grab at any opportunity, check any signs and among them you will find the luck sent by the Lord.

Prayers to the Lord

A strong prayer for the fulfillment of the desire in one day is addressed to the Lord God himself in the face of Jesus Christ.

Against expectations, it is quite simple, albeit long. Her strength is in the presentation of desire as simple as possible. When you are tuned in, you can even experience the feeling of the presence of the Lord and confess to yourself that will purify your mind and soul.

For this prayer before bed, sit back in a prayer position, fold your arms and read a prayer on a burning candle until the candle burns out. It is not necessary to repeat the words of the prayer several times, start with it, and then keep saying what is in your heart and swarming in your thoughts:

“Lord Jesus Christ, who is in heaven, and is praised on earth. I appeal to you, pray to you. As Thy kingdom thrives in heaven, so on earth the dream is dreaming of Him, and Thy kingdom praises. Every sufferer of your blessing asks, and let me, your slave (s) to your (her) Name turn. Our deeds are blasphemy, our desires are desperate, desperate, vaschi in vain. From time immemorial people have been praying for their dreams that have come true and happy is the one whom You heard and gave His grace. Grant me, too, from the heart of Your great, all-embracing, all-forgiving and all-understanding. I ask a little, Lord. ”

Next, voice your desire as detailed as possible. Tell us about why you are so eager for his performance, what prevents the desire to come true, and what can help.

End the prayer with these words:

“Now, having expressed my prayer, I humbly await Your decision. I will accept any will of you, and I will see any sign given by you, and will do everything that is required of me. Your will is sacred, power is immeasurable, but Your love is most holy and great for His children, those who are called. Do not leave us suffering, let us carry your will and immortalize your kingdom in the hearts of men. Amen".

Spend the next day after the prayer in thoughts of God and your desire. Do not engage in distractions, spend the day reading Orthodox books. Or go for a walk, visit the church, chat with people. Let God give you a sign. If it does not, try again, putting more faith and passion into words.

Prayer to St. Martha

The prayer for the fulfillment of the wishes of St. Martha is read 9 times every Tuesday. There are several important rules to follow:

  1. The time of day does not matter, but the mood of the reader must be vigorous and upbeat.
  2. You cannot ask Saint Martha for revenge on anyone, and moreover, not a single saint can be made with requests of this kind. At best, your desire simply will not come true, at worst - you will get what you want to another.
  3. Before the image of the saint on the table should be a lit church candle, which should be allowed to burn out after the ritual.
  4. Praying is better after taking a shower and dressing up in clean clothes.
  5. For the best effect, put fresh flowers (not room) in the room and light the incense with the smell of bergamot to respect the saint.
  6. The petition to Saint Martha is read from a piece on which prayers are written by your hand and your desire is signified. It is strictly forbidden to print text or read written by someone else’s hand.
  7. After reading the prayer service, St. Martha should read “Our Father” and “Theotokos, Devo, Hail” once.
  8. The prayer ends with the words "Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. And now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen. Holy Martha, ask Jesus for us!«

The text of the prayer of St. Martha for the fulfillment of any desire:

“The miraculous Martha, the holy sister of Lazarus and Mary, the beloved daughter of Jesus. I am asking for help. Be my savior in my needs and the tests of God sent down. In aspirations and hopes do not stay indifferent. Do not leave the slave (s) your (his) Name on the thorny path. I humbly ask for the sake of joy that fills the heart of the believer, save God in our hearts, in the name of Salvation, above all in caring for me. That care is in (a detailed description of the desire). I ask you, Holy Assistant, hear my prayer and lift it to the Feet of the Lord, and his will will prevail on Earth and in heaven now and in the world. Amen".

Prayer to the 12 apostles of desire

The prayer of the 12 apostles to desire is revered as one of the strongest, thanks to twelve times ascension to the Lord through his emissaries. For this prayer it is better to choose the time during the Christmas holidays.

A prayer is read for 12 candles in front of 12 icons of the holy apostles:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. I appeal to his twelve sons, the twelve apostles who stand by the throne day and night: Andrew and Peter Simon, Philip of Bethsaida, Matfery, Farfolomei, James and John, sons of Zebedee, Faddeus and Jacob the Righteous, Jude Iscariot! Hear the prayers of your children, coming from the heart of the burning one. For us, the servants of God (your name and the names of loved ones), intercede before our Lord. In your prayer, turning to Him, in the affairs of our bárnas, ask for success in our earthly affairs, for all the apostles of the saints of Our God will inquire, they will experience good in their faith. On the birthday of the Son of the Lord Jesus Christ, pray for us so that happiness does not forget the way to our dwellings. After all, there can be no home without happiness and good luck, just as there can be no bird without wings, just as there can be no angel without a halo. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen! ”

Muslim prayer for the fulfillment of desire

Muslims also have prayers for the fulfillment of desires, although they are by nature an unassuming people, accustomed to content themselves with little and deny themselves in many ways. The essence of the Muslim prayer is in complete obedience to God and acceptance of his will for the truth in any of its manifestations. Prayers are Muslim, powerful, immediately fulfilling the desire to read better in the language that you understand. If you know Arabic, read the prayer in Arabic, for Russian-speaking free translations are invented. The main thing in prayer is to understand its essence and turn to God with the speech that you understand.

“Truly praise only Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. From you, O Allah, I ask that with your mercy and forgiveness you will protect me from sins and attract all that is righteous. Save from mistakes, save from flaws, do not leave a single offense that you would not forgive, not a single alarm, from which there is no deliverance, and not a single need, that being righteous, you would not be fulfilled. For you are the Most Gracious, the Ruler of men, and your will to rule over our destiny. "

When resorting to any prayer, remember: there are no saints responsible solely for one thing. There are no problems that could be addressed to only one icon. Not icons, not saints, are guiding human deeds, but the Lord. When we turn to them, we turn to the Lord through them, so we are moved by love and faith in him first.


Watch the video: Deep Prayer Meditation Music !!! Wish Fulfillment Meditation (July 2024).