Cambodia - recreation, sights, weather, cuisine, tours, photos, map


Kingdom Cambodia located on the island of Indochina. On the west side, the state borders on Thailand, in the north its neighbors are Laos, and in the east - Vietnam. This Southeast country of Asia is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Thailand. The total territory of Cambodia is 181 thousand sq. Km.

The country's main waterway is the Mekong navigable river. The population of the Kingdom of Cambodia is 12 million people, of which 95% are Khmer ethnic, 4% are Chinese and 1% are Vietnamese. The official language of the country is Khmer, and English and French are also used. The religious direction of the country is Buddhism (95% of the population), also adherents of Islam and Catholics live in Cambodia. The political system of Cambodia is a constitutional monarchy. The monetary unit of the country is riel.

Cambodia - the capital and largest cities

The capital of the Cambodian kingdom is Phnom Penh with a population of up to 1 million people. This city was the most beautiful city of French colonial Asia.
Phnom Penh is the largest city in the country, after it go: - Angkor
- Sihanoukville
- Siem Reap.

Cambodia - Holidays and Tours

The Kingdom of Cambodia, in recent years quite rapidly developing tourism infrastructure. The country has emerged from a decade of war and isolation, and today, Cambodia is becoming an increasingly attractive country for tourists. The Kingdom is no longer an addition to the excursion programs of Vietnam and Thailand, but has become an independent tourist destination.

Cambodia's largest seaside resort is Sihanoukville, which is located on a peninsula in the Gulf of Thailand. This resort is famous for its sandy beaches, which are framed by luxurious palm groves. The warm waters of the Gulf of Thailand, the white sands of beaches, new modern hotels and beach bungalows are increasingly attracting tourists from all over the world. The resort offers many equipped beaches and the most diverse types of recreation: swimming, water skiing, diving, fishing ... Most of the resort's beaches are located near the city center. But in Sihanoukville, there are almost uninhabited places for lovers of secluded relaxation.

Battambang resort is the second largest city in Cambodia and is not only a paradise for relaxation, but also very interesting for tourists with its well-preserved colonial buildings.

The resort of Kep was a favorite vacation spot of the French colonial elite, and today it is the most popular resort among the French. Kep is an ideal cozy place for a quiet comfortable rest. It attracts with special silence, incredible natural beauties and the best crabs on the entire coast.

Siam Reap is the gateway to the unique temples of Angkor, the country's cultural and spiritual center. The city has many not only unique sights, but also high-class SPA-salons, fashionable hotels and entertainment for every taste.

Cambodia Attractions

The Kingdom of Cambodia is proud of its unique, mysterious and intriguing beauty sights that amaze and impress visitors to the country. The most majestic and famous monument of ancient culture is Angkor, which is a single, beautiful complex of richly decorated palaces and temples. Angkor Square - 200 sq. Km. on which more than 100 temples and palaces have been preserved. Angkor is under the auspices of UNESCO.

To the guests of the country, no doubt. It will be very interesting to visit the city of Roluos, which was the capital of King Jayavarman II. All temples in the city were built at the end of the 9th century. In the city to this day there is a functioning Buddhist monastery.

The pride of Cambodia will give tourists an incredible experience, its capital is Phnom Penh, which was founded in the XIV century and is a major port. Among the many cultural monuments of the city, the most famous are
- Phnompeia Monastery;
- the world famous “Silver Pagoda”;
- The luxurious complex of the Royal Palace.

A trip to the mysterious Cambodian kingdom is an opportunity to feel the special charm of this country, get acquainted with the samples of luxurious, brilliant art of the Khmer civilization and, of course, the opportunity to relax in the exotic world.

Cambodia - weather (climate)

The temperature in Cambodia very rarely drops below + 25C. Even in the rainy season (June - October), the average temperature is from +27 to +35. The most favorable time for tourists is November - February, the average temperature during this period is from +20 to +27 and is almost always sunny. The hottest time in the country is March - May; the average temperature in a given period is from +29 to 39.

Weather in Cambodia now:

Cambodia - Cuisine

The national Cambodian cuisine is mainly rice, meat, fish, vegetables and greens. In Cambodia, a huge variety of traditional dishes is prepared, but the main place in the country's cuisine is given to soups, which are cooked on an open fire from different types of meat and seafood. The menu of national cuisine always contains a variety of pickled and pickled vegetables, as well as smoked meats (fish and meat).

Cambodian cuisine is characterized as quite spicy and spicy with a sweet taste. Particular attention is paid to the variety of sauces.

Sweet desserts are very popular in the country. It should be noted that Cambodian cuisine often uses ingredients such as frogs, insects, spiders, turtles and snakes as ingredients.

Of the drinks in Cambodia, preference is given to freshly squeezed bamboo juice and green tea, as well as beer. It should be noted that the country has a well-established beer production industry.

Cambodia - interesting facts

- Arabs and Turks are banned from entering the Kingdom of Cambodia.
- The name Cambodia is only in Russia and some other countries, and
in the world the country is called - Kampuchea.
- There are no orphanages in Cambodia.
- Education in the kingdom is optional.
- Almost all hotels in the country are the highest service and luxury.
- It is interesting that in the country, the tax code takes only three pages.
- The Kingdom of Cambodia is a favorite French vacation spot.

Cambodia - Visa

To travel to Cambodia, a visa is required: - tourist or transit.
To apply for a tourist visa to the Kingdom of Cambodia, a standard package of documents is required. The application processing time is usually one day, a tourist visa is issued for 30 days, its cost is $ 20.

Cambodia - Embassy

The Embassy of the Kingdom of Cambodia in Moscow is located
on the street Starokonoshny per., 16
phone: 637-47-36

Cambodia Map


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