Lip care: hydration and nutrition, a review of tools and methods. How to ensure proper lip care at home


Lips - this is the first thing a person pays attention to when looking at his interlocutor.

They are an indicator of the health of the body, show the character traits of the individual.

It is for this reason that lips should always look perfect.

This is especially true of the fair sex.

The skin of the lips is very delicate and sensitive, subject to negative environmental influences and rapid wilting.

It is very easy to damage it, so cosmetologists warn women not to use “cheap” lipsticks and glosses with a dubious composition. If a lady wants to always look attractive, she must provide daily lip care.

Lip care: a special massage that fills the smile with “juiciness and volume”

Few people know that lips also need to be massaged in order to preserve their natural beauty and attractiveness. This does not take much time, but with regular repetition of the process, the result will be stunning. If there are several effective massage methods that will give the female lips an alluring volume.

1. Soft toothbrush. It is advisable to purchase a separate brush for massage, always with a soft bristle so that it does not injure the skin. Apply a small amount of shea butter or jojoba oil (sold in pharmacies), almond vegetable oil. Then, with gentle, gentle movements, the lips are massaged. This method will not damage their structure, but it instantly activates the natural process of regeneration and hydration. Massage is recommended for several minutes every day before bedtime. It improves blood circulation, gives the lips a "juicy" natural shade.

2. Ice massage - This is one of the most effective ways to increase lips in volume at home. First, on the skin for several minutes you need to drive an ice cube. After that, a moisturizing balm is applied to it to consolidate the effect. Cryomassage is an effective remedy that gives a light appetizing swelling to the female lips. It is important to do it before an important date or business meeting.

Lip Care: Moisturizing

For lips to look bright and healthy for many years, they must be saturated with moisture. Most of the fair sex consider that it is enough to regularly use balms for this. They apply a cosmetic every few hours. It was proved that the use of balms makes the delicate skin dry even more, for this reason the lips require another “dose” every few hours, are covered with painful microcracks.

How does the balm work? It covers the skin with an oily film, which disrupts the natural process of evaporation of moisture and cell regeneration. Its use only temporarily gives the lips a healthy look, then they return to their original state.

How to get out of this situation?

1. The most useful and safe is considered a regular baby cream. It must be applied not only to the face, but also to the buzz, in a thinner layer. Greasy balms can be used only in winter to protect delicate skin from cold and wind.

2. So that the lips do not require so often the next "dose" of the balm, you need to refrain from using it for several weeks. The cosmetic product can be replaced with primrose vegetable oil, which is sold in pharmacies at the optimal cost. It contains gamma-linoleic acid and Vitamin E. These components effectively regenerate the skin, heal cracks and relieve irritation. Oil is recommended to be applied 3-4 times a day. Between applications, you can not lick your lips - this is a very bad habit. After the first week, a woman will notice that her smile has become “juicier” and more attractive.

3. It is important to understand that any tool that is applied to the lips enters the body. For this reason, ladies are advised to purchase only natural cosmetics with the most safe composition.

Lip Care: Maintaining Health and Youth

There are several recipes for nourishing lip masks that need to be done several times a week. This will help a woman for many years to maintain the attractiveness and youth of her smile. The best part is that masks can be prepared at home with minimal financial costs.

1. Vegetable oil (castor, rosehip) is mixed in the same proportion with honey until completely dissolved. A thick layer of the mask is applied to the lips, left for 1-2 hours, washed off with warm water.

2. The mask recipe described above can be supplemented. To get rid of irritations and cracks, lavender, chamomile or rose essential oil (2 drops) is added there. To give the lips a larger volume and a “juicy” shade, ginger, lemon, cinnamon or mint essential oil is added. The mask is applied to the lips for 10 minutes, then the skin is massaged with a toothbrush. Residues are removed with a damp cloth.

3. If there is candied honey in the house, it can be used to give the skin of the lips a bright, pleasant shade, refresh it and add a natural shine. With massaging movements, the product is applied to the lips, after 5-7 minutes it is removed with a cloth moistened with warm water.

4. Once a week it is useful to use a lip scrub that you can make yourself. Unrefined coconut oil (1/4 teaspoon) is mixed with ground brown sugar until a homogeneous mass is formed. 2-3 drops of essential orange oil are added there. The mask is applied with a thick layer on the lips, after 15 minutes it is washed off.

5. Pomegranate seeds are a great way to give your lips an even pink hue. It is necessary to grind them well, mix with high fat cream. The resulting paste is useful to apply on the lips every day for 15 minutes before bedtime. You should not expect an instant result, the effect will be noticeable after about a week.

6. A pinch of red henna is brewed with boiling water, coconut oil and cinnamon essential oil (1 drop) are added there. With a brush, the mask is applied to the skin in an even layer, washed off after 20 minutes. This mixture gives the lips a pleasant shade, so when applying it it is very important not to go beyond the contour.

Lip Care: Effective Exercises

A special set of exercises for the lips is an excellent prevention for every woman. They do not take much time, but they struggle with age-related changes. Any time is taken for exercise - in the morning before applying makeup or in the evening before going to bed.

1. Lips need to be pulled out as if you are blowing out a candle. Try to tighten your muscles as much as possible. The exercise is repeated 10-12 times.

2. Repeat vowels, while trying to articulate as expressively as possible with your lips. The exercise is repeated 10 times for each letter.

3. The lips are pulled out by the "duck", while the mouth should be left slightly open. Then the lips relax and the mouth closes. The process is repeated 10-15 times.

4. The tongue protrudes forward as much as possible, at the extreme point it is important to hold it as much as you can. Exercise is enough to repeat every day for 5 times.

Maximum efficiency can be achieved if a woman will devote 10 minutes to lip training every day and perform the entire complex of these exercises.

Lip Care: Avoiding Bad Habits

If a representative of the fair sex decided to provide full-fledged lip care, she needs to completely get rid of a number of bad habits.

1. When the skin on the lips dries up, you can not lick them. This will only aggravate the situation. In this situation, you can use hygienic lipstick based on organic components.

2. It is necessary to try as little as possible to expose the lips to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. When choosing a cosmetic care product, you need to see that it is with SPF protection.

3. Such bad habits as smoking and drinking negatively affect the whole body of a woman. Lip skin is no exception. You need to use 1.5-2 liters of fluid every day so that the lips are sufficiently moistened.

4. It is important to try to eat balanced, eat seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Comprehensive daily lip care is a great way to give them juiciness and attractiveness, to preserve youth for many years.


Watch the video: FIX DRY CHAPPED LIPS. Tip Tuesday #26 (July 2024).