Prayer for the health of the sick


The key to a person’s life success is his health. You have to agree that there is no desire to work, take care of the household or solve daily affairs, enjoy rest, have lunch, if you are constantly tormented by health problems or if your loved one is ill. In such cases, prayer can help, sincere, with best wishes. Varieties of prayers for diseases, we will list and describe below in the article.

What are the prayers for the health of the sick?

It is important to pronounce prayers for the health of a sick person with sincerity and from a pure heart, only such words can have an effect. If a person reads a prayer without faith or with malicious intent, then there will be no good or bad consequences. This kind of prayer can be read both in the temple, the church, and at home, in the hospital, in the sick room, as a priest, a priest, or independently. They are often read after operations or in order to rehabilitate the patient, but it can also be used to prevent diseases in order to strengthen the health of a son, daughter, relative, elderly parents.

When a person ends up with other methods of treatment, or he cannot help his relatives, loved ones, the last method remains, which often works wonders. This method - a prayer that helps and supports even at long distances, is sometimes stronger than expensive medications.

In addition to prayer, a prayer service may have a strong impact on the health of the patient. A public prayer is read by a church attendant within the precincts of a church, temple, or monastery by prior arrangement, that is, a person who wishes must come to the church on his own and order a public prayer. There are three varieties of gobelins, daily, monthly, and forty days (40 days). This kind of prayer to God greatly increases the chances of the patient being cured.

It often happens that during an illness a person becomes discouraged, he is pessimistic, and because of this his state of health becomes worse every day. In such cases, it is best to use prayers, they will strengthen the spiritual forces of the patient, fill him with positive energy, give hope and faith in a brighter future, in recovery. Due to changes in mood and energy, the disease will begin to fade into the background, health will improve, a person will want to recover, and everything depends only on his desire.

Prayer for the health of relatives and relatives

We all wish parents, friends and relatives, grandparents, children happiness, well-being, and most importantly - health. How to protect relatives from diseases and negatives when we are not around? According to the church, you can help if you regularly read a prayer for the health of relatives and relatives.

It often happens that we are far from our relatives and cannot be near at all, although they are in great need of us. It is impossible to always be close. It happens that the envious or just evil people with their thoughts worsen the energy of our loved ones, leading even to physical diseases and serious diseases. We can help in such cases only with a sincere prayer for recovery.

Reading prayers for the recovery of relatives and relatives, if this is done sincerely and with pure thoughts, we purify the natural biofield of a person, thus strengthening his immunity. That is, you should not wait for instant healing, prayer helps the human body to fight the disease itself, improving its immunity, raising its spirit and strengthening its faith. This prayer can be read by referring to a particular Holy One, or simply to a Higher Power. For prevention, you should pray every morning, but if you need help as soon as possible, you can read it at any time and an unlimited number of times.

The prayer sounds like this:

I urge the Higher Forces, hear my prayer and come to my aid. Please, grant blessings and healing to the Slaves of God ... (list the names of all for whom you pray). Protect them from misfortunes and misfortunes, help them heal from diseases, cover their Wings from enemies and envious. Fill them with the Power of Heaven so that they bring goodness and prosperity to the world, staying in good health. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for Healing

Nicholas the Wonderworker can pray for the health of his parents, husband, wife, for the health of his relatives and for his own health. It is Nicholas the Wonderworker who is considered the patron in this area, he helps in healing the seriously ill, improves the well-being of the elderly and strengthens his strength. If complications or health problems arise, the church advises to contact Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The prayer for the health of the mother and father to Nicholas the Wonderworker reads as follows:

Saint Wonderworker Nicholas, I sincerely appeal to you. I ask you to protect my mother and my father from disease, weakness and weakness. Help my parents walk the path of righteousness and grant them hope for the kingdom of heaven. Do not allow to give in to sinful temptations, save them from illnesses, evil and envious glances, from the evil eye and damage of others. Stand for them before our Lord. Thy will be done. Amen.

The prayer for the health of her husband Nicholas the Wonderworker is read according to the following text:

Blessed Nicholas the Wonderworker, our Savior and Deliverer! I, (my name), appeal to you with a plea for help and humbly hope for you. Remove from (the name of the husband) all serious illnesses and evil eyes. Release from (the name of the husband) all sins and sinful thoughts that caused the suffering. Kohl damage imposed on my husband, take her, protect him from weakness and illness. Accept him and my remorse. Hear you and the Lord through you our humble request, not angry. About St. Nicholas, I pray for the health and happiness of loved ones. All your will. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in illness for himself:

O Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Lord's confidant, his helper in healing and repulse the evils of God's Slaves, our intercessor! Help me, God's Slave (your name), in healing from misfortunes, illnesses, other people's sinful thoughts, envious glances. Grant me the abandonment of my sins, for I repent in my deeds and in the thoughts of my sinful ones. With all my strength and feelings leaving me I appeal to your grace. Ask our Lord for me, help me to get rid of sufferings and sufferings. For all your will. Amen.

Of course, the described prayers should not be attributed to certain people. In difficult life situations, they can be applied to everyone, it is only important to use the name of the person who is ill and to have the most sincere and open feelings and motivations. Nicholas the Wonderworker will never leave the beggar, therefore he is so highly valued. In the church, when ordering prayers for health, they most often turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Prayer to the Virgin for health

In order for the petition of the Most Holy Theotokos to reach the goal and be accepted, one should read the prayers with certain requirements and conditions. Reason must be cleared of all thoughts, leaving pure and sincere thoughts full of the desire to heal or heal the needy. Only sincerity will help to cope with the disease. It often happens that a person gets used to the words during a daily prayer and begins to be distracted by foreign objects. It is up to you to follow this; concentration and faith in your own words will help the one for whom you are asking.

When praying to the Blessed Virgin Mary, there is no single text for all. Since the Patroness protected and helped many nations, churches and temples, her prayers differ. The main thing is one thing - the Mother of God always helps, if you address her with sincere faith.

We will present one of many texts of the prayer service, which can be used both for the health of one’s own and for the health of relatives and close people:

O Holy Mother and Patron, Lady and Assistant of all people, Slaves of God, Mother of God! With fear, but with faith and all-embracing love, we kneel before your icon with a prayer, asking for help. We ask you, do not turn away from us, cursed, help, Merciful Mother, turn for help to Your Son and Our God, Jesus Christ, save us and our country in peace and tranquility. Protect Your Church from heretics and ignoramuses. No one else to turn to, beside you, Most Holy Virgin, you are the only omnipotent. Deliver all of us who ask, the Slaves of God (to list the names of those who ask) from harm, slander, damage, the evil eye, from spiritual and physical burdens, protect us from sins and temptations, let us go our sins, which are. Give us strength and hope, dissuade death if it comes after us. Give us humility and correction. We will glorify your name, the names of all Saints, we will always pray to Our Lord, to love and honor him. Thy Will be done in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Matron for the health of the child

Mother will protect her child at all costs, with all her might. Therefore, pleas for help in the health of the child are considered as effective, the mother puts all her strength and soul into them. Among the Orthodox believers, Blessed Staritsa Matrona of Moscow is revered and popular. She is considered the best helper in family matters and helps in healing or strengthening the health of relatives and friends, and especially favors children.

To get help when a child is sick, you can read a prayer for the health of the baby if he is under 7 years old:

Blessed Staritsa Matrona of Moscow, we, the parents of the Infants of God (the names of the children), are appealing to you in a difficult and sad hour, asking for help. Forgive us all the weaknesses of sinful and demonic filth that have come to us intentionally or unknowingly. Help my child (the names of the children) to heal quickly from their illnesses and be filled with love and faith in our Lord! Do not punish the child, for he is innocent, help to heal and protect yourself from suffering. I hope for help and for the health of the children I pray! Thy will be done. Amen.

The prayer for the health of the daughter and son, who are more than 7 years old, should read the following:

Staritsa Blessed, Matrona of Moscow, Defender and Helper of Our Lord! I appeal to you for healing and pray for your forgiveness. I pray, show the Lord to the sick Slave of God (the name of the child), ask us to heal and protect for us in front of him. Help me in healing, deny from my child all the evil eyes, evil slander from others, grant him happiness and love. Let (the name of the child) get better as soon as possible, and the soul and his body get rid of suffering. For all your will. Amen.

The prayers to the Matron for the health of children are different, because until the age of 7, children are considered God's Infants, sinless angels.

How to turn to the Lord?

There are three most valuable things for a person - his faith, health and relatives, close people. If health fails, you can turn to the Lord with a prayer for the sick person with a request for his recovery and healing. Only sincere, with pure thoughts and an open soul, with repentance for all the sins committed, a prayer can be a success. There is an incredible amount of prayer texts. For thousands of years in many countries of the world, Our Lord has been turned to for help with illnesses, with incurable illnesses, with terrible ailments and weaknesses. It is Jesus Christ who protects us and forgives us our sins.

We will cite only one text of the prayer for healing to the Lord, it is not the same for all, and can be used both for the prevention of the disease and for help in the healing of ailments:

O Lord our Great, Creator and Almighty, I ask for your help in a terrible hour. Please, grant full healing and bless the Slave of God (name) from all ailments and bad weather, wash the blood of her with your love and your rays of light. Only your help will heal her. Touch it with your miracle-working power, which is written and spoken about, which is sung around the world. Give her help on the road to recovery, help her up the path, support her. Soul grant lightness, heart - balm, grant body its health. Let our Lord hear my words, Praise the Lord! Amen.

How to read a prayer for your own health?

People, when misfortunes happen to them, turn their faces to Heaven, even if they have never before had strong faith. The Lord forgives and helps all. But everyone wonders how to do the right thing and what needs to be done so that the prayer for healing is as effective as possible.

We come to a temple or church, confused, looking for help from the clergy, but most often we are told that it is enough to order a prayer, forty minutes, to give a note at the Liturgy, etc. It is enough to pay money and go home with peace of mind. Yes, church prayers and prayers are miraculous, but only that prayer will be heard and will be the most miraculous when a person takes part in it independently when he is sincere and open.

It is better not only to order prayers for the health of oneself in the church and immediately forget about it, but also to read it yourself, in the temple or at home. At the same time, thoughts should be pure and open, it should be treated with repentance of sins, with a prayer for healing. You can appeal to the Lord or to any Saints, to whom the one who is accustomed to address. Also Matrona Moskovskaya in diseases is considered a great helper. The atmosphere around the person asking at this moment should be calm, no screams, no one should be distracting.

It is best to still burn incense or incense, they help to concentrate and clear the mind. It is better to clear off before the icon, since the person turns straight to the image and the faith grows stronger. Otherwise, there are no certain conditions, we advise you only to ask effective services for prayers from the priests or to buy a prayer book, to keep it by the bed and read the prayers in the morning and evening.


Watch the video: Prayer For Healing Sickness - Healing Prayer For The Sick (July 2024).