August 11: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on August 11th.


Holidays august 11

Builder's Day

The builders' holiday has been widely celebrated for more than half a century. The laconic Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council in 1955 merely fixed the attention that was already paid to workers in the construction industry. Solemn celebrations continue in our time - the construction industry is still one of the largest in the national economy.

Armenian National Identity Day

Armenian chronicles say that even in 2492 before the birth of Christ, Hayk defeated Bel (the Assyrian tyrant), and the foundation was laid for the free development of the Armenian nation. On the proposal of MP Artsvik Minasyan from the Dashnaktsutyun faction, a proposal was made to fix the status of National Identity Day on August 11, and it was unanimously supported by the Armenian parliament.

The holiday of August 11 is called Navasard, it is celebrated with wine and excellent dishes, but on the table everything is in moderation - it is almost impossible to see an excessively drunk Armenian on this day. For pagan Armenian gods, they made special bread from round wheat, grown by themselves. The most famous ancient seasoning was used - ngatzahik, a flower that grew in some areas.

Zimbabwe National Heroes Day

Two national holidays of Zimbabwe, two holidays, going one after another, are of particular importance for the African state. In the old days, during these holidays a goat or a cow was surely slaughtered, a magnificent treat was prepared on the table. At that time, the heroic deeds in the struggle for independence, for the emergence of a new country in Zimbabwe were recalled. Today's country refers to this day in a different way - more mundane, sometimes forgetting about the celebrations for worries.

Turkmen melon day

President Saparmurat Niyazov has established a very interesting holiday for his country, to which the melon growers and merchants rejoice. Gourds are important for the country; they have been grown in Turkmenistan for more than a millennium. Excavations of ancient settlements only confirm this. Fragrant juicy melons are a real symbol of the country. About one and a half thousand varieties of melons are described in the world, and 400 of them are precisely Turkmen varieties. Melons are revered in Turkmenistan as national heroines - poems are dedicated to them, paintings are painted. During the festival, mass festivities are held, exhibitions of varieties of melons and watermelons are held, the best melon growers and collectors are honored, and the Golden Golden Melon contest is held.

August 11 in the folk calendar


On this August day, the Christian church recalls the holy martyr Kallinik of Cilicia, who delivered a sermon on Christ in the city of Ankir. By this he aroused the great anger of the Gentiles. He lived in the 3-4th century AD, during the time of persecution of Christians. The preacher was judged by the igemon Sakerdon, who invented a terrible penalty - to put the Christian preacher in boots with protruding nails, then they burned him alive. However, the body remained unharmed, and it was buried according to Christian customs.

Kalina in Russia is considered a symbol of love - well-known berries are sung in love songs, personifying the immaculate beauty and purity. The bitterness in taste symbolizes the bitter fate of a girl forcibly married to an unloved person. On this day, pick viburnum, bake pies "with a forest darling." Viburnum trees are also morning autumn frosts, which could have damaged the harvest in the Russian fields. Popular signs say: if there is fog and hassle on Kalinnik, you can expect a good harvest of oats and barley.

August 11th in history

August 11, 1337 - foundation of a monastery in Radonezh

The founders of the monastery are Stefan and Sergius of Radonezh. A spacious church, refectory, buildings for work and cells for living were built in the monastery. A century later, the monastery became the largest center of Russian spiritual culture, sheltered by many writers, painters, carvers. Andrei Rublev, Sergius of Radonezh, Daniil Cherny - their names are forever inscribed in the history of Russian culture. The monastery played an important political role, participated in the struggle against the Mongol-Tatars, then with the intervention of the Poles in the early 17th century. Today the monastery has more than 50 buildings, the most famous of which are the Trinity and Assumption Cathedrals. The Trinity-Sergius Lavra itself is considered today a museum reserve.

August 11, 1959 - opened a new airport in Moscow - "Sheremetyevo"

At first, it was designed only for domestic flights, a year later the airport already received planes from Schönefeld, then to Paris, New York and many other countries. The opening of the second terminal was timed to coincide with the "Olympics 80". More than 460 thousand passengers went through its registration in just a month of the Olympics. Today it is an all-weather airport with a very high status throughout the world. Its services are used by more than 9 million passengers a year, connecting Moscow with more than 100 countries of the world.

August 11, 1973 - The first screening of the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring" on television.

The popular writer Yulian Semenov wrote a series of books about the Soviet intelligence agent Maxim Isaev. Some of them were filmed, but such a success as this film could not even be imagined. The whole country froze in front of the TV at this hour. It became crowded on the streets - everyone watched the ups and downs of the famous Max Stirlitz performed by Vyacheslav Tikhonov.

The director of the project is Tamara Lioznova, a talented and persistent specialist in her field. It is difficult to say what exactly made the film so popular - the amazing work of the director, the unique selection of actors, great music, songs performed by Joseph Kobzon - most likely, all this taken together. Interest in the film does not disappear even 40 years after its release on television.

Born on August 11

Stephen Wozniak (1950) - creator of Apple I, founder of Apple Computer Co

Creating his company, Stephen Wozniak did not expect that in a few years he would become a millionaire. It is interesting that he gave the name of the company when he saw the image of an apple on the music album of his favorite Beatles band. Today, the founder of the company has a stake and holds a symbolic position. In addition to Apple, he founded a number of companies and wrote an autobiographical book.

Hulk Hogan nicknamed "Hollywood" (1953) - the famous wrestling wrestler

The American athlete had an impressive size. At first, his hobby was baseball, but at an older age he was noticed by the Wrestling coach and helped him to make a career - to win all conceivable and inconceivable fights. He held the world title for many years - 1984-1991. He left the sport on charges of using steroids, and immediately made his debut on the movie screen as an actor in the movie "Rocky III".

Name day on August 11

Alexander, Konstantin, Kuzma, Mikhail, Roman, Seraphim, Alexei, Anatoly, Benjamin, Nikolai.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).