The meaning of the name Pauline


Pauline (Appolinaria) - has ancient Greek roots, in translation means - dedicated to Apollo - the god of light and predictions. However, they do not exclude another version of the birth of the name. According to some researchers, it came out of England as a derivative form of the name Peacock. Polina is a rather rare name, but it’s a rarity that makes him so noticeable and attractive.

Pauline - character traits

In childhood, Fields is active and energetic, she wants to be in time, do everything. She is extremely independent, gets along with other children. With her intricate cunning, she seeks from her parents everything that she pleases, but remains an easygoing and obedient child. She is relaxed and welcoming with guests; shyness and modesty are not her element.

At school, Polina is a pretty girl. She just has so many things to do, and not to study at all. In addition to the school curriculum, the girl still has various circles, dances, etc. A child miraculously combines several things at once.

Physically growing up, in her soul Polina remains the same little girl who is not peculiar to self-interest; she, like a child, enjoys every little thing. The girl is very clean, loves order in everything. In addition, she is a great fashionista, distinguished by her excellent taste and experimenting with her appearance, but Polina cannot be called a spender.

She is indifferent to career and professional success; she is simple and unenvious, sincerely rejoices for other people, and in sorrow she will turn her shoulder and cry with you. But if a girl is strongly offended and humiliated, she can take revenge - Polina does not spare the enemies. The girl is characterized by independence in decision-making, Polina does not succumb to the influence of others and does everything in her own way. If Paula thinks up something - not to convince her!

In relationships with men, Polina is often restrained, but, having recognized her partner well, reveals herself like a flower, showing her true passion. She is a wonderful wife and mother, able to turn a family nest into a cozy oasis.

Pauline - name compatibility

A reliable marriage is most likely expected with Alexander, Efim, Vitaly, Yuri, Denis and Konstantin. May not be lucky with Anatoly, Igor or Vadim.

Famous people named Pauline

P. Gelman - the hero of S. Union (made almost 900 sorties), P. Dashkova - writer, P. Kutepova - actress, P. Osipenko - aviator, P. Strepetova - famous theater actress, P. Gagarina - singer, P. Petrova is a poetess.

Polina - interesting facts about the name

- zodiac affiliation - Capricorn;
- planet - Moon and Saturn;
- colors of the name - red (most favorable), light blue, light green, golden;
- plants - lotus, poplar, strawberries;
- animal - a swan;
- stone mascot - ruby.


Polina 12/21/2016
it's all not true I'm not like that

Polina 10/06/2016
In my opinion, this is a very beautiful name, and rare. Polina can always stand up for herself and will not be a quiet mouse. Thanks to my parents for calling me that name.

Olivia 04/10/2016
Polina, not only a beautiful name, but also girls with this name, are usually very beautiful. But, not bright, defiant beauty, but soft, homely. What is much more valuable! And Polina herself, all her life corresponds to her appearance - the same kind and soft.

Polina 04/10/2016
I don’t know how others think, and I don’t want to know. I really like my name, beautiful and not hackneyed. A mass fashion is opening up for many names, and all the girls are called by the same names, I am glad that this did not happen with my name.

Brunette 04/10/2016
Very nice girl. That is her charm, that she has everything in moderation. There are positive aspects, but in the bad ones, she does not participate. In my opinion, this is normal. Not everyone can be lively activists, and this does not always lead to success. The main thing is to become a good mother.


Watch the video: Meaning of Pauline (July 2024).