To the broth instead of bread - cheese cakes on kefir. Recipes of fried and baked kefir cheese cakes with fillings


Products made of dough with cheese are traditional in southern European countries.

They are loved in Greece and Italy, cooked on the Mediterranean coast of France.

Cheeses are used as a filling, or simply interfere with the dough.

The dough itself is often prepared on fermented milk products such as whey, yogurt, or kefir.

This technology allows you to get a gentle, bubbly dough, very well fried in a pan. When frying, they often do without adding oil.

Kefir cheese cakes - general principles of preparation

• Cheese cakes are prepared by baking on a baking sheet in the oven, fried in vegetable fat or in a dry frying pan. They can be prepared with or without filling.

• The dough is kneaded on kefir, to which salt, granulated sugar, a baking powder (soda or a special powder - baking powder baking powder) are added. Sometimes instead of a cultivator, yeast is used that is previously bred in milk.

• To make the cheese cakes lush, the flour must be sifted through a rare sieve twice. Add it to the liquid base in the last turn, in small portions. This allows you to adjust the density of the dough, which can be both liquid and dense.

• Spread the batter into the preheated oil with spoons, and divide the batter into pieces and roll out with a rolling pin. If the cakes are cooked with a filling, then it is placed on the center of the rolled cakes. Then they fasten the edges of the dough, collecting them over the filling, and slightly roll the cake on both sides.

• Cheese is taken semi-hard or hard. It is rubbed or cut into small cubes. You can add cottage cheese, suluguni, processed or smoked cheese, and feta cheese to cheese. Cheese is added to the dough or put in the filling, it all depends on the recipe.

• Cheese cakes are rarely served as the main course, but they are great for fresh vegetable salads. They can replace the bread served for the first and second courses.

Cooked kefir cheese pancakes stuffed with boiled sausage


• one glass of low-fat kefir;

• Refined sugar - a little more than half of the tea. spoons;

• 150 gr. Kostroma cheese;

• white baking flour - 2 full glasses;

• half tsp or a little less - soda;

• vegetable oil for frying cakes.

To the filling:

• 200 grams of cooked sausage (without lard).

Cooking method:

1. Pre-heat kefir by placing the container under a stream of warm water. Pour the right amount into a mixing bowl. Add salt, soda, granulated sugar and mix well.

2. On a fine grater in kefir grate cheese. Pour all the sifted flour at once and knead a soft dough that does not stick to your hands.

3. Form a sausage from it and cut it into eight parts. Roll round cakes, and in the middle place the filling of coarsely grated sausage.

4. Close up the edges of the cake, forming a triangle, and fry in heated vegetable oil.

5. It is necessary to fry on medium heat, covering it with a lid.

Kefir cheese pancakes fried in a pan without oil


• 350 gr. wheat white flour;

• one fresh egg;

• vegetable oil, frozen out, into the dough;

• frozen cream or “Sandwich” butter - 50 gr .;

• 1 tsp Sahara;

• a glass of high fat kefir.

To the filling:

• fresh egg - 1 pc.

• 400 gr. "Poshekhonsky" cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Break the egg into warm kefir. Put granulated sugar and salt, and stirring, pour 2 teaspoons of oil.

2. Pour one cup of twice-sifted flour and a little less than 0.5 tablespoon of soda and start kneading. Add the flour gradually until you get an elastic dough. It may stick a little, but it’s good to keep in shape.

3. Tightly cover the bowl with the dough with a cloth and let stand for about half an hour.

4. For the filling, grate cheese into coarse crumbs and mix it with a raw egg.

5. Flour the table with plenty of flour. Divide the dough into nine equal pieces and form cakes out of them.

6. In the middle of each, place the prepared cheese filling. Lift the edges and pat them over the center filling.

7. Turn the workpiece seam-down and roll it slightly with a rolling pin. After that, turn over again and also roll a little.

8. Heat over a small fire, but do not heat the pan and put the billets into it. Fry, covered with a lid, until a soft golden hue is obtained on both sides. No need to pour oil into the pan.

Cheese cakes on kefir with herbs (in a pan, without oil)


• 250 ml of low-fat kefir;

• 450 gr. wheat baking flour;

• small boiled salt - a full teaspoon;

• as a ripper - soda, 1 tsp.

To the filling:

• Kostroma cheese - 200 gr.;

• "Suluguni" - 200 gr.;

• young herbs to taste;

• large clove of garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Put soda in warmed kefir. Stir well and set aside for a quarter of an hour.

2. Add the flour, add salt and knead the dough. While kneading, raise the dough several times and drop it sharply on the table - beat off. This will make it more elastic, and help to avoid tearing when rolling.

3. Transfer the ball-shaped dough into a bag and let it “rest” for 40 minutes.

4. Grate cheeses with a medium grater, and garlic - fine. Chop fresh greens with a knife, and mix it with cheese chips and garlic.

5. From the dough, form a not too thin sausage and divide it in equal pieces. From each hands, fashion the cakes and put the filling on them.

6. Gather the edges of the dough with a “bag” and stick them well with your fingers. Slightly stretching the "bag" with your hands, form a small cake out of it and gently roll it with a rolling pin. The thickness of the workpiece should not be more than 0.5 cm. When rolling, make sure that the dough does not break.

7. On moderate heat, put a dry thick-walled pan and heat it well. Transfer the cakes to the pan and fry them, turning them after 4 minutes on the opposite side.

8. During frying, items may bubble up a lot. In this case, the cake must be raised with a spatula, wait until the air bubbles go away and put back.

Oven kefir cheese cakes


• flour with high gluten - 400 gr .;

• fine salt, boiling out - 0.5 tsp., And the same amount of soda;

• dense processed cheese;

• 1 tsp unrefined sugar;

• large crumbs of "Dutch" cheese - 2/3 cup.

Cooking method:

1. Dissolve soda in slightly warmed kefir and mix the foaming mass well. Five minutes later, add granulated sugar, salt and mix well again.

2. Continuing stirring, pour in the grated cheese. When it disperses evenly over kefir, finely rub the cream cheese into the mixture.

3. Then start adding the double-sifted flour. Pour in small pieces (one spoonful), of course, without interrupting stirring. Add flour, achieving a homogeneous dough, almost not sticky to the hands. Cover the bowl with a lid or towel, and leave to “distance” for 20 minutes.

4. Sprinkle plenty of flour on the table. Divide the dough into three parts. From each roll a sausage with a diameter of 6 cm, which then cut into pieces of 3 cm thickness. Roll out each such piece with a centimeter-thick flat cake and transfer to a baking sheet covered with parchment.

5. Pierce the flat cakes over the entire surface with a fork and brush a tablespoon of sour cream whipped with yolk and salt.

6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a frypot with items in it for 10 minutes.

7. Then transfer the cakes to a deep saucepan and let stand under a closed lid for 10 minutes.

Quick Kefir batter cheese cakes


• one and a half glasses of wheat white flour;

• nonfat kefir, fresh - 250 ml;

• 200 gr. Russian or any similar cheese;

• 1 tsp cultivator (soda);

• sugar - a full teaspoon.

To the filling:

• 200 gr. sausage cheese (you can smoked "Suluguni");

• fresh greens and hot peppers to taste.

Cooking method:

1. At room temperature, mix kefir with half a teaspoon of salt, soda and granulated sugar. Cut the hard cheese into small, half-centimeter cubes and mix it with kefir. Cheese can also be grated.

2. Constantly stirring the mixture, in small portions, introduce the flour and bring the dough to a thick greasy sour cream.

3. Grate smoked cheese in a small bowl with large crumbs. Add a little chopped greens, pepper and mix well.

4. On moderate heat in a thick-walled pan, heat the refined oil well.

5. Put the dough into the butter with a large spoon and smooth it with a spoon, shaping the cakes.

6. When the surface of the products begins to “bubble” slightly, lay on them a little filling. After about a minute, pour the dough on it with a spoon so that the cheese is not visible, and wait until the bottom is browned. Turn the tortilla over and brown the other side.

The fastest kefir cheese cakes with cottage cheese


• homemade cottage cheese - 150 gr.;

• 150 ml of nonfat fresh kefir;

• hard fresh cheese - 150 gr.;

• two tables. tablespoons of white wheat flour;

• a small bunch of dill;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• two fresh eggs.

Cooking method:

1. On a medium grater, rub hard cheese. Combine cheese chips with homemade cottage cheese and mix well with a fork.

2. Break the eggs into the cheese mass and pour the kefir. Season with pepper, add salt, while stirring, pour in chopped greens.

3. Enter the flour sifted with the cultivator and continue to mix until all the flour has dispersed. Flour lumps should not remain.

4. In a small thick-walled pan, heat two tablespoons of vegetable oil well. Put a couple of spoons of dough into it and gently smooth it over the entire surface.

5. When the bottom is well browned, pry it and turn over with the spatula to the back. Put the fried cakes on a disposable towel, and only after that put them on a plate.

Oven kefir cheese cakes in the oven


• 2.5% kefir - 150 ml;

• milk of low fat content - 150 ml;

• a tablespoon of sugar;

• 100 gr. cheese "Kostroma";

• 1 tbsp. l granular yeast;

• white wheat flour - 3.5 cups;

• a spoonful of small paprika and Provencal herbs mixture;

• 75 ml of olive, quality oil.

Cooking method:

1. Separately, slightly warm the milk and kefir.

2. Dissolve the yeast in the milk and then the sugar. Stir the mixture well and set aside for a quarter of an hour in heat.

3. Pour olive oil into kefir, salt with a little less than a teaspoon, and add yeast diluted in milk. Stir, add the whole portion of flour and knead. Cover the bowl with the dough with a cloth and place in heat for about an hour. This is enough to double the volume.

4. When the dough rises well, divide it in half and roll it with a rolling pin into thin billets up to 0.5 cm.

5. Transfer them to a roasting pan moistened with oil, and let them walk for 20 minutes.

6. When the cakes come up, grease them with olive oil. Rub the cheese on top with a fine grater. Sprinkle with paprika and a mixture of Provencal herbs.

7. Place the roasting pan in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for up to 20 minutes, guided by the rosy crust.

Cheese cakes on kefir - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Kefir and all liquid components of the dough should be at the same temperature - room temperature or slightly warmed up.

• Do not heat kefir on an open fire, it is better to remove it in advance from the refrigerator and place the container in hot water.

• Add soda or a cultivator directly to kefir or mix with flour before adding it to the liquid.

• So that the flour does not stray into lumps, pour it gradually, stirring after each addition.

• The dough mixed with kefir will become more elastic, and will not tear when rolled out, if after kneading it “knock” it several times on a table or bowl.

• Be sure to leave the kefir dough to "rest" for a while. It will become softer, and the cakes will be more magnificent.

• Cakes already formed with cheese filling should be rolled out very carefully, otherwise the dough will burst and the cheese will leak when frying.


Watch the video: How to make a quick cheese pie in a pan (June 2024).