Pistachio diet: how to lose weight with nuts


Finally, nutritionists have begun a comprehensive study of pistachios. During the experiment, they discovered one amazing property of this tasty nut: it turns out that it contributes to weight loss. Yes, that's right - just eat pistachios and lose those extra pounds!

Experts have developed a unique diet, which they called without a fancy - pistachio. If you doubt its effectiveness, listen to the opinion of experts, who during the study found that despite the fact that pistachios are a very high-calorie product, they in no way affect the weight. Nutritionists invited volunteers who ate pistachios instead of potatoes, corn, dairy products and sweets to participate in testing. The result struck the imagination of scientists - none of the subjects gained weight.

The secret of the diet is surprisingly simple. California pistachios contain a lot of fat, but they have fewer calories than walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds. Thirty pistachios contain only 100 calories, which is why the pistachio diet is so useful for those who want to lose weight. Pistachios are rich in fiber, so they lower cholesterol, help maintain an optimal balance of sugar levels and reduce the risk of cancer. Due to the high content of protein and fiber, pistachios saturate the body much faster than other products, so you can eat less pistachios and completely satisfy your hunger.

Dishes, in which pistachios are added, are always original and tasty due to their unusual taste. For example, strawberries with cream cheese and pistachios. Pistachios are also added to a variety of confectionery and sweets. Pistachios can be put in salads, sauces and meat dishes, and fried pistachios will be an excellent addition to dessert wines and champagne. Before adding to various dishes, these nuts do not need to be specially processed, since the shell protects the kernels from possible contamination.

If you decide to try the pistachio diet on yourself, keep in mind: pistachios are still nuts containing a lot of fats, so in order to lose weight you will have to slightly reduce the fat content of the remaining foods.


Peppy 09/29/2016
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Galya7 09/21/2016
It seems to me that with the help of nuts you will not lose weight, if there are a lot of them, then the opposite effect will go.


Watch the video: Pistachios: The Best Snack For Weight Loss (July 2024).