Cooking airy and affordable kefir pies. Cooking and serving sweet kefir pies


Sour-milk and dairy products are widely used in the preparation of various types of dough and creams for them. The acid contained in kefir, yogurt and whey is an excellent natural ingredient for quenching baking soda. Gases formed in the process perfectly "raise" the dough, make it lush and airy.

Kefir pies are easy to prepare, do not require rare products, or sophisticated baking technology. However, experimenting with the compliant kefir dough, of course, is possible. Often, housewives choose a proven, reliable recipe to devote more time to preparing the filling. Kefir technology is just the point here. Well, some plain jam and fresh fruits, or even exotic citruses will go to the filling. And do not be surprised then if the kids call your cake a cake.

Sweet kefir pies - general principles of preparation

• Sweet cakes are baked with or without filling. The filling for them can be fresh or frozen berries, apples, sorrel, cottage cheese, both by itself and with canned pineapples and even coconut flakes.

• Most of the kefir pies are baked from batter, but there are also recipes for kneading thick dough, such as yeast.

• To bake well, use low-fat kefir. The freshness of the product does not matter, it will be even better if it is already several days old.

• In kefir dough for sweet cakes, eggs, sugar and a test dough cultivator (baking soda or special powder) are required. Soda is quenched with solutions of food acids - acetic, citric, or added quick.

• In addition to basic products, mayonnaise, seedless fruit and berry jam, creamy margarine or butter, vegetable fat (sunflower oil), cocoa or specially prepared fruit puree can also be added to it.

• Bake sweet kefir pies in special split or regular round shapes, small deep baking sheets. You can also cook them in a slow cooker.

• Sprinkle the top of chilled baked goods with powdered sugar, cover with chocolate icing or grease with boiled condensed milk.

Sweet kefir pie with berry filling


• three eggs;

• a little over 100 g of white flour (two-thirds of a glass);

• half a glass of medium-fat kefir;

• half a glass of mayonnaise;

• soda;

• sugar - 200 gr.

To the filling:

1. fresh or frozen berries - 500-600 gr.;

2.100 gr. granulated sugar;

3. five table. tablespoons of dry starch.

Cooking method:

1. Jam with kefir. Add quicklime soda (0.5 tsp), mix well and leave for five minutes.

2. Then add mayonnaise, pour in granulated sugar, flour and stir the dough well with a whisk.

3. Pour granulated sugar into the prepared berries. Let stand for about ten minutes and drain the juice. Add potato starch and mix well.

4. Lubricate the sides and the bottom of the refractory form with softened margarine and sprinkle well with semolina or white breadcrumbs. Pour about half of the dough into a mold and place it in the oven (220 degrees).

5. When the top is “grabbed” - it will be non-fluid and at the same time will not begin to blush, remove the cake from the oven. Lay the berries on it, fill it with the left dough and put it back.

6. Bake, without changing the temperature, until cooked, until the top is lightly browned. Readiness is checked by piercing the baking surface with a toothpick. If traces of dough are visible on the surface, the cake needs to be baked.

Charlotte - a sweet kefir pie with icing


• butter, natural butter - 100 gr.;

• 250 gr. white sugar;

• one fresh egg;

• 500 gr. white flour;

• vanilla powder;

• 250 ml of 3.2% kefir;

• lemon juice or table vinegar - 1 tbsp. l .;

• five large apples.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peeled and peeled apples into small, oblong slices or thin plates.

2. Mild heat, preferably in a water bath, melt the oil. Cool, pour in granulated sugar and break the egg. Add vanilla powder on the tip of the knife, pour in warm yogurt and shake well with a whisk until smooth.

3. Put baking soda (0.5 tsp) in a small soup ladle and extinguish with lemon juice or vinegar. When the mixture stops bubbling and hissing, introduce it into the kefir mass. Pouring flour, beat thoroughly. The dough should be sufficiently liquid and completely homogeneous, without flour lumps.

4. Moisten a deep small frypot with oil and pour in about half of the dough. Then lay the apples on it and pour them with the rest.

5. Bake a cake in the oven for half an hour, at 200 degrees, then remove it from the mold and cool slightly.

6. While the baking is cooling, coarsely break the chocolate into the condensed milk and set to heat on a small fire. When the chocolate has completely melted, mix well and coat the cooled cake with the prepared glaze.

Kefir tangerine sweet cake


• large tangerines - 6 pcs.;

• 100 gr. softened sweet cream butter;

• 200 gr. refined sugar (sand);

• the egg is fresh;

• warm kefir - a full glass + 2 tbsp. l .;

• three full glasses of baking flour;

• baking powder - 2 tsp;

• a little sugar powder for decoration.

Cooking method:

1. Peel all tangerines. Divide five pieces into slices, and break the kitchen processor to a puree state.

2. Mash granulated sugar with softened butter. Introduce a slightly beaten egg, a small pinch of salt. Pour in tangerine puree, kefir and mix well with a mixer.

3. Add flour, a cultivator, sifted through a rare sieve, and knead the dough without delay.

4. Moisten the round shape with butter, smooth the dough on it and bake a beautiful rosy cake at 180 degrees.

5. Cool the finished tangerine pie, sprinkle with an even layer of powdered sugar and decorate the remaining mandarin slices, peeled from the white film.

Yogurt kefir pie with sorrel


• creamy margarine - 65 grams;

• half a glass of 1% kefir;

• one raw egg;

• two tables. tablespoons of sugar;

• 30 gr. fresh alcoholic yeast;

• a pinch of salt;

• half a kilogram of premium wheat flour.

To the filling:

• fresh sorrel - 300 gr.;

• icing sugar;

• a teaspoon of starch.

Cooking method:

1. Sort the sorrel from the garbage, remove the stems and put them on a linen towel to dry.

2. Dissolve the yeast in 50 ml of lukewarm water, add sugar there. Stir the yeast mixture well and keep warm for 15 minutes.

3. Pour melted chilled margarine and kefir into a large bowl. Add a small pinch of salt, break the egg and pour in the approached yeast, stir with a whisk. Knead the plastic dough, adding flour in small portions. Properly cooked, it should not stick.

4. Cut dried sorrel leaves into medium-sized strips and mix with sugar (4 tablespoons) and starch.

5. Divide the dough into two equal parts and roll each circle. Put one of them in a mold greased with vegetable oil and put on it a sorrel filling. Then put the second circle and pinch the edges of the cake.

6. Put the roasting pan in the oven for 40 minutes, withstanding heating to 180 degrees.

Sweet cake on kefir with coconut in a slow cooker - "Kukhen"


• fresh chicken egg;

• 200 gr. white sugar;

• 250 ml of 2.5% kefir;

• one and a half glasses of flour;

• a bag of vanilla sugar;

• a tablespoon of dough ripper.

• 200 ml of 22% cream;

• white coconut shavings - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. In kefir dilute granulated sugar. Add vanilla sugar, egg and beat well. Introduce the cultivator and, pouring in portions of flour, knead the dough.

2. Lubricate the crock-pot with softened butter or margarine. Place the dough in it and sprinkle it with coconut and sugar on top.

3. It takes 75 minutes to prepare, the processor mode is “Baking”.

4. At the end, immediately open the lid, pour the cream and, closing it again, simmer on the "Heating" for 20 minutes.

5. Carefully remove the finished cake from the bowl and transfer to a serving dish.

Kefir curd cake with pineapple


• 180 gr. Sahara;

• 100 ml of vegetable oil;

• two chicken eggs;

• 12 gr. baking powder;

• 2.5% kefir - 200 ml;

• premium baking wheat flour - 300 gr.

To the filling:

• 250 gr. 9% cottage cheese;

• one raw fresh egg;

• three tablespoons of sugar;

• 350 gram can of pineapples, preserved in slices;

• vanillin.

Cooking method:

1. Mash eggs well with sugar. Pour in kefir, vegetable oil and stir well with a spoon. Without stirring, add the sifted flour twice, a cultivator. To make it easier to achieve a uniform consistency, first add only a third of the flour and mix it well. Then pour the remaining and stir again. The mass does not need to be whipped, so stir everything with a spoon only.

2. In a separate container, mix the egg and cottage cheese, pour sugar, and then vanillin. If cottage cheese with large grains, grind it on a sieve.

3. Take a detachable form, optimally - with a diameter of 22-25 cm and grease its sides and bottom with vegetable oil. Pour into a thick, reminiscent of homemade sour cream, dough and gently smooth it with a spoon.

4. A large spoon in a checkerboard pattern, lay half of the curd filling. Put the pineapple slices in the next layer, and then, filling the places free from the filling, lay out the rest of the filling.

5. Preheat the oven in 180 degree mode and place a roasting pan in it. Bake, following the color of the surface, for no more than 50 minutes.

6. At the end, cool slightly, carefully remove from the mold and cut into pieces.

Quick chocolate sweet kefir pie


• white sugar - 200 gr.;

• two tablespoons of cocoa powder;

• 100 gr. natural butter, unsalted butter;

• 300 ml low-fat kefir;

• three chicken eggs;

• three glasses of wheat flour;

• table 9% vinegar;

• 100 gr. black, not less than 74%, chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Mix sugar and dry cocoa. Add eggs, melted chilled butter, pour in kefir and mix thoroughly. Sugar crystals should dissolve. Pour the flour and beat well with a whisk, breaking all the flour lumps. Quench a teaspoon of soda with vinegar and pour the mixture into the dough after it ceases to "sizzle". Stir the dough with a whisk, but do not whisk.

2. Lubricate a small deep rectangular baking sheet or round roasting pan with oil and fill with batter.

3. Bake when heated 180 degrees 25 minutes. Check the readiness by piercing with a wooden toothpick or match. After puncture, they should remain dry.

4. Remove the cake from the mold and let it cool by transferring it to a wooden board.

5. In a small saucepan in a water bath, melt the grated chocolate and grease the cooled pastries with it.

Sweet kefir pies - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Mix the cultivator with flour during sifting or add to kefir. Mix acid sludge with acidic media well with the dough, and then soak for about a quarter of an hour. Pour into the form only after small “bubbles” of air begin to appear on its surface.

• If you add jam to the dough, then mix the soda first with it, and pour the kefir after the mixture has stood a little.

• To make pies rise better, take a warm sour-milk product, or slightly heat it.

• Do not overdo it by adding sugar. From its excess, the dough will become faded and will not rise.

• Be sure to mix berries and sorrel with potato starch, then the juice will not flow out of the pie.

• Cover the surface of the cakes with icing and sprinkle with powdered sugar only after they have completely cooled. Otherwise, the powder will melt, and the icing will flow.


Watch the video: Semolina Pie with Kefir - (June 2024).