What is the church dreaming about


Why the church dreams - according to Miller’s dream book

Walking past the church is a sign of anticipation of big changes, but, unfortunately, your plans will not come true if you do not cross the threshold of the holy monastery. The emptiness and gloom in the church portend the imminent death of one of the acquaintances (not close). A deserted abandoned building speaks of vague prospects, expectations, passivity, aimlessness. In order to achieve something, you need not sit idly by in anticipation of a miracle, but act!

What the church dreams about - according to Wangi’s dream book

The spiritual abode is a symbol of repentance, purification, inner fear for the future, despair. To enter there - a dream warns that it is time to repent of perfect sins, to suppress selfishness and desire for profit. If you are present at a service, then you are surrounded by loving and understanding friends.

An abandoned church with boarded up doors and windows testifies to spiritual closure. And sometimes it’s just necessary to share experiences with loved ones. The crowd of people in the monastery is a sign of impending religious strife. To build a church in a dream is self-forgiveness.

What the church dreams about - according to Freud's dream book

A church or temple in dreams is a female image. If a man went inside, it means that he is faithful to his beloved, if he couldn’t for any reason - this is a sign of insecurity in his sexuality, throwing between two fires, as well as a craving for a constant change of partners, the inability to determine a relationship.

If a girl cannot cross the threshold of the church, then she feels cold in relation to her partner. The ruined building is dreaming of physical dissatisfaction.

What the church dreams about - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The Divine House, of course, personifies purity, wealth of the inner world, cultural prosperity. A beautiful snow-white church with towering domes portends the heyday of the country, the establishment of useful ties and a way out of the crisis. The collapsed one testifies to spiritual degradation, the loss of the inner core. Singing in a church choir - to remorse, build - to a reward for good deeds.

A dream in which a vile devilish serpent blocked the entrance promises a sinful fall of mankind. Many will be deceived and will believe in the miracles of the great magicians sent by Satan. The dream reports that the Lord suffers when he sees such debauchery. It's time to repent, for the end is near.

The church, absorbed in flames, predicts enmity between generations, a violation of the natural balance and general order.

What the church dreams about - according to Loff's dream book

The image of a church or temple, as a rule, appears in difficult periods of life, when we acutely feel a lack of support from our close circle, despair, mental anguish, suffering. Therefore, intuitively cling to the only hope - God.

What the church dreams about - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

- pray in front of the icon - to find peace, good luck;
- enter - feel remorse;
- see in the distance or pass by - to a profitable meeting.
- burning - to disaster;
- take part in the construction - to promotion.

What the church dreams about - according to Hasse's dream book

As a symbol of spiritual purity, the church promises you a beautiful future. Feeling comfort, joy and ease from communicating with God in a dream is a sign that the Almighty will not leave you in difficult times and will give a helping hand. Hearing church singing - to fulfill a cherished desire, and for a sinner - to punishment; the ruined cloister is a symbol of sorrow and need. If the church terrifies you of dreams, you need to urgently baptize and purify yourself, as this dream has a diabolical nature and portends a stray from the true path.

What the church dreams about - according to the dream book of Meneghetti

The image of the church in dreams is the subconscious of the subject, “beyond I”, its hidden motives and possibilities.

What the church dreams about - according to Longo's dream book

Seeing a church is a sign that you need to visit it in reality. Abandoned speaks of the poor state of your spiritual essence, estrangement from unity with nature. You need a mentor to help you gain faith in yourself, God, and good. Begin by reading the scriptures!


Watch the video: What does church dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (July 2024).