How the sciatic nerve hurts: symptoms and causes. What to do if the sciatic nerve hurts: treatment methods


The sciatic nerve is one of the most important and largest in the whole body.

Its main function is to give the limbs adjustable movements.

It has an increased sensitivity, therefore it becomes inflamed more often than other nerves.

Let us consider in more detail why the sciatic nerve can hurt and how to cope with it.

How the sciatic nerve hurts: the main symptoms of the disease

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve is accompanied by such manifestations:

1. Burning or stitching pain in the buttocks and lower back, which will be more intense in the direction of inflammation.

2. Very pronounced acute pain during physical exertion, as well as during bends and turns.

3. The attack on the leg in which the nerve has become inflamed becomes impossible, since at the same time a person will feel a strong pain syndrome.

4. Sometimes there is an involuntary bowel movement or urination.

5. Increase in body temperature to 38 degrees.

6. Swelling of the inflamed area and redness of the skin.

7. Weakness in the body.

8. Atrophy of the muscles.

9. Shooting pains that occur even when the body is lying down.

10. A tingling sensation in the lower body.

11. Spasm in the lower body.

12. Partial paralysis of a person can be observed in especially severe cases.

Why the sciatic nerve hurts: the main reasons

Most often, this ailment is provoked by the following factors and diseases:

1. Severe hypothermia of the area where the sciatic nerve is located. This can happen even in the warm season, when the lower back of a person is not covered with clothing.

2. Infections that lead to inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the sciatic nerve.

3. Tinea versicolor.

4. Excessive physical exertion, which leads to overload of the spine and muscles.

5. Sharp inclinations or movements.

6. Gout.

7. Chronic osteochondrosis.

8. Injuries to the lower back or pelvis.

9. Injuries to organs located in the pelvis.

10. Hernia of the intervertebral discs.

11. Pinched sciatic nerve.

12. The development of oncological pathologies.

13. The presence of urological or gynecological diseases.

14. Diabetes mellitus.

15. Overweight, which leads to an overload of the musculoskeletal system and pressure vessels.

16. Postpartum injuries.

17. Pregnancy with a large fetus.

18. Arterial thrombi.

19. Intoxication of the body.

Sciatic nerve pain: treatment

Therapeutic therapy in this condition is aimed at relieving acute pain symptom and inflammation. Immediately after the occurrence of unpleasant manifestations, you should contact such doctors as a neurologist or neurologist.

Traditional drug therapy involves the intake of such groups of drugs:

1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for oral administration or topical application (Ketoprofen, Diclofenac, Paracetamol).

2. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments (Finalgon, Apizatron).

3. Ointments with a chondroprotective effect (Chondroxide, Teraflex, Khodroitin).

4. Ointments for pain and swelling (Fastum gel, Voltaren gel, Diclovit).

5. Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (hydrocortisone).

6. Sedatives and antidepressants will help relieve stress and calm a person.

7. Pain medication (Nurofen).

8. Vitamin complexes and calcium.

Also, if the virus became the cause of the disease, then antiviral and antibacterial drugs are prescribed to the patient.

If pain in the sciatic nerve develops due to oncological pathology, then the patient is referred to the oncologist to conduct a more thorough diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

What to do when the sciatic nerve hurts: treatment tips

In order to get rid of this ailment as soon as possible, it is recommended to follow such therapeutic measures and procedures:

1. Perform therapeutic exercises, as it is very effective for inflammation of the sciatic nerve. At the same time, one should not forget that even such a load should be moderate.

2. Sleep on a hard orthopedic mattress, which will relieve stress from the back.

3. Limit physical activity during acute inflammation.

4. Perform physiotherapy. The most effective are the following procedures:

• warm compresses;

• warming up;

• phonophoresis;

• acupuncture.

5. In the serious condition of the patient, when he cannot even get out of bed, he is assigned an individual program of exercises that can be performed even in the supine position. This load will help prevent muscle atrophy and support the body.

6. Surgical treatment can also be carried out with inflammation of the sciatic nerve, but only if conservative medical treatment does not give the expected results, the patient suffers from chronic pain, and he develops a malfunction of the pelvic organs.

7. Applications with heated wax have recently gained popularity, as they help relieve swelling, pain and improve overall blood circulation in the back. To do this, the patient's skin surface must be treated with fat, and then carefully apply beeswax heated in a water bath. Before this, it needs to be slightly cooled so that a person does not receive skin burns.

Further, the lower back is wrapped in a warm blanket, and left so for an hour. Repeating this procedure three times a week can significantly improve the patient's condition.

8. Massage is one of the most effective treatments for acute inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Thanks to him, the patient can not only reduce pain and swelling, but also restore impaired blood circulation and improve the general tone of the muscles of the body.

Massage should be done in courses: 10-15 sessions per month. After this, you need to take a two-week break, and then repeat the treatment again.

It is important to know: that after a massage of the lower back, a person should keep it warm. To do this, you need to wear a warm sweater or wrap yourself in a plaid, otherwise the effect of this procedure will be much less.

What to do so that the sciatic nerve does not start to hurt: preventative measures

To protect yourself from the development of inflammation in the sciatic nerve, you should follow these tips:

1. Avoid too intense physical activity on the lower back and spine. It is important to know that if a person is not involved in professional sports, then he is strictly forbidden to lift all sorts of weights, as this can easily provoke the development of lower back pain.

2. Dress for the weather and avoid hypothermia of the lumbar region. It is important to know that even a small draft can cause excruciating back pain.

3. Engage in physical activity. The most useful are long walks, a visit to the pool, yoga, cycling and fitness. At the same time, it is very important that such loads be regular (at least three times a week), because otherwise they will cause more harm, weeks of benefit (muscles unaccustomed to the load will constantly hurt).

4. People leading a sedentary lifestyle and working at a computer should do gymnastics for the back every day, since they are most susceptible to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in particular, the spine, neck and lower back. It is also advisable for them to sit on a chair with an orthopedic back.

5. You should monitor your posture and take the necessary measures when it is bent, because in the neglected form these diseases can provoke pinching of the intervertebral disc and the development of inflammation in the sciatic nerve.

6. Put a uniform load on the back (carry heavy bags not in one but in two hands)

7. If unpleasant symptoms occur in the lumbar region, it is important not to self-medicate, but to contact a specialist as soon as possible and conduct a thorough diagnosis, since neglected inflammation of the sciatic nerve can cause a person very severe pain.

8. Control your weight and prevent obesity.

9. During pregnancy, it is recommended to wear a special supportive bandage, which will remove the burden from the back.

10. Treat diabetes and other chronic diseases that can cause inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

According to neuropathologists, following the above recommendations can reduce the risk of inflammation in the sciatic nerve by 80%.


Watch the video: Signs You Have Sciatica (July 2024).