Question to the doctor: why the nose itches, it is necessary to treat or it will pass by itself. Medical reasons and possible diagnoses: itchy nose - what to do?


People say: a good nose feels a fist in three days.

Doctors think differently.

Itching in the nose is an obsessive condition that provokes a strong desire to scratch the affected area. This not only causes discomfort to a person, but can also be a sign of a serious illness.

Why does the nose itch and how to identify the true cause? This is done based on the individual symptoms of the patient. It is possible that the cause of the itching is a simple allergy, in any case, the diagnosis must be entrusted to the doctor.

Why itchy nose: medical causes of the disease

1. Irritation of the mucosa. It is possible that pieces of animal hair or dust got inside.

2. During the winter season, during the heating season, the humidity in the room decreases. This may be the reason why the nose itches, because the mucous membrane is very dry.

3. Itching in humans can cause allergies not only to dust, but also to certain foods, pollen, or even mold.

4. Excessive hair growth in the nasal region (hypertrichosis) is often found in men. This ailment causes discomfort and constant itching from the inside of the mucosa.

5. Few people know that due to severe stress and constant nervous breakdowns, the nose can also begin to itch.

6. Seasonal colds.

7. Diseases of the skin. For example, it may be eczema, lichen, or psoriasis. Ailments affect the nervous system, which provokes severe itching not only in the nose, but throughout the skin.

8. Burn from sunshine.

9. Scabies is a disease in which the hands and all other parts of the body are very itchy. Black dots can be noticed, especially they stand out against the background of blond hair.

10. Wound healing. It has long been known that if a wound itches, then it heals. With the nose, this can also happen.

If a person cannot find the answer to the question of why the nose itches, he needs to examine his body. It is possible that after outdoor activities, he was bitten by ticks or mosquitoes. Also, itching is caused by bites of bed bugs.

Why does the nose itch: the main symptoms of the disease outside and inside the mucosa

1. Sneezing, accompanied by itching

Most often it occurs due to exposure to environmental irritants (allergens). It can be perfumes or detergents, cigarette smoke, pollen, dust or pet hair.

The body tries to remove harmful substances, as a result of which the person itches in the nose, and he begins to sneeze. Often this reaction is accompanied by swelling and runny nose, redness of the eyes (tears flow). In this situation, you need to visit a doctor to identify allergens and fence yourself against them. If this is not done, further ailments and dizziness are possible.

2. Itching in the eyes and nose

Why does the nose and the area around the eyes itch? Most often, the cause of the disease is allergy. The reaction of the body can be caused by household chemicals that the hostess uses daily. Other cleaning products are recommended. If the itching does not stop, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

3. Severe itching from inside the nose

Itching of the mucosa is a consequence of dry air. Very often it is accompanied by a runny nose, bleeding and headache. A person experiences special discomfort during sleep. Dry mucous membranes can occur in winter during the heating season or when using some drops for the nose. It is very important in case of a runny nose to choose the most natural drops that the nose does not dry out. You also need to open the window so that fresh air circulates in the living room regularly.

4. Cold and itchy nose

It is no secret that a cold is always accompanied by sneezing and itching in the nose to cause breathing discomfort. It is necessary to begin treatment and release the mucous membrane so that nothing bothers her. This can be done by washing the nose with a special solution or using drops that do not dry the vessel.

How to properly and safely deal with itchy nose

Why itchy nose - the reasons are clear. There is only one question left - how to deal with it in order to rid yourself of discomfort as quickly as possible? The recommendations and useful tips presented will help to cope with the disease.

1. For rhinitis (nasal congestion), nasal drops are recommended, the composition of which does not dry out the mucous membrane. These are Naphthyzin, Farmazolin, Nazol. Other drug names are specified by your doctor. No nose drops should be taken for longer than 7 days. It is important to observe the dosage prescribed in the instructions.

2. In the summer, it is advisable to purchase a humidifier. It can be ultrasonic or steam. This device will constantly maintain humidity in the room. You can also put an open container with water on the windowsill and start fish (since there is also water in the aquarium).

3. Poking around inside the nose with your finger is a habit that is harmful not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a medical one. All this can lead to infectious infections. Then there is no need to wonder why the nose itches.

4. Hypertrichosis (strong growth of hair in the nose) is common and you should not be shy about it. To get rid of itching of the mucous membrane, it is recommended to carefully cut the hair with sharp scissors with round tips. In no case, tweezers are used for this - the procedure is very painful and there is a risk of infection.

5. If a person’s nose is itchy due to an allergy to certain household chemicals or other substances, be sure to consult a doctor so that he can identify the main allergen. Only in this way will a person be able to rid himself of itching in the nose in the future.

6. Why is itchy nose in the heat, stronger than on the street? An interesting fact is that at higher air temperatures, itching intensifies. If a person has sharply combed the tip of his nose, he can go out or put his head in the refrigerator for 10-15 seconds. Surprisingly funny and funny, but it helps.

7. If a person does not smoke, he is not recommended to be near smokers, especially not to visit heavily smoked rooms. The body will try to get rid of harmful substances entering the mucosa, which will lead to severe itching in the nose.

Preventative measures

A person rarely thinks about why the nose itches and what it is fraught with. Of course, in some situations, itching is not dangerous, but there are symptoms that it is not advisable to bypass, otherwise they lead to serious respiratory diseases.

Compliance with preventive measures will help to avoid unpleasant consequences.

1. Monitor your immunity, especially during viral infections. At such a time, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes in addition.

2. In winter, for the prevention of colds, the inner part of the wings of the nose is recommended to be lubricated with Oxoline ointment. It is useful for both adults and children.

3. Eliminate bad habits - all of it negatively affect a person’s state of health.

4. During contact with chemical cleaners (especially if bleach is present), it is recommended to wear gloves and a mask on the mouth and nose.

Why does the nose itch - you need to pay special attention to the symptoms of the ailment, only in this way it will be possible to identify the cause of the itching and eliminate it. We must not forget about the basic rules of hygiene, because cleanliness has always had a positive effect on the state of health.


Watch the video: Why do we itch? - Emma Bryce (June 2024).