What is the dream of?


Why watch a dream - according to Miller’s dream book

The wall clock in a dream suggests that you need to value your life, which is not eternal and can so pass by. I dreamed of a wristwatch - quite a bit of time remained before the completion of an event that is very important in your life.

If you saw an old watch in a dream, then you will soon come to a period of comprehension of your own past and thoughts about the future - what actions you have done more - good or bad, what memory you leave about yourself, whether you lived worthily.

Why watch a dream - according to Vanga’s dream book

They wanted to know the time, but your watch did not have a dial - there is a terrible tragedy ahead that you can survive by asking the Lord God for help.

Heard the knock of a clock in a dream - life will not get better quickly; Decide that the Lord does not hear your prayers, although this is not so. You by fate need to go through trials, after which you will find happiness, peace and tranquility.

Why watch a dream - according to Freud's dream book

A wristwatch was let down in a dream - once your completed work will be more than paid for. It is possible that the reward will be intangible.

I dreamed about a wall or large floor clock - after sex with a special one who always seemed dry and restrained, you will be very surprised. In an informal setting, she transforms and becomes so passionate, emotional, that the last doubts about her sensuality will be dispelled.

Why watch a dream - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Wall clocks dream of an event that could completely change your life. We examined the ancient clock - you will repent bitterly of your mistakes. Perhaps it will be a shame because of the misconduct of their ancestors.

Wristwatches serve as a warning that you will not have enough time to bring to life your plan; the current ruler will not have time to implement the planned projects and reforms.

They wanted to find out the time by a watch that does not have a dial - a bad omen, because an event can happen that will greatly upset you.

What is the dream of - according to Loff's dream book

We heard the sound of a clock in a dream - a loved one needs your help, and urgently. Saw the tower clock - get the long-awaited news. Broken - bad sex, the cause of which may be your straightforwardness or unwillingness to reconcile with the eccentricities (as you think) of the partner. It may also be his categorical refusal to fulfill your desires. In order for everything to work out, one of you needs to go to meet the other.

Why watch a dream - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Dreamed of the dial - get ready for life changes. We watched the arrows moving fast along it - higher forces tell you that you don’t need to rush like that. At this pace, you can miss important points in your life. If the arrows "crawled", then you need to be more active and proactive.

Why watch a dream - according to Hasse’s dream book

A broken dial in a dream speaks of rash acts that can ruin your whole life. You should think about what you leave behind. If a woman had such a dream, then she wastes her feelings and time on a person who does not deserve it.

Why watch a dream - according to the dream book of Meneghetti

Dreamed of a wall clock - to the death of a loved one. Started the clock - to a monotonous and boring work.

Why watch a dream - according to Longo's dream book

The tower clock in a dream predicts the collapse of affairs and the usual way of life.

Why watch a dream - according to a dream book by Grishina

I dreamed that you heard a loud and disturbing clock beat - to make a responsible decision, on which much will depend on in your future life.

They saw the tower clock fall and break - to an accident or illness.


Watch the video: Why Do We Dream? (June 2024).