Grapefruit - medicinal properties and medical applications


Grapefruit - General Description

Grapefruit (Pompelmus perennial), a fruit tree of the genus Citrus subfamily of the orange family Rutov, evergreen, 5-6 m tall, (sometimes up to 15 m). It has long and thin leathery leaves of dark green color, which are attached to the branches with the help of winged petioles. The flower is white, consists of 4-5 petals, 5 cm in diameter. The fruit is a fruit with a diameter of about 10-15 m, with sour-bitter inner lobes of yellow-red color and peel. The type of skin color depends on the variety - from yellow to reddish.

Grapefruit - types and places of growth

Grapefruit is a valuable nutritious product obtained by crossing orange and pomelo, grown in countries located in subtropical climatic zones - the USA, Israel, Cyprus and others. In the Caucasus, this fruit is cultivated in Georgia. For this, special frost-resistant varieties were developed that ripen. faster than their thermophilic counterparts.

Grapefruit - healing properties

Grapefruit is primarily a dietary product that is of great importance in the regulation of digestion. It contains antioxidants that lower cholesterol, since when it is used, the proportion of HDL and LDL lipoproteins is reduced. This property is used in the treatment of coronary heart disease, circulatory diseases. This fruit is especially widely used in the treatment of obesity - this is one of the most effective dietary products in the fight against overweight.

You can make a list of other diseases in which these fruits are recommended to be consumed: liver and gall bladder diseases, obesity, scurvy, anemia, gout, infectious and colds, gastritis and colitis, a number of skin diseases. The effect of this fruit on the body during menopause is interesting, as it has an exciting effect and improves the general condition of the body. Grapefruit enhances the action of insulin, so it can be used by patients with diabetes. Along with other citrus fruits, grapefruit has a pronounced anti-cancer effect.

Grapefruit - dosage forms

Mostly grapefruit fruits are used, while it is believed that red pulp has a more pronounced healing effect. Fruit juice is recommended for exhaustion of the nervous system and increased fatigue. It is believed that a strong antifungal and antimicrobial effect is inherent in seed extract. The translucent membranes of the lobules contain a substance called naringin, which is the basis of a grapefruit diet that normalizes intestinal function and causes weight loss.

Grapefruit recipe

By consuming just one grapefruit daily, you can not only help yourself with a number of diseases, but also avoid many risk factors. Grapefruit diet provides two fruits per day or two glasses of juice. Duration - 7 days.

Grapefruit - contraindications

The fruit contains naringenin and bergamottin, which can interact actively with certain drugs and enhance or weaken the effect of the drugs used. Therefore, the juice and fruits are not recommended to be taken simultaneously with drugs in order to avoid the effect of overdose and intoxication of the body. Especially cautious when using antidepressants, tranquilizers, painkillers, drugs that lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol.

Interesting facts about grapefruit

- In 1970, the botanist Griffiths Hughes first mentioned grapefruit as a "forbidden fruit."

- Initially, the fruit was called "Sheddock", after the English captain Sheddock who brought it to the island of Barbados. Renamed it Jamaican merchants.

“The Seven Wonders of Barbados” includes this nutritious and healthy fruit.

- The countries that grow it celebrate the "Grapefruit Harvest Festival" on February 2.


Tanyusha 04/19/2016
Thanks to the author for an interesting article! She noted for herself that grapefruit is not only a diet fruit, but also has healing properties.

Svetlana 04/19/2016
Periodically dabble in a grapefruit diet. Sitting on it is a pleasure. The fruit is fragrant and excess weight is melting before our eyes :)))

Albina 04/19/2016
I love only flesh in grapefruit, the inner skin is very bitter. And the taste is stunning, unusual and, besides, incredibly healthy.

Lero4ka 04/19/2016
Grapefruit, I believe, is the king of citrus fruits. I agree with the author of the article that it is very effective in combating overweight and digestive problems.

Lena 04/19/2016
What a gorgeous grapefruit in the photo! I am delighted with this fruit. It’s great that, in addition to all its amazing taste qualities, it also has useful properties.


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