Inflammation of the prostate gland in men: causes, symptoms. Methods for treating prostate inflammation in men


Inflammation of the prostate gland in men or prostatitis is one of the most common male diseases. It occurs in almost 45% of men over thirty years of age. Consider in more detail what causes prostatitis and how it should be treated.

Inflammation of the prostate gland in men: the main causes

Doctors identify several reasons for the development of prostatitis. They are:

1. A severe violation in the general circulation of the blood, which provokes an increase in the prostate. Overweight or a sedentary lifestyle can cause this.

2. Previously transmitted infectious disease, which gave complications. Such diseases most often become angina, flu, urethritis, gonorrhea and tuberculosis.

3. Inflammation of the prostate gland in men can also occur due to unprotected intercourse, during which dangerous bacteria can pass through the blood and lymph. They will cause inflammation.

4. Excessively active sex life leads to nervous and physical exhaustion of a man. In addition, at the same time, he disrupts the functions of the hormonal system and the secretion of the sex glands, which gradually reduces potency. Interrupted sexual intercourse is also considered very harmful.

5. Earlier injuries of the pelvis or genitals can disrupt blood circulation and give impetus to the development of prostatitis.

6. Very often, drivers are affected by this condition, whose work is negatively displayed on the state of the reproductive system due to increased load on the perineum and constant vibration in the car.

7. Subcooling.

8. The presence of untreated chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

9. The complete absence of sexual activity.

10. The lack of physical activity not only negatively affects the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems, but also affects sexual function. Moreover, it is for this reason that oxygen starvation develops in the tissues of the prostate, which provokes the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms. This is the beginning of the development of inflammation of the prostate and makes it more vulnerable to infections.

11. Bad habits (smoking, frequent drinking).

In addition, predisposing factors for the development of inflammation of the prostate gland are:

1. Frequent stress and emotional overstrain.

2. Constipation and other disorders of bowel movement.

3. Improper nutrition.

4. Weak immunity.

5. The lack of useful vitamin and trace elements.

6. Physical overwork.

Prostate inflammation in men: diagnostic methods

The success of the treatment of prostatitis largely depends on the correct diagnosis. The disease can be established on the basis of the general clinical picture of the patient’s condition and after a urological examination.

In this case, the doctor will conduct a digital rectal examination of the prostate gland and take the secret of the prostate. This is a rather unpleasant procedure, which can be quite painful in acute inflammation, but it is necessary.

During the diagnosis, the type of inflammation of the prostate and the cause of this condition will be detected. You should also undergo such research methods:

1. General blood test.

2. General urine analysis.

3. Ultrasound of the prostate and bladder.

4. Urethrocystoscopy.

5. A blood test for sexually transmitted infections.

6. The study of the secretion of the prostate gland.

Prostate inflammation in men: symptoms of the disease

Acute prostatitis is characterized by the following symptoms and manifestations:

1. Sensation of discomfort and pain in the perineum.

2. Increased urination.

3. Burning during urination.

4. An increase in body temperature.

5. Pain during ejaculation.

6. Lower potency.

7. Increased sweating.

8. Weakness.

9. Depressive conditions.

10. Pain of the prostate gland during rectal examination.

11. Weak pressure during urination.

12. Pain in the rectum and during bowel movements.

13. Headaches.

14. False urge to the toilet.

15. Increased irritability of men.

The chronic form of prostatitis, unlike acute, is not so aggressive and may not manifest itself at all for a long time. Despite this, it is no less dangerous.

Clinical indicators of the patient at the same time as if erased, poorly expressed. Sometimes the patient feels these symptoms:

1. Chronic weakness.

2. Discomfort during intercourse.

3. Mild pain in the perineum.

4. Shortening of sexual intercourse.

5. The appearance of white flakes in the urine, especially in the morning.

6. Isolation of pus after defecation and urination.

7. A partial decrease in sexual desire.

Methods for treating prostate inflammation in men

Treatment for prostate inflammation - This is a rather complex and slow process, including the implementation of such medical procedures and manipulations:

1. Drug therapy involves the appointment of antibiotics. Usually fluoroquinologists are chosen for this purpose, since drugs of this group can penetrate the prostate tissues better.

If the patient suffers from pain, then pain medications, anti-inflammatory drugs and antispasmodics are prescribed.

2. Massage of the prostate is a very unpleasant procedure that men need to improve blood circulation in the prostate. Also, this event will help to remove pus and speed up the recovery time.

3. An important role in the treatment of this condition is played by immunomodulatory therapy. It is necessary for the general strengthening of immunity, so that the patient’s body can quickly cope with inflammation and infection. To do this, vitamin complexes are prescribed to him.

As an additional treatment, the patient may undergo physiotherapy. It includes such a set of procedures:

• laser therapy;

• treatment with warm baths;

• magnetotherapy;

• electrophoresis.

The general course of physiotherapy should include at least 15 sessions that need to be carried out within two weeks. As a prevention of the re-development of inflammation, these procedures can be repeated after two months.

If the inflammation of the prostate gland is not cured in time, then it can also capture neighboring organs. In this case, the patient has a risk of developing such complications:

1. Abscess of the prostate.

2. The appearance of stones in the prostate gland.

3. Urethritis.

4. Vesiculitis.

5. Impotence.

6. Sclerosis of the prostate gland.

7. The appearance of infertility, unfortunately, is inevitable with a chronic form of prostatitis, which was not cured in time.

In addition to the above complications, with prolonged course of chronic prostatitis can provoke serious violations of sexual desire. This is due to a violation of the receptors that are responsible for the sexual arousal and ejaculation of a man.

It is also important to know that in this state, the production of hormones may be impaired in a person, which will also be negatively reflected in his sexual desire.

Prostate Inflammation in Men: Prevention Tips

The great advantage of this condition is that it can be prevented. To do this, follow these tips:

1. It is necessary to lead a regular sex life, because according to doctors, it is having sex with ejaculation that primarily protects men from inflammation of the prostate.

2. You should have a permanent sexual partner, because with the illegibility of sexual relations, a man runs the risk of catching a list of sexually transmitted diseases. They can also cause prostatitis. If sexual activity with a random partner does occur, then you need to use a condom.

3. Stress, psychological and physical exhaustion should be avoided.

4. It is important to exercise regularly or at least run in the morning.

5. It is necessary to abandon bad habits and switch to a healthy diet.

6. Those men who have sedentary work need to be especially careful, and when the first signs of inflammation appear, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

7. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia and lower immunity.

8. In time to treat infections of the genitourinary system and any viral diseases.

Also, as a prevention, you should regularly visit a urologist for an examination, even when there are no complaints. This will significantly reduce the risk of developing inflammation of the prostate gland.


Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: Steam treatment for enlarged prostate (June 2024).