Azu in a slow cooker - this is where the taste of meat! Recipes of different basics in a slow cooker with beef, lamb, Tatar


Azu - a meat dish with a rich taste and spicy notes. It often acts as an independent dish, but can be served with different side dishes. It is easy and simple to cook it in a slow cooker.

Azu in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

The taste of azu directly depends on the meat. The better and fresher it is, the more elegant the dish will turn out. If there are a lot of films and veins in the clipping, then it takes a long time to extinguish. There is no guarantee that the meat will become soft, juicy. Most often for beef use beef, lamb. But you can also cook a dish of poultry, for example, chicken, turkey. The meat is cut into cubes or cubes, fried with other components of the dish, then stewed in sauce.

What put in the basics:

• tomatoes, pasta, tomato sauces or juice;

• pickled cask;

• onions, carrots, potatoes;

• spices, herbs.

Liquids do not add much. The dish should be thick, reminiscent of the consistency of stew.

In a slow cooker, the baking or frying mode is used to fry meat with vegetables. It is advisable to evaluate the capabilities of your model when choosing a program. After adding liquid, a quenching program is used.

Azu in a multicooker in Tatar style with lamb

The traditional recipe for Tatar azu in a slow cooker. You can use any pieces of lamb, but without large bones.


• 600 g of mutton;

• 1 large carrot;

• 2 tablespoons of pasta;

• 6 potatoes;

• 1 large onion;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• salt, red pepper and sweet paprika;

• water, some oil.


1. Turn on the "Frying" mode, pour the oil.

2. Put the onion, chopped into large rings, toss the straws from the carrots, add the pieces of lamb. They should not be large. Fry for 20 minutes.

3. Grind the garlic, transfer to a slow cooker.

4. Add the paste, stir and cook for another 10 minutes, do not change the mode.

5. Season meat with hot and sweet pepper, salt.

6. Lay the potatoes, chopped coarsely. If the tubers are small, then you can just cut in half.

7. Pour enough hot water so that the liquid barely reaches the top layer of potatoes. It should not completely cover vegetables, otherwise the dish will not turn out thick.

8. Close, put "Extinguishing". The Tatar Azu is being prepared for 1.5 hours.

Azu in a beef slow cooker (without potatoes)

The recipe without potatoes. Such a basa with beef in a slow cooker can be prepared for a variety of side dishes, as with meat you get a thick, tasty sauce.


• 2 pickles;

• 400 g of beef tenderloin;

• onion head;

• 300 ml of broth;

• oil, spices;

• 1 spoon of pasta;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 1 spoonful of flour.


1. Cut the beef into layers per centimeter. Beat with a hammer, but not hard. Lightly soften the fibers.

2. Now each plate needs to be cut into strips, as for beef stroganoff. Sprinkle the meat with flour, mix.

3. Chop the onion into strips.

4. Preheat a thin layer of oil on the baking program, add the chopped onion first.

5. Once it is lightly roasted, lay out the pieces of beef. Fry a quarter of an hour.

6. During this time, cut the cucumbers, chop the peeled garlic cloves. Transfer to meat.

7. Fry the cucumbers for about five minutes, add the paste. Now you can pour flavorful seasonings, add pepper and salt.

8. Heat the broth or take ordinary boiling water. Pour into the meat.

9. Switch to extinguishing mode.

10. Cook the basics for another half hour. At the end, season with laurel, bring to the desired taste with salt.

Azu in a slow cooker with pickles and tomatoes

The recipe for amazing basics in a slow cooker. For this dish you will need pickled or pickled cucumbers. The more energetic and acidic they are, the tastier it will turn out. Tomatoes are also used salty.


• 500 g of meat;

• 2 cucumbers;

• 4 tomatoes;

• 2 onions;

• 1 carrot;

• 5 potatoes;

• 1 tsp hops-suneli;

• 700 ml of water;

• some fat or oil.


1. Cut the meat into cubes or cubes. Put in a slow cooker with fat. Cook on baking mode for an average of ten minutes. Slightly fry the slices.

2. Add chopped onions, and another five minutes later carrots.

3. While the vegetables are fried, you need to chop pickles. It is best to grate. Throws to the vegetables.

4. We remove the skin from salted tomatoes, knead the tomatoes, and toss after the cucumbers. Cooking for five minutes.

5. Season the dish with hops-suneli.

6. Add chopped potatoes.

7. Fill with hot water, salt if necessary.

8. Close the slow cooker, put the quenching for an hour.

Azu in a multi-year cooker with eggplant

A vegetable version of azou, which is cooked with eggplant. You can use any meat. Tomatoes are better to take fresh.


• 300 g of meat;

• 2 onion heads;

• 2 eggplants;

• 4 tomatoes;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 400 ml of water;

• butter and spices;

• sweet pepper.


1. Rinse the meat, cut into small pieces, sprinkle with various spices, mix and set aside.

2. Cut eggplant into slices, salt. Leave for a while to remove the bitterness.

3. Cut the onion heads into large strips, fold into a slow cooker, add a couple of tablespoons of fat, start frying in one of the suitable modes.

4. Once the onions become clear, it's time to add the meat. Bring it to half-ready.

5. While the meat is fried, rub the tomatoes, discard the peel. Rinse the eggplant, squeeze out the excess water.

6. Add tomatoes to the meat, evaporate some of the moisture and sprinkle the eggplant.

7. Now is the time to add different spices to the basics, you can take ready-made mixes for oriental dishes.

8. Pour in water, add chopped bell pepper.

9. Stew for 35-40 minutes, setting the appropriate program. After half an hour, it is advisable to taste, add, add hot pepper.

Azu in a multicooker in Tatar with tomato juice

For this option, the basics in a multicooker in Tatar will need natural tomato juice. It is advisable not to use a packaged product. You can just chop the tomatoes with the pulp of a blender.


• 500 g of veal;

• 400 ml of tomato juice;

• 2 cucumbers;

• 2 onion heads;

• 1 carrot;

• 2 bell peppers;

• spices, garlic.


1. Cut the veal into small pieces. If you use beef and not very young, then you can beat the meat slightly.

2. Put in a slow cooker with preheated oil, three spoons are enough. Toast for a quarter of an hour.

3. Add chopped onion.

4. Carrots need to be peeled and also cut, preferably in circles, so the dish will turn out more beautiful. Arrange onion with meat.

5. Once the vegetables are slightly fried, you can add cucumbers.

6. Cut the Bulgarian pods, lay out after the cucumbers.

7. Chop 2-3 cloves of garlic, also send to the slow cooker.

8. It remains to add various spices, salt, pepper and pour it all with tomato juice.

9. Close the slow cooker, stew veal for an hour.

10. At the end, fill the Tatar Azu with greens, laurel. Serve with side dishes or on your own.

Azu in a multicooker of beef with mushrooms

To cook the basics of beef in a slow cooker according to this recipe, you need salted mushrooms. Together with cucumbers, they will give the dish an unusual taste. Another recipe without potatoes.


• 600 g of beef;

• 200 g of salted mushrooms;

• 200 g of onion;

• 150 g of pickles;

• 1 tsp hops-suneli;

• 30 ml of oil;

• 50 g of tomato paste;

• 400 ml of broth;

• laurel, pepper, garlic.


1. Cut the onion into large half rings. Put the crock-pot in a saucepan. Turn on the appliance for the baking program, fill with oil

2. Fry the onion slices until transparent.

3. Add the beef chopped into strips. Cook under the lid for a quarter of an hour.

4. During this time, cucumbers and mushrooms need to be cut. Transfer to meat, evaporate water.

5. Add tomato paste, fry for a few more minutes.

6. Season the dish with spices, add the chopped garlic. Salt does not need anything yet.

7. Add broth. The amount is approximate, see the density you need.

8. Stew for an hour, add salt at the end, if necessary. Season with laurel, sprinkle with fresh herbs when serving.

Azu in a slow cooker with pickles and chicken

Dietary version of the Tatar dish. Fillet is used for it. But you can also take other parts from the bird carcass along with the bones.


• 500 g of chicken;

• 4 tablespoons of pasta;

• 200 g of cucumbers;

• 150 g of onion;

• 100 g carrots;

• 50 ml of oil;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• spices, herbs.


1. Chop the onion, chop the carrot.

2. Heat oil on baking, add vegetables, fry until half-cooked.

3. Add sliced ​​fillet. Stir.

4. As soon as a white coating appears on all pieces of chicken, add grated cucumbers.

5. Next you can put pasta. Stir. Warm up a couple of minutes.

6. Add spices, chopped garlic.

7. Add so much water that the liquid almost covers the chicken.

8. Close, set to quench mode, cook for 30 minutes. If you do not use fillets, but other pieces from the carcass, then you can increase the time.

Azu in a slow cooker - useful tips and tricks

• To cook the basics faster, pickles and tomato products need to be added after the meat is almost ready. Otherwise, the acid will not allow the fibers of the main product to soften quickly.

• You can add any spices to the basics. In addition to hops-suneli, you can use other oriental mixtures. Seasonings for Korean salads are well suited.

• If the basics are prepared for any side dish, then it is better to cook a thick sauce. To do this, add a small amount of flour. So that she does not grab the lumps, separate separately, strain.


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