Cabbage pie - the best recipes. How to cook cabbage pies correctly and tasty.


Cabbage pie - general principles and methods of preparation

What could be tastier than a freshly baked, barely cooled rosy cake! A little time, a little patience - and now it is ready, ruddy, smelling delicious, hot miracle. Of the countless toppings for pies today, I want to stay on the cabbage - a vegetable with a noble past. Let its name come from the Latin caput - head, in Russia, and throughout Europe, it was considered the main table vegetable after potatoes.

Many great painters depicted on their paintings heads of cabbage of all shapes and colors, the best minds of mankind recommended its useful properties for various ailments. Any national cuisine contains variations on the theme of cabbage dishes. As for the popularity of cabbage pie, it’s enough to recall the well-known “skits” - humorous shows that were held during the post in honor of this low-calorie and light product. As a filling for pies, it goes well with vegetables, mushrooms, meat and other products. Sauerkraut will add spiciness, fresh will soften excessive sourness.

Cabbage pie - preparation of products

Just imagine: there are as many as 100 species of cabbage. Head-headed (white-headed and red-headed), kohlrabi, Brussels, Savoy, color, leaf, fodder, Chinese, Beijing, and others. As a filling for pies, it is best to use white cabbage. Do not choose a vegetable with prominent large veins. It is better to trim them, and also do not use a stump, since these parts are the storage of nitrates. Black dots indicate that this is clearly a sick vegetable. A head of cabbage should not be loose and lethargic, but also should not be too tightly pressed. A neat medium-sized head of cabbage is best.

Cabbage pie - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Pie with Cabbage and Porcini Mushrooms

Instead of ceps, of course, you can take any others, but if possible, make the cake according to this recipe. Fried porcini mushrooms with cabbage smell like a real dinner, this is a recipe for a large family with traditions and rituals, which is collected, for example, on grandma's or mother's pie. I definitely want to treat guests with such a pie.

Ingredients: flour (500 gr.), Yeast (25 gr), sugar (25 gr), butter or margarine (25 gr), yeast (25 gr), salt (15 gr), mushrooms (200 gr), cabbage (250 gr), vegetable oil, eggs, onions, greens (parsley, dill, pepper).
Cooking method

We prepare the dough in the sponge method: dissolve the yeast in warm water, mix the products, leave for fermentation, crush at least two times. Dip the cabbage into the vinegar solution for a short while, rinse with cold water and chop. We wash the mushrooms and boil in salted water. Drain the water, stew in a pan with onions and herbs, mix with cabbage. Roll out the dough into round layers 5 - 8 mm thick. Put the filling on one, close it with the other and pinch in a circle. Grease the edges with an egg. To decorate the cake, you can lay out curly pieces of dough on the top layer in the form of flowers and leaves. Leave the cake to distance. Bake until browning at 180 degrees. Serve hot.

Recipe 2: Classic Yeast Pie

Classic cabbage, with real butter yeast dough, with the addition of oil. The eggs in the filling make our cake more saturated.

Dough: dry yeast (7 g), flour (500 g), salt, butter or margarine (100 g), milk (200 ml), eggs (2 pcs).

Stuffing: onions (150 gr), cabbage (1 kg), pepper, salt, eggs (2 pcs), vegetable oil.

Add warm milk with dissolved yeast to the flour, add 100 grams of flour, mix, and put in a warm place for fermentation. When the dough rises, add salt, add eggs, oil, mix and leave to wander and rise again. We punch again.

Cut the onion and cabbage and sauté until soft, about 20-30 minutes, beat the eggs and add pepper, salt to the cabbage, and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Divide the dough into 2 parts and leave a small piece for decoration. We cover the baking sheet with baking paper, grease it with oil and lay out half of the rolled dough. Next, lay out the filling, roll out the second part and cover the pie. We pinch the edges and make holes for the exit of steam. Put the cake in a preheated oven at 180 gr and bake until brown.

Recipe 3: Quick Pie with Cabbage and Minced Meat

The dough is very soft and tender. The cake itself is very hearty, you can serve it for tea or for dinner with sour cream. Oddly enough, this is the easiest recipe, but even children who don’t really like the taste of cabbage eat this pie.

Ingredients: butter or margarine (100 gr.), Flour (2 cups), sour cream (4 tbsp. Tablespoons), salt, sugar, half a cabbage cabbage, 300 grams of minced pork, onion, garlic.

Cooking method

Dough: mix flour with butter in crumbs, mix with sour cream, and leave for a while. Cabbage is fried with minced meat and onions in a pan with vegetable oil. Roll out the dough into two parts, put one on the bottom, followed by the filling, cover the other. Garnish with scraps of dough. Top with yolk. Bake in a heated oven for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Recipe 4: Cauliflower Charlotte with Mushrooms.

This cake can be tender or savory - it all depends on how many spices you add.

Ingredients: eggs (5 pcs), mayonnaise (1 small packet), sour cream (250 grams), baking powder for dough (2 teaspoons), flour (5-6 tablespoons), salt, pepper, fresh champignons, (half a kilogram) , onion (3 pcs), cabbage (half a kilogram), carrot (1 pc), dill. Can be used in half.

Cooking method

Fry the mushrooms with plates in vegetable oil, chop onions and carrots, boil cauliflower in salted water, chop finely. Pouring dough: mayonnaise, sour cream, eggs, flour, baking powder are mixed, add dill and pepper, pour into a greased baking sheet. Bake for 20-25 minutes.

Cabbage pie - useful tips from experienced chefs

- Original tender filling for a pie with cabbage in milk: chop the cabbage, stew it in a pan with milk (1 small head of cabbage about 100 grams), add chopped dill and 30 grams of butter.

- Loose dough for cabbage pie can be prepared this way: mix 250 grams of cottage cheese with 2 eggs and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Cut soft margarine (125 grams) and add 2 cups flour and quenched soda. Knead well. Bake with cabbage or other filling. Very tasty dough.


Watch the video: Fried Cabbage and Onions - Southern Fried Cabbage Recipe - Healthier Version (July 2024).