Why does the hare dream: what do the dream books of Miller, Wangi, Freud and others say. Interpretation of dreams about a hare, a hare and a hare


It's no secret that the hare is a symbol of cowardice and shyness. However, he is also very cute, which causes great sympathy in both children and adults. We also know that hares are prone to change their color, so this cute animal is also associated with duplicity. Let's try to figure out what the hare is dreaming of, depending on many details of sleep.

What if a hare had a dream?

Gains and losses

1) To see a hare in a dream that is in no hurry and is quietly located in one place is a sign that you will be successful and financially successful in the future;

2) to see a white hare or a rabbit in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you will soon receive a large inheritance;

3) to see in a dream how a bunny runs from you - to great news;

4) however, if the animal managed to escape from you - on the contrary, it is an unfavorable sign promising that your plans will remain unfulfilled, as a result of which you will incur big losses;

5) if you managed to catch a hare - a sign that you will more than manage to recapture all losses and reach a new level. Also, this dream says that if you take part in any competition or tournament, you have great chances to win it, but everything has its time;

6) if a pregnant woman had a dream in a dream of a hare whom she managed to catch - this is a sign that she will give birth to a son, if a hare - a daughter is caught;

7) if you go into a dream following a hare - this is a good sign that promises you a happy and joyful future. You will definitely be favored by luck, all plans will be realized, you will gain a new status and recognition in society.

Family and Health

1) If a hare chases after you in a dream - this means that in your life there is a person who provides you with secret assistance. It is possible that you do not even know that it exists, so turn on your powers of observation and try to identify your secret patron;

2) if you see a bunny trying to run away from dogs - this is not a good sign that promises problems and scandals in the family, and they will literally arise out of the blue. Each member of the family will consider himself right and fiercely uphold his position, which will lead to a large number of conflicts and a violation of family harmony. In this situation, you should take the initiative and be the first to try to resolve the conflicts, since nobody will do this besides you;

3) if you are hunting a hare in a dream - this is a sign of worsening relationships in the family, the appearance of quarrels and misunderstandings;

4) if you shoot a hare in a dream and kill it - this means that your spiritual and moral condition is violated, and it will take you a lot of time to restore your usual peace and tranquility;

5) to see this animal dead - to the diseases of relatives or friends;

6) to catch and pick up a dead hare - to disease. In this period of time, the dream book recommends more careful attention to your own health.


1) Stroking a hare in a dream is a sign that among your environment there are many simple, but very kind people;

2) to tame the animal - soon you will meet a very reliable and faithful companion, but at the same time a very boring interlocutor;

3) to see a hare hiding in the bushes - a warning sign. Take a closer look at your best friends, one of them is clearly not the one he claims to be;

4) if you feed the animal in a dream - to some kind of celebration, probably a wedding. Also, this dream means big expenses for someone of your close environment;

5) give a hare to another person - you can breathe a sigh of relief, you are sincerely loved;

6) to see in a dream a hare with hares - a harbinger of serious changes in real life.

Color and quantity matter

1) To see a white hare in a dream is a good sign promising true love, loyal friends and success in business;

2) if the hare was gray - it is a symbol of pipe dreams and unfulfilled plans, there are many disappointments and troubles ahead;

3) the black hare is a symbol of sorrows and sorrows. Be very careful, there are a lot of duplicitous people and scammers on your way, there is a high probability of deception and unpleasant events;

4) to see in a dream a herd of these little animals - to unfulfilled dreams, all your undertakings will not find a continuation, it is likely to suffer serious losses.

What is the dream of a hare in Miller’s dream book

• To see how you admire these fluffy little animals in a dream - to have loyal and good friends who, unfortunately, are not quite intelligent;

• if a hare runs away from you - to the mysterious disappearance of something important and valuable for you;

• catch a hare - to success;

• see how a flock of dogs chasing a herd of hares - to a serious quarrel in the family, in which you will eventually manage to reach a compromise and resolve misunderstandings;

• see the hare dead - to the illness or death of a companion;

• kill this animal in a dream - you have to show your tough stance on a certain issue;

• if you were bitten by a hare, it’s a disease.

What does the hare dream about in Wangi’s dream book

The well-known clairvoyant Vanga believes that the image of a hare in a dream is a symbol of cowardice, timidity and doubt in making a decision.

• If a man saw this furry animal in a dream - this is a sign that he may soon acquire real estate;

• if a pregnant woman saw a hare in a dream - it means that she will have a son, a hare - a daughter;

• If a hare runs away from you, your close friend will come to you from far away, and this will happen very unexpectedly. Also, such a dream portends problems in business, material difficulties, losses;

• see a large number of hares - the current setbacks keep you in constant fear and tension. It is possible that in your environment there are two-faced people who spread false rumors about you;

• to see a white hare - for luck, gray - for sadness.

What does the hare dream about in Freud’s dream book

The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud has his own interpretation of the dream in which the hare appeared. Freud believes that such a dream is that you do not trust your soulmate too much, and for this reason your relationship is not going well. You have a fear of treason on the part of your loved one, and he did not give you the slightest reason for this. The psychologist believes that if you want to maintain your union, you need to do something with your limitless and stupid jealousy.

What is the dream of a hare in the dream book of Hasse

• See a hare in a dream - to success and great happiness;

• kill a hare in a dream - to minor difficulties along the way;

• there is this animal in a dream - to problems and quarrels in relations, which, however, will soon improve.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation

The famous writer Aesop has his own point of view regarding such a dream:

• Seeing a hare in a dream - it’s your subconscious that gives you a hint that there is a person in your environment who does not pretend to be who he really is;

• if you saw in a dream a hare that runs past a fox hole - this is an important sign that you should pay attention to. Very soon you will have a difficult choice, you will need to decide on a serious decision that will have a serious impact on your future. A hint for you may be the fact that a similar situation could already be happening with your relatives;

• if you chased two hares in a dream, this, as in the famous saying, means that you should not take up several things at the same time, it will not lead to anything good;

• to see a hidden hare in a dream - do not trust the person you have high hopes for, he can let you down at any time;

• if you see a small animal that shrinks from fear into a lump - this means that your shyness and lack of initiative does not allow you to open up, you are always in the shadow of the people around you, and for this reason few people pay attention to you. If you do not reconsider your attitude on this issue, your life will remain gray and monotonous;

• if you see a hare or a rabbit that changes its color - be careful, you will soon meet an absolutely unreliable person, which can bring you a lot of trouble;

• to see a dead hare in a dream is a warning sign. Take a closer look at your family, it is likely that some of them really need your help, but because of their shyness, they cannot ask you for it.


Watch the video: Rabbit Hare Dream Meaning (June 2024).