Lemon Pie - The Best Recipes. How to make lemon pie correctly and tasty.


Lemon pie - general principles and methods of preparation

Making a pie is an art that anyone can learn. Lemon pie can be prepared by both beginners and those who have already reached such heights that they themselves are able to improve recipes and give recommendations. The process of its preparation is not much different from baking ordinary filled cakes or biscuits, but taste! The most delicate acidity of soft and juicy lemons, the dizzying smell and taste of citrus inspire the creation of a lemon masterpiece. Especially attractive is the sour lemon pie in the summer heat, as lemon perfectly eliminates thirst. And in winter - this is a wonderful way to pamper yourself. Today citrus fruits are available all year round, so listen to your desires. As soon as a sunny fruit comes to mind with a breathtaking smell - bake a lemon pie.

Lemon Pie - Food Preparation

Like other pastries, it can be prepared on a yeast basis or as a biscuit. Many recipes for shortcake lemon tarts are also common. Their main distinguishing component is related - lemon, crushed with zest, and mixed with sugar.

Interesting about lemon

It is assumed that for the first time this citrus came to us from the foot of the Himalayas, from India. As a plant, he managed to visit Mesopotamia, and acclimatized, he came to Italy. In the Arab region, he migrated to Palestine in the 10th century and made the return trip with the crusaders to Italy, in particular to Sicily. The tropical Pacific islands can be considered the birthplace of lemon.

Citrus has pronounced healing properties, which can be explained by the presence of lemon oil and acid. In the ambiguous Middle Ages, people believed that lemon protects against plague and is able to neutralize a snake bite. Citric acid plays an important role in metabolism. That is why the lemon pie is perfectly absorbed, cook it and eat it for health, do not be afraid of extra pounds.

Lemon Pie - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Lemon Yeast Cake

The essence of the pie is to prepare an ordinary yeast dough with a layer of lemon mixture. Butter and impregnation from lemon juice will make our cake soft and soft.

Ingredients: butter (200 gr.), flour (3 cups), yeast (1 tablespoon), water (100 gr.). Stuffing: lemon (1.5 pieces), sugar (1 cup).

Cooking method

Soluble yeast in warm water. Mix with softened butter, salted. Knead the mass, adding flour. The resulting dense dough is divided into 3 parts and left in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. While the dough is cooling, prepare the filling. Grind lemons in a meat grinder or blender, mix with sugar. Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour, roll one part and place on a baking sheet. Put a part of the filling on top. Then repeat the process. Leave one tablespoon of the filling to decorate the finished cake. The result is a three-layer cake with two layers. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes (until browning). Cool the finished cake and coat with the remaining filling on top. Now it also shines! The filling will soak the layers during cooling, and the cut pie will have clear lines of layers.

Recipe 2: Quick Lemon Cake

This pie is on the doorstep series. Quickly mix the ingredients and send them into the oven under the persistent appetizing smell of lemon filling is not difficult. We take a sufficiently large portion of the products - we get at least a kilogram of the product at the output.

Ingredients: flour (500 grams), margarine (200 grams), kefir (250 gr.), baking powder, lemon (2 pcs), sugar (300 gr.).

Cooking method

We begin to prepare a light lemon pie by rubbing cold margarine on a coarse grater. You can also chop margarine with a knife, sprinkling a little sifted flour. It should be fine sand crumbs. We shift the mass into a bowl, add kefir and a teaspoon of baking powder. Knead the smooth dough, divide it into two equal parts and form three balls. We put them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Lemon filling: pour lemons over boiling water, pass through a meat grinder and combine with sugar. Stir, leave for 10 minutes.

We heat the oven. We roll out the parts of the dough separately, moisten the baking sheet with water and spread part of the dough. Next is the filling and the second part of the dough, we pinch the edges well. We prick the top of the pie in several places with a fork or a toothpick. Bake for 40 minutes, temperature 190 degrees.

Recipe 3: Lemon Curd Pie with Apple

Ingredients: vegetable oil (2 tbsp), fat cottage cheese (100g), baking powder, flour (150 grams), a pinch of salt, apple (1 pc), lemon (1 pc), liquor (2 tablespoons).

Cooking method

We combine cottage cheese and eggs, add oil. Sift the flour and pour it together with the baking powder. Knead the soft dough until it becomes smooth. Wrap it with foil and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour. For the filling, we pass a lemon with a zest, an apple through a meat grinder, combine everything with sugar and liquor. We divide the dough into 2 unequal parts. We use most of it as a base, roll it out and lay it on the bottom. Spread the filling on top. Next, roll out the second part and make cuts on it. Put the wire rack on the filling and bake the cake in the oven for 45 minutes.
The cake is tasty in cold and hot form. Cold pie goes well with vanilla ice cream. Garnish with lemon slices and mint leaves.

Lemon Pie - Tips from Experienced Cookers

- To easily cut the pie into pieces, be sure to rinse the knife under running water. A wet knife will allow you to get smooth and beautiful pieces.

- The tender sourness of lemon pie in the summer perfectly quenches thirst and hunger. In winter, it is an excellent tool for the prevention of infectious diseases, since lemon has a significant content of vitamin C, which is not destroyed after heat treatment.

- In order to make the filling more uniform, the lemon must be scalded with boiling water or boiled in a small amount of water for 5 minutes, and then scroll through the meat grinder.

- If the filling is too liquid, the first cake can be baked a little in the oven, and then form a pie to the end.


Nastya 01/28/2016
why three balls? Maybe it's a typo?


Watch the video: Lemon Meringue Pie. ASMR Cooking Sounds (July 2024).