Where to get a lot of energy: the benefits of guarana, what is the effect of it. Disadvantages of a natural stimulant: is guarana harmful?


Especially now, at a time of cold and frost, it is so hard to lift yourself out of bed in the morning. A great helper to find the strength to tear yourself away from the sofa will be guarana.

Something exotic, which many have heard about, but at the same time, they have not fully figured out what it really is.

So guarana is ...

A plant that grows in the tropical jungle of South America, Brazil, Venezuela, Paraguay. Local residents have long used the stimulating properties of the fruits of this plant. A 17th-century Jesuit missionary noted that the guarana gave the members of the Amazon tribe "so much energy that they could go from one day to another without hunting without hunger". Brazilian soft drinks have been composed of guarana since 1909, but recently it has become widely used in other countries, when energy drinks have gained explosive popularity.

Fruits contain twice as much caffeine (2-5%) than coffee beans. It also contains a whole mixture of other compounds that act together as a stimulant. For this reason, guarana is widely known as an effective, natural energetic. Add it to energy drinks, teas, and sometimes to sweets and chewing gums. Guarana flavored products are popular in Brazil, from drinks to toothpaste. Guarana is also mixed with sports nutrition or used as a supplement for weight loss.

The caffeine that people get from guarana serves a completely different purpose in the wild: it is a natural insecticide that traps insects. However, hungry birds can digest caffeine-free meaty fruits, but caffeine-rich seeds pass unharmed through their digestive tracts, often released in a new location, helping create a new generation of guarana plants.

Benefits of use and mechanism of action of guarana

Studies that compared the effects of coffee, guarana and mate tea showed that guarana stimulated the most vigilant and attentive people in the experimental people while doing mental tasks. The coffee in the dough reached a peak of action after about 35-45 minutes, and then the effect quickly weakened.

The effect of guarana increased and continued after 150 minutes. This is due to the fact that guarana contains substances that slow down the metabolism and absorption of caffeine, thereby prolonging its action. The main is tannin. It is he who creates the long-term energy plateau. As well as theophylline and theobromine (substances that make natural chocolate toxic to dogs and cats). They are similar to caffeine, but have little effect on the human body.

Other studies have shown that the positive effects of guarana on mood, memory, and cognitive function cannot be reduced to caffeine levels. The researchers found that the best results were obtained from doses of guarana that contained 37.5 or 75 mg of caffeine compared to doses containing 150 or 300 mg of caffeine.

The fact that guarana is difficult to dissolve in water also seems to contribute to its long-term effects, but no one has yet convincingly proved that the body processes caffeine guarana differently than caffeine, which is found in coffee beans or tea leaves.

In general, several of the positive properties of guarana can be distinguished:

• A natural source of energy and an excellent stimulant. Prevents fatigue and a drop in energy levels caused by muscle tension.

• Reduces appetite, suppresses hunger, which in turn can be effective in the fight against excess weight.

• Relieves stress and improves mood. Increases alertness and a sense of well-being.

• Improves the general mental state, and also increases mental abilities and learning ability. Helps to improve intellectual work. Perhaps the use in combination with ginseng to enhance the effect.

• Improving the digestive tract and digestive system. Guarana helps remove toxins accumulated in the intestines. Acts as a natural detoxifying agent.

• Natural aphrodisiac. Caffeine boosts libido. Explanations are superfluous.

• Useful for the cardiovascular system. Helps fight free radicals that affect CCC. Thus facilitates the functioning of the CCC.

• A natural remedy for problems during menstruation. Regulates cycles, helps in eliminating PMS.

• Natural analgesic. Helps those who suffer from frequent headaches, migraines, and pain during menstruation.

• A good remedy for a hangover.

How to use?

Guarana is traditionally used in the form of powder or liquid extracts. If you have capsules that contain powder inside, it is best to take 3-6 capsules, extract the powder from them, divide into three equal doses and use during the day as an additive in juices, tea, coffee, smoothies or other drinks.

Liquid extracts usually have instructions that indicate the recommended dosage. They can also be added to drinks.

Everything is good in moderation. Guarana Side Effects and Precautions

Guarana is safe in moderation, although overuse can cause health problems.

Like other forms of caffeine, guarana can interact with certain medications, and too much guarana carries all the risks associated with a high level (more than 300 mg) of caffeine - insomnia, tremors, anxiety, dehydration and tachycardia. However, unlike coffee, laboratory tests showed no evidence of toxicity even in large doses, but it is better to avoid guarana during pregnancy and lactation, or with high blood pressure.

The main danger is the use of guarana as part of energy drinks. These “cocktails” contain a significant list of ingredients that vary from drink to drink in their interactions with guarana. Read what is written on the label. And use common sense before consuming energy drinks. Also, high fructose corn syrup is added to many energy drinks containing guarana. Although it does not interact with guarana, it is still harmful to the body. In the short term, high fructose corn syrup will cause your blood sugar to quickly turn into fat. In the long run, this is due to a wide range of unpleasant health conditions.

If you have heart problems or are at risk of developing them, it’s best to talk to your doctor about how to use caffeine safely and whether to do it at all before you start consuming guarana foods.

Severe caffeine abuse can also increase your risk of heart disease. In some cases, excessive doses of caffeine may be associated with arrhythmia. They also cause nervousness, headaches and anxiety.

Guarana is not recommended before bedtime, especially if you already have insomnia or other sleep disorders.

Like many fruits, vegetables, and supplements, guarana will provide you with many benefits while taking precautions. Consult your doctor if you are unsure of the safety of guarana. For the rest, it will give you a wonderful, new world of opportunities, and you will go on a journey charged with a weighty portion of activity.


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