New unexpected side effect of smoking


As it turned out, a new item was added to the endless list of harmful effects of smoking - it is one of the strongest risk factors for male pattern baldness.

Thai scientists came to the conclusion that smoking causes the hair to lose even the most persistent - Asian men, who are genetically significantly less prone to baldness than the Caucasian race.

The study involved 740 Thai men. Subjects who smoked more than 20 cigarettes a day showed an obvious tendency to thinning their hair, although the onset of baldness did not meet age criteria.

According to scientists, nicotine destroys the hair sac (follicle) containing the hair root. The output duct of the sebaceous gland is adjacent to the follicle. Prolonged or frequent smoking disrupts blood circulation and increases the production of the female hormone estrogen. The sum of these causes leads to early baldness.


Watch the video: This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Smoking Tobacco (July 2024).