Why are men getting married?


For young girls, marriage often seems like a beautiful fairy tale that will come true one day: with a beautiful proposal, and then with a white dress, veil, bridesmaids and happy parents. How many dreams of a joyful wedding day ... But the ladies prefer not to think about the consequences - grinding in everyday life, sharing responsibilities and financial difficulties. And men usually have a clear idea of ​​what it means to tie the bonds of Hymen, and are in no hurry to lead a companion down the aisle. So what makes them take such a crucial step as marriage?

  • Alas and ah, but the abundance of modern contraceptives does not protect thousands of girls from an unplanned pregnancy. When deciding to leave a child, a young couple enters into a marriage, most often without a roof over their heads, stable work, or long-term plans for the future. Even if there are conditions for creating a family, such marriages do not guarantee "happily ever after", because the man made an offer not of his own free will, he was forced by a sense of duty.
  • Parents actively pressure mature offspring with requests to start a family and grandchildren. Friends who have long married friends are pressing the man, sometimes not well-intentioned, but the main message is "we must get married." Here it is, and that’s it.
  • A girl’s desire to get married can be an obsession. Very intrusive. The ultimatum: "either the wedding or I will leave" for most indecisive guys leads to marriage. Again, not at will.
  • Public stamps are strong: everyone marries and gives birth to children. And if everyone does this, then in order to avoid the wrath of society, you need to start a family.
  • Not only women can be blamed for commercialism: a Moscow residence permit, own apartment / car / business - all this makes the fair sex even more beautiful for a certain circle of Don Juans.
  • Bachelor life is annoying. There comes a time when you want relationships, regular sex life, and possibly even children.
  • Home cooking, a clean apartment and ironed things can become a reason to think about marriage (or hire a housekeeper).
  • If the career is a success, there is housing, and you don’t feel like having a short affair, sooner or later the man will decide that he is ready to start a family.
  • The fear of loneliness in old age overtakes even convinced bachelors. In order not to be left alone, the man begins the search ... no, not love, of course - a suitable party for married life.
  • Confidence in a companion is a rare but happy reason to get married. When the chosen one is "the one", all-understanding and beloved - why pull with the wedding?
