Why does the army dream of a guy who is being called up in the army, that you are already serving in the army? Basic Interpretations: What a Man Dreams of an Army for


Falling asleep, many want to see nice pictures of a cloudless future, but dreams are whimsical and give a person a wide variety of pictures of the future. Why does the army dream of a guy how to interpret such a dream? It’s worth sorting out.

What the army dreams of a man - the basic interpretation

The classic interpretation of dreams says that an army can dream of a man as an omen of very unpleasant events. Waking up thoughts about the army in many men cause indignation and panic, since the service in it is quite difficult.

A man after such a dream can fall into a whirlpool of unpleasant events that literally embrace him. It is worth recalling all the sensations that a man visited during sleep. Perhaps he was alarmed and frightened - then exciting and very negative events await him. If the emotional state during sleep was very positive - do not worry, most likely, temporary troubles, and he can easily deal with them.

It is also important to remember your mood and emotional state after the dream, if it was normal or elevated, then you can safely decide to implement a long-planned business, now it is the moment when you need to get involved in the work.

Why dream of being drafted into the army? Such a dream can indicate to a man a lot of unfulfilled obligations, he most likely entrusted himself with too much burden of work and therefore can not overpower her all. If this is so, then it is necessary for everyone to whom he owes that he will soon be back in work, as this is indeed so.

If a man dreams, how he is called up for military service, he should also think about unfulfilled obligations to his other half. Most likely, she forgives her lover and allows him petty pranks. But if the misconduct against the woman is significant - it is urgent to take active measures in order to maintain relations.

If a guy who hasn’t served yet has a dream about conscription, he can mean a subconscious fear of service. You need to remember the last events of your life, maybe the guy had an unpleasant conversation with someone from the older generation, and he received important instructions that he ignored. It is worth returning to them and follow all instructions.

Why dream of serving in the army? If such a dream is dreamed by a man and a tough commander commands it, such a dream means that the man will fall under the yoke of an oppressive commander. It can be a question of both tight management at work and relations with a very oppressive woman. It is also worth paying attention to the following interpretations of sleep:

• To serve in the army - difficulties in business;

• Command an army - enter into a meaningless argument;

• Training in shooting is a futile, non-profitable business.

What is the dream of an army guy in an erotic dream book

In an erotic dream book it is said that if a guy dreams about how he serves in the army, he is already fully prepared for active actions in relation to love. If you do not have a strong relationship at the moment, or even a partner, such a dream may mean that you are on the right track in finding your soulmate, the main thing is not to miss the opportunity to build a strong and lasting relationship.

If you dream that you are serving in the ranks of the army that won the battle - in reality you can agree where the road was closed to you, you can get the location of the person who was previously considered an enemy.

If a guy dreams about a young girl escorting him to the army, he will be disappointed in love affairs and may even lose the relationship that he had built for a long time because of his bad character. It is worth tempering your ardor and even if you are confident in your rightness - do not neglect the advice of loved ones, which have long indicated to you a nasty character.

It is also important to remember those people who served with you in the army, or were going to serve in it. These people will play a significant role in the development of you as a person. If you dream that you are going to the service together with your colleagues at work, this means that in reality you will get involved with them in a common cause and get a good profit. If you had not previously thought about the possibility of such cooperation, now the time is right for this.

If you dream that a woman is commanding you in the army, or your lover - in reality such a dream promises your power in the situation. But remember, was your commander too despotic in a dream? Perhaps you are such in reality?

To serve a guy in the women's forces - such a dream suggests that he is most likely under the significant influence of the female team, or is influenced by some kind of women. The influence weighs on him, but this is far from the problem, most likely he simply refuses to learn and accept the advice and worldly wisdom from his loved ones. It is necessary to reconsider relations within the family and prioritize, otherwise significant conflicts may begin.

Why does the army dream of a man in an esoteric dream book

In the esoteric dream book it is said why it is dreaming that they are drafting into the army - someone has long and actively wants to annoy you, most likely you know this foe personally and have long suspected his mischief. But after this dream, it is worth considering that the alignment of forces is no longer in your favor and you will have to restore your positions.

Why dream of serving in the army? Such a dream means that you will bear your burden for a long time without external support. Such a dream may also mean that you will soon enter into a rather profitable, at first glance, deal, but in reality you wanted to deceive you from the very beginning. A dream warns you of the possibility of financial loss if you dream that you were injured in the army or injured.

If you dream that you are escaping from the army - you are so tired of everyday affairs and routines, you will so much want to live independently and make decisions yourself that you can even decide to escape from reality. The dream book advises you to stop oppressing yourself emotionally and physically and to engage in self-development, to stop being offended by your loved ones and relatives. It’s easier to talk to them and find a compromise solution to the problem situation.

If you dream that you are getting a summons to the army, but you don’t see your name on it, someone’s problems will be burdened on your shoulders. The dream book warns you against hasty conclusions. It is time for you to clearly state your rights and obligations, both in your personal life and in your professional field. If you do not do this in the near future, you will continue to play the role of the second violin in everything.

If you dream of lush farewells to the army, you should not be glad that a feast and fun awaits you, most likely such a dream means waste and empty hopes for a holiday. Analyze the situation, are you too active in the clouds?

Why does the army dream of a guy in other dream books

In the dream book Grishina said that to see your farewell to the army is a joyful event, you can also finally receive the long-awaited news, or letter. To do this, you just have to wait. If you dream about how you are marching in the army, significant changes for the better await you.

In the dream book of Nostradamus it is said that the army in a dream is a symbol of inevitability and strength that you have to use. For the good, or to the detriment - other sleep symbols will say this, the main thing is not to forget about the fairness of the decisions made. If you dream that a huge army is spreading in front of you in a dream - enslavement awaits you. You will have to give up your ideals, your dreams. If in a dream you command an army, you have put too much on your shoulders. Do not assume the responsibilities of others. Hypocrisy does not suit you. Find another way to gain universal acceptance.

If you dream about the longing for a certain person overpowering you in the army, then in reality you will experience a genuine longing for him. You may be flooded with memories, but most likely you just wanted to say something to him for a long time and did not dare. Now is the time to take a decisive step. Let your desire come true, and the dream come true. Whatever the dream, your real life is only in your hands and you should value it every day, because it is unique.
