How to grow celosia from seeds: sowing seedlings, planting and caring for plants in open ground. Diseases and pests of celosia


Celosia comes from warm African countries. The flower does not tolerate negative temperatures, therefore, in the harsh Russian climate, the plant is grown as an annual crop.

How to sow seeds of celosia on seedlings in order to enjoy beautiful combed or cirrus flowers all summer long?

Growing celosia from seeds

The only way to propagate celosia in our conditions is by seed. Before you start planting seeds, it is worth exploring all the subtleties of this culture.

1. Seeds of celosia have a dense shell, which makes germination difficult. Before planting, they need to be soaked in a solution of epin for 3-4 hours.

2. Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out from March to early April.

3. The soil for planting is chosen loose.

Containers for planting celosia seeds are filled with nutritious and loose soil mixture, which is slightly compacted and well moistened. Seeds are evenly distributed over the surface of the soil. It is not necessary to sprinkle small seeds with soil, they must germinate in the light.

After planting, the soil is sprayed from the spray gun and covered with glass. Germination of celosia is carried out in a heated room, where the air temperature does not drop below 20 degrees.

Celosia seedlings appear 8-10 days after sowing. Glass is gradually removed from containers.

You can sow celosia seeds with separate peat mugs, which will allow you to do without picking seedlings in the future.

How to care for celosia seedlings

It will not be possible to grow good seedlings of celosia without additional illumination. At the beginning of March, daylight hours are still short, therefore seedlings are irradiated for 5-6 hours a day.

Pickling seedlings is carried out twice:

• As soon as a second pair of true leaves appears. The soil for cultivation is selected the same as for sowing. The distance between the seedlings is 5 cm.

• When the plants get stronger and grow. Transshipment is carried out together with an earthen lump in separate free containers.

In addition, celosia seedlings need top dressing, which combine with watering. It is better to fertilize the plant with complex mineral solutions for flowering crops.

When to plant celosia in open ground

Celosia seedlings are planted in open ground, closer to the end of May, when the threat of night frosts passes.

For growing celosia, it is important to choose the right site.

1. It is best to give preference to warm and sunny areas.

2. The flower does not tolerate cold winds, so the place should be well protected from drafts.

3. The soil on the site is preferably nutritious, loose, but fresh organic matter for planting is not introduced.

The plant is demanding on the acidity of the soil. In areas with acidic soil, lime is added for digging.

How to plant celosia, a photo of the finished seedlings

In general, planting is not different from the rest and is carried out in the usual way. But some nuances are important to consider.

1. Celosia does not tolerate excessive soil moisture, so the soil is well drained.

2. The root system of young plants is very fragile, so they are planted together with peat pots.

3. Wells for planting undersized varieties are made at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

4. Tall species are planted at a distance of 25-30 cm.

Seedlings that were grown in containers are transplanted by transshipment, along with a lump of land.

Outdoor Celosia Care

Plant care is simple, it is enough to properly organize watering and feeding.

How to water celosia

The plant tolerates drought well, but in intense heat it needs watering. A flower is watered gradually and not often. In rainy summers, celosia can do without watering at all. Waterlogged soil causes disease. However, to bring the plant to a wilted state, when the leaves dry, and flower stalks cease to form is not worth it.

What fertilizers are suitable for celosia

The flower responds favorably to dressing, but fresh organics cannot be used.

The first time they feed celosia 10-15 days after planting. Next, do not forget to fertilize the plant every month. It is best to use complex mineral fertilizers.

Important! Often, feeding a flower with nitrogen should not be, as this affects poorly its flowering. Celosia is rampaging, building up too much green mass, but the appearance of peduncles is delayed.

In addition, celosic care includes loosening the soil and timely weed removal. The root system of the plant needs air, therefore, after each irrigation, the soil will certainly loosen.

How to collect celosia seeds

It is difficult to collect small flower seeds without loss. They are easily carried by the wind, often sprout in the wrong places. To collect seeds for further cultivation, proceed as follows:

• cut some fresh branches of the plant;

• put them in a vase without water so that they dry;

• Cover the white paper so that the seeds fall onto it on their own.

Harvested seeds are stored in paper bags until next spring in a cool place.

Celosia in winter

In our latitudes, even perennial plant varieties are cultivated as an annual, therefore, for the winter, the bush is dug up and burned. However, celosia looks beautiful in dry bouquets, decorating the room with bright colors in the middle of winter.

In autumn, the most remarkable inflorescences of celosia are cut off and brought into the house, after cleaning them from foliage. The branches are placed in a vase and wait until they are completely dry.

Dry inflorescences are tied into beautiful unfading bouquets. You can compose the plant with other dried flowers.

Problems When Growing Celosia

Celosia is unpretentious and rarely affected by pests and diseases. But beginners in gardening have difficulty growing seedlings.

Young shoots are quite fragile and sensitive to soil moisture. If you accidentally waterlog the soil, then the black leg will destroy all seedlings. Observe the moisture level and do not allow excessive moisture of the substrate.

If the soil is waterlogged, then immediately take action. Sprinkle with crushed charcoal or ash on the substrate, they will absorb excess moisture. Allow the soil to dry and spray the plants with a potassium permanganate solution to avoid the appearance of a black leg.

After planting a plant on a flower bed, sometimes aphids appear on celosia. At the first signs of a pest, be sure to spray the plant with soap and water. Repeat spraying in a few days. Treatments in the evening when the heat subsided.

Common varieties of celosia

In our gardens, silver celosia and its varieties have taken root:

Celosia crest or "cockscomb". Among this variety are tall and low grades. The flower stalk is similar to the cockscomb of red or orange. Flowering lasts from mid-summer to autumn.

Celosia pinnate or panicled. There are tall, stunted and dwarf varieties. Upright stems end with a panicle inflorescence. The color of the flowers is red, yellow, orange or raspberry.


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