Fish soups for children: features of the introduction to the diet. Recipes of fish soups for children from fresh fish and canned food


Fish is a low-calorie dietary product with a high content of iron, phosphorus, calcium and iodine. It contains a significant set of vitamins and a complex of essential minerals. The introduction to the children's diet of fish, specially prepared, dishes positively affects not only the growth and overall development of the baby, but also improves immunity, improves the digestive system.

Soups retain all the properties of fish, and are a wonderful source of energy. They support the baby's body with essential proteins, healthy vitamins, amino acids and minerals. In order not to harm the health of the child, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology of cooking fish soup, the rules for introducing dishes into the diet.

General principles for preparing fish soups for children

• The preparation of healthy fish soups for the child should be given special attention. The main product - fish should only be fresh and well cooked. It is better to give preference to sea or large river fish, with a minimum content of small bones. One of the main conditions - it should not be excessively fat. Young children are preferable to prepare dishes from river fish, it is easier to absorb by the body, and this is important.

• It is not necessary to use fresh fish for fish soup. Children from one and a half years old can be prepared from canned food, which should also be chosen very carefully. First of all, it is worth evaluating the shelf life and condition of the can. If she seems even a little suspicious, immediately set aside. It is worth noting that the most delicious soup is obtained from canned fish in oil, and not with its addition.

• If the soup is made from fresh fish, the broth is first boiled from it, which is filtered after readiness. This is done in order to avoid getting small seeds into the finished dish. Canned fish is added to the soup when all the other components are ready. It is pre-broken into pieces, removing the hard spinal bones.

• Spices should not be added to fish soups for children, and if it is necessary to cook the roast, it is better to pass the vegetables in butter.

• When serving, fish soup can be seasoned with sour cream a little, seasoned with finely chopped herbs. This will increase its nutritional value and benefits.

Hake fish soup with millet

Ingredients per liter of water:

• hake fillet without skin - 300 gr.;

• small potato;

• half a medium carrot;

• a small onion;

• two spoons of selected millet;

• several branches of dill.

Cooking method:

1. First you need to cook the fish broth. Pour boiled water over the washed fish fillet and place on the fire. Bringing to a boil, carefully remove the var. When the first signs of boiling appear, reduce the heat so that the water boils only a little, and lower the whole onion in the broth. Tightly covering the pan with a lid, cook the fish for at least half an hour, after which we take it out of the pan.

2. Double-filter the fish broth through layers of gauze or a rare sieve, pour into a clean pan and put it on the fire again. In a boiling broth we spread finely grated carrots and medium-sized cubes of potatoes. Cook for five minutes, and put the thoroughly washed millet. Cook until the potatoes are soft enough.

3. Return to the pan the fish boiled and cut into small pieces, slightly add salt and add dill. After boiling over low heat for at least five minutes, turn it off. After adding greens, you can not allow boiling, otherwise the broth will darken, and will have an unpleasant taste.

Fish soup for children with cream cheese without potatoes


• large hake - half a kilo of fish fillet;

• two small carrots;

• 30 gr. flour;

• onion head;

• 700 ml of water;

• two large tablespoons of butter;

• 50 gr. processed cheese, only high quality, natural.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, we wash the fish well, and, pouring the fillet with the indicated amount of water, we cook a clear broth. The cooking time of the fish broth from the moment of boiling is 30 minutes. We take out the finished fish, pause it a little and cut into portioned pieces, put it in a plate, cover and temporarily set aside.

2. On a medium grater, rub the carrots and pass with the onions in the butter with the butter until golden. So that the roasting does not burn or dry, stir regularly.

3. Transfer the sautéed vegetables to the pan and add strained fish stock to them, leaving about a quarter of a glass. Putting the pan on the stove, turn on the maximum heat.

4. While boiling, in the cast broth we plant flour. Intensively stirring the boiling broth, we add the flour mixture into it in a thin stream, after which we place the medium-sized shredded processed cheese. Stir.

5. When it begins to boil, add pieces of fish, add salt and cook, not allowing it to boil intensively, for another five minutes.

Fish soup for children of one year old (mashed soup)


• salmon or pollock (fillet) - 150 gr.;

• small carrot;

• half a small onion;

• a teaspoon of low-fat sour cream;

• Potato - a large tuber of a boiled variety.

Cooking method:

1. Pour one and a half glasses of water into a small saucepan and lower the fish fillet cut into small pieces. On a small fire, bring the broth to a low boil, add and further cook under the lid. After boiling the fish for half an hour, turn off the stove. Carefully catch the pieces of fish, and filter the broth and bring to a boil again.

2. Dip the small broths of carrots and potatoes, finely chopped onions into the fish broth and cook the vegetables until completely softened.

3. Pour the finished soup into a narrow but deep bowl, put pieces of fish in it and kill it with mashed blender. Before serving, stir a spoonful of sour cream in it.

How to Make Appetizing Fish Soup for Kids with Meatballs


• small potato;

• 200 grams of any white fish (fillet);

• small onion;

• half a medium carrot;

• two tablespoons of milk;

• a raw egg;

• 50 gr. finely ground white crackers.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fish fillet well and dry it with a towel. Then cut into pieces and grind in a meat grinder. Add a little salt and crackers soaked in milk to the cooked minced meat.

2. Break the egg into a cup, shake it well and pour in small portions into the fish mass, mixing it thoroughly. Stuffing should not be liquid.

3. Wet hands with water, sculpt small meatballs the size of a medium plum.

4. In a pot of water (0.6 liters), dip the cubes of potatoes, finely chopped onion and grated carrots. Cook with little heating the vegetable broth until the potato pieces soften (semi-cooked state).

5. Put cooked meatballs into the pan, bring the soup to a boil. At this time, foam will form on the surface, it must be carefully removed. Boil the fish soup with meatballs after boiling for a quarter of an hour and remove from the stove.

6. When serving, you can supplement the soup with chopped herbs.

Recipe for a simple fish soup for children with semolina


• aronia turnip - 50 gr.;

• semolina - 10 g .;

• 100 gr. fish fillet;

• a third of a small carrot;

• half a small onion;

• 400 ml of drinking water;

• three branches of dill;

• frozen cream or homemade butter - 1 tsp;

• potato - a medium-sized tuber.

Cooking method:

1. Cook the fish broth with onions, while not chopping the onion, but lowering it into the whole water. Not earlier than half an hour after boiling, we transfer the cooked fish from the broth to a plate, cool. We disassemble into small pieces, carefully looking, if there are bones, remove.

2. In a boiling, strained through a sieve, broth we put potatoes cut into small cubes. After boiling for ten minutes, start the semolina. At the same time, we quickly mix the broth so that the groats do not catch lumps.

3. Rub the carrots on a fine grater into the soup and continue cooking on moderate heat for about a quarter of an hour.

4. At the end, lower the finely chopped dill and butter, add. Cook with minimal heat for another five minutes, stir and turn off.

Quick fish soup for children from two years of canned rice


• "Saira in oil" - one can of canned fish;

• two small potatoes;

• a small carrot;

• greenery;

• three spoons with a small slide of round-grain rice.

Cooking method:

1. After sorting the rice, rinse and pour on a colander or sieve to dry.

2. We clean and thoroughly wash the vegetables. Cut potatoes into medium-sized cubes or thin cubes, onions into small slices. Grind a small carrot on an average grater.

3. We put a pan of water at the maximum heating temperature. When boiling, dip the potatoes into it, and after ten minutes add the rice groats.

4. In vegetable oil, until golden, we pass the onions with carrots. We carefully monitor the frying - constantly stir so as not to burn.

5. We get canned fish from the can. Breaking into smaller pieces, remove bones and ridges. Dip the fish slices in the soup and immediately spread the vegetable frying into the pan. Add the oil from the can and boil, reducing the heat, fish soup for another five minutes.

6. Remove from the stove and let stand for about half an hour to insist.

Tips for Making Fish Soup for Kids - Useful Tips

• Year-olds are better off choosing low-fat fish. The most suitable: catfish, haddock, cod, hake, zander.

• If you decide to serve fish soup to a child up to one year old, do not add salt. A little salt can be added when the baby is more than 12 months old.

• The first soups are recommended to be cooked only with potatoes, later it can be supplemented with cereals and other vegetables, frying from them. The first cereal should be semolina, later, when the baby is already a year old from birth, it is permissible to replace millet or rice.

• For the first time, infants should be given no more than a teaspoon of fish soup and watch it for a couple of days. If his health does not worsen, and allergy symptoms do not appear, soup can be given without fear. The portion needs to be increased gradually. By one and a half years, it should be approximately 230 ml.

• Do not use mayonnaise for dressing. Take better nonfat sour cream or vegetable oil.


Watch the video: A Beginners Guide to Sous Vide Cooking- Kitchen Conundrums with Thomas Joseph (July 2024).