Will a set of exercises to restore vision? Yes! A set of seven exercises to help restore vision


With a modern lifestyle, it is difficult to avoid heavy eye strain. Monitors of computers, phones, tablets constantly attract attention not only at work, but also in transport, on vacation.

Such a habit does not affect the functioning of the oculomotor muscles in the best way, contributing to the development of farsightedness, strabismus, myopia and other diseases.

Nevertheless, it is quite possible to restore the lost vigilance naturally, if you use a set of special exercises.

Why do eyes weaken?

Nature initially envisaged that a person’s gaze should constantly focus on distant or near objects. This is the only way to maintain the normal functioning of the rectus and oblique eye muscles. Continuous looking into the close screens of modern technology and gadgets violates the natural rhythm, which inevitably leads to visual impairment.

It is quite difficult to solve the problem with glasses, because they reduce eye movement, weakening the natural focus function. As a result, after some time there will be a need to change the lens to a stronger optics. To break out of this vicious circle, it is enough with the help of special exercises to strengthen the weakened muscles.

Gymnastics for the eyes

This system is equally effective for both prevention and treatment of eye diseases. To achieve a sustainable result and consolidate it, it is advisable to devote at least 20 minutes a day to classes.

With due diligence, there is a chance to get the first signs of improvement after 3 months or six months. The exact timing depends on the nature of the disease. All exercises are performed without lenses and glasses. They are powerful for everyone, because they do not require any special skills:

1. Palming considered the easiest and at the same time fundamental method. Before you do it, rub your hands until they feel warm, and then cover your tired eyes with your hands for about 5 minutes. If you wish, you can extend the time. The eyelids must be closed. Relax completely, and then imagine that you are seeing the world around you clearly and completely. For convenience, you can sit on a chair and lean your elbows on the surface of the table. The main thing is that through the fingers and eyelids a bright light does not penetrate, and the eyes, respectively, are in complete darkness. Before exiting palming, you need to squeeze and relax your eyelids several times in a row without removing your palms. Then you need to rub them with fists following the example of a waking baby and, quickly blinking, open your eyes. This light exercise helps to relax the eye muscles during work, and also allows you to prepare for more complex gymnastics. Palming is contraindicated in detachment of the retina and within six months after surgery.

2. "Charging" for the eyes. Before embarking on this set of exercises to restore vision, you need to completely relax and carefully consider all the nuances. The movements are performed very smoothly, slowly three times a day. Going to the right number of repetitions is best done gradually, taking into account your well-being. At the start, it is advisable to blink quickly, relaxing the eye muscles. You can not break the sequence of the developed complex, so as not to reduce the expected effect. Contraindications include surgery, retinal detachment, and a high degree of myopia. Charging should be performed in the following sequence:

  • Movement number 1 - "Up and down": raise your eyes as much as possible, and then lower down with the same force. Blink at the end;
  • Movement number 2 - "left-right": the look must be squinted first to the right, and then to the opposite side. Blink
  • Movement number 3 - "Diagonals": slowly look to the right, and then raise your eyes up. Squint to the left and lower your eyes down. Repeated three times. Blink
  • Movement number 4 - "Rectangle": with your eyes try to draw a quadrangle as large as possible, "moving" clockwise. Blink. Then the same figure must be "drawn" with a look in the opposite direction. Blink
  • Movement No. 5 - “Circle”: all the tips are identical to the previous exercise with the only difference being that a circle “is drawn” with a look. Do not forget to blink;
  • Movement number 6 - “Snake”: in the direction from left to right, you need to “draw” with a look a continuous line and blink. Then the exercise is performed from right to left.

3. Solarization. To perform this set of exercises to restore vision, you need any source of light. On a cloudy day you can use a candle. The main principle of the method is to alternately affect the eyes of the sun and shadow. You can, for example, stand near a tree that hides bright rays and simply shake your head so that the light appears or disappears. The option is also suitable when, standing in the sun, the eyes periodically hide behind the palm of the hand. The same effect can be easily obtained in a dark room with a burning candle: it is enough to simply turn your head either left or right, looking at the flickering fire. During solarization (it is advisable to perform the exercise at least 20 times), the state of the retina improves and the eye muscles relax as much as possible.

4. Massage. This set of exercises to restore vision will be especially useful for people suffering from astigmatism and myopia. The method also serves as an effective prevention of cataracts and glaucoma. Before performing it, you need to thoroughly wash your hands, and then with your fingers very carefully press on certain points in the eyelids. The technique is simple: pressing lightly on the eye, you need to perform several vibrating movements and release your hand. Each vibration should be performed three times.

The list of massage points looks like this:

• Press the upper eyelid with two index fingers;

• Middle fingers massage the outer corners of the eyes;

• With two index fingers press and vibrate the lower eyelid;

• Middle fingers massage corners near the nose;

• Immediately with four fingers massage the entire eyeball;

• Using the index fingers, perform the same movements in the area of ​​the astigmatic point. To find it, you need to squint your eyes a little and press alternately with your finger in different places, trying to find the area where signs of a quick improvement in visibility will clearly manifest. Performing such exercises regularly can cure astigmatism;

• After you squint your eyes in Chinese, blink a little.

5. Pirate glasses. In the system developed by Professor Bates, this set of exercises for restoring vision is recognized as the most powerful. To perform it, you need one-eyed glasses or a regular black bandage. The method is based on a well-known pattern - vision can be impaired if you constantly look at the monitor with two eyes. In such cases, the oculomotor muscles "wean" to contract regularly, which leads to a weakening of vigilance. If one eye is closed, then with each arbitrary blinking, the brain impulse is forced to sharpen, training and restoring vision. It is also important to consider that the eye under the blindfold or closed lens of the glasses must be open. You need to change position every half hour, performing palming. The onset of the result depends on the frequency of use of the method.

6. Far away. This set of exercises to improve vision, is useful for people suffering from farsightedness, and in the case of myopia. To perform it, it is enough from time to time to take your eyes off the monitor and look at objects located at the opposite end of the room. The ideal option is to go to the window and peer into the distance.

7. Central fixation. Blinking continuously, try to focus your eyes on a large object. For example, at the house outside the window. After the focus is caught, move your gaze to the window, and then to the window and smaller objects. Reducing the size of the selected objects, continue to blink. The main fixation at the same time should go exactly in the center of the eyes.

Prevention Methods: How to Preserve Vision

To maintain vision when working with modern office equipment, you need to try to minimize the strain on the eyes. To do this, just follow a few rules:

• Do not sit near the monitor closer than 50 cm;

• Working at a computer in the dark is strictly prohibited. Contrast in lighting leads to rapid eye fatigue;

• A break is required after every hour of work. At this time, you can perform a set of exercises to restore vision;

• If fatigue persists after a pause, it is necessary to increase its duration;

• Blink as often as possible to prevent dryness and dry eye syndrome.

It is possible to improve vision with the help of foods rich in vitamin A. Especially a lot of natural substances useful for the eyes in carrots, sprouted grains of wheat and blueberries.

You can also take advantage of special pictures that enhance visual acuity.

Together with a set of exercises, they help to relax tense eye muscles and return lost vigilance.


Watch the video: 1-Minute Exercises to Improve Posture and Reduce Back Pain (June 2024).