Tea from dandelions: how it helps and what properties it has. The use of dandelion tea, the benefits and harms of an herbal drink


A modest dandelion has remarkable healing power. In folk medicine, drugs prepared on the basis of various parts of this plant are used actively with great benefit to human health. For example, dandelion tea is a very tasty and incredibly healthy drink.

The healing properties of dandelions

In the composition of dandelion juice, scientists discovered a lot of useful substances. It contains vitamins, minerals, biologically active substances. The complex produces a wonderful cocktail that has a beneficial effect on the digestive, immune, urinary, nervous system, and prevents a number of very dangerous diseases.

The most important for health are vitamins A (retinol), C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol), B4 (choline), B2 (riboflafin), B1 (thiamine). They increase the strength of the capillary network, protect the heart from heart attacks and strokes, and blood vessels - the formation of sclerotic plaques. In combination with minerals (iron, chromium, calcium, potassium), organic acids, bioflavonoids, they restore the inflamed, damaged liver, normalize hormonal levels, affecting the endocrine system, heal the pancreas, stomach, kidneys.

All these healing properties in dandelion tea are fully preserved. A drink rich in vitamins and nutrients will help you recover faster or feel better: more energetic, calmer, stronger.

Benefits of Dandelion Tea

Plant teas are one way to restore health. The benefits of dandelion tea are that it helps to effectively fight body diseases and has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. The drink has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antiviral and antioxidant effect. Regularly drinking a cup of a drink with a pleasant vegetable aroma, you can naturally strengthen the immune system.

Tea from dandelions can be used in the complex treatment of certain ailments:

• inflammation of the joints, muscles and bones, including gout and rheumatism;

• cholelithiasis;

• obesity;

• persistent constipation;

• fermentation in the intestines, flatulence;

• alcohol poisoning;

• swelling;

• heart and kidney failure.

Useful tea from dandelions removes toxic substances from the body - toxins, salts and bad cholesterol, cleansing the blood and preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Due to the obvious diuretic effect, it removes puffiness, reduces weight, largely due to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. With anemia raises hemoglobin, with vitamin deficiency eliminates the deficiency of vitamins.

With a cold, you can be treated with pleasant tea from dandelions from the first hours, and then recovery will come faster, there will be no complications. If bronchitis has developed, then tea will help to heal faster, especially if you simultaneously use tincture on dandelions.

The beneficial properties of dandelion tea can be used for increased mental stress. The drink improves memory, attention, and ability to concentrate. With increased physical exertion, it is also useful, as it gives vigor, relieves fatigue.

How to collect dandelions for tea

All parts of the plant are suitable for brewing healthy tea. Young leaves and flowers are collected in early spring, until they become stiff and turn into downy hats. At the same time, you can take young roots: they make a very tasty drink.

Raw materials must be collected in ecologically safe areas, away from the city or industrial enterprise. You can not tear dandelions near roads and tracks. Flowers and leaves absorb harmful emissions, dirt, dust, becoming not only useless, but also dangerous.

The harvested crop must be washed with cold water, select all insects and dry. If the raw material is not used immediately, it must be dried completely, naturally in the shade or in the oven at 50 ° C. Then store in a glass jar or a breathing bag made of natural fabric.

When collecting the root, pay attention to the age of the plant. Two-year-old dandelions are of great benefit. The root should be thick, powerful, without bifurcation and signs of damage by pests. More useful in the autumn roots of dandelion. In late October - early November, they accumulate a record amount of active substances.

The use of dandelion tea

The secret of dandelion is that tea can be prepared from any part of the plant: flowers, leaves, dried roots. Moreover, even the secret of “coffee” from dandelion roots was invented, which has a unique taste different from the taste of a traditional drink.

For "coffee" dried roots are additionally fried in a dry skillet. Due to heat treatment, beneficial properties are reduced, as some vitamins are destroyed by heat. Of course, such tea from dandelions will not cause harm, but its healing power is less.

The wide centuries-old use of dandelion tea in folk medicine has allowed us to create recipes that are designed to solve specific problems. The simplest way to brew a fortifying drink is no different from making any other herbal tea. On a tablespoon of raw materials, take a cup of boiled water, let stand under the lid for 3-4 minutes and drink.

Tea made from fresh dandelion caps

All you need to make a drink is 2-3 handfuls of freshly picked dandelion heads. The flowers must be freed from the stems and stalks and put in a container for brewing, for example, in a regular teapot. Take a cup of boiling water for one handful of petals. Pour in the raw materials and let the tea brew for 5 minutes. Strain and drink with colds, bronchitis, weakness, insomnia, decreased vitality.

Tea from young leaves

Wash 2-3 handfuls of young dandelion leaves with cold water, pat dry on a towel and fold in a teapot. Brew 1.5 cups of boiling water, let it brew under a lid and a warm towel. Strain, pour into cups. Add lemon or mint leaf to taste and drink as a diuretic, laxative, restorative, anti-inflammatory.

If you use dried leaves, then first you need to grind them into crumbs. Brew at the rate of a tablespoon without a slide in a glass

Healing tea from flowers

For joint pain, prepare a more concentrated drink. For a cup of healing tea, take five large heads with a cup, pour a glass of cold water. Put on medium heat, after boiling simmer with a weak boil for about twenty minutes. Strain, squeeze the flowers. Drink a small cup of broth 2-3 times a day before meals.

This tea is useful in inflammation of the joints, hormonal and digestive disorders, gastritis with low acidity, in the treatment of gynecological inflammation, diseases of the liver and gall bladder, to increase appetite.

Tea to remove sand from the kidneys

When deciding on the use of this tool, be sure to consult with a urologist and do a UI. Large stones can clog the ureters; this is dangerous.

For two tablespoons of dried heads and stems (or just flowers or leaves), take half a liter of cold water. Fill and place on the stove. Boil for twenty minutes at a slow boil, strain, cool slightly to an acceptable temperature and drink immediately.

Dandelion Root Tea

Powder the dried root or chop finely. Brew a tablespoon of raw materials with a cup of boiling water, cover with a lid. After five minutes, strain and drink with honey or lemon. Tea is useful for colds, vitamin deficiency, inflammation of the joints and muscles, cough, infections of the oral mucosa.

Dandelion Tea Harm

Despite the fact that dandelion is very useful, not everyone can take a drink from this plant. Dandelion tea will be harmful to people suffering from gastritis with high acidity, diarrhea, exacerbation of a stomach ulcer or gallstone disease. You can not drink a decoction with an allergy to dandelions. It can manifest as lacrimation, skin rash, sudden weakness, nausea, or vomiting.

The use of dandelion tea is an easy way to strengthen the immune system, restore the functioning of internal organs and body systems, and recover faster.


Watch the video: 7 Reasons You Should Drink A Cup Of Dandelion Tea Everyday (July 2024).