Treatment of chronic tonsillitis at home: rinse. Methods for treating chronic tonsillitis at home


Tonsillitis is an inflammatory process in the tonsils. The acute stage is a common sore throat. But if the disease manifests itself more than three times a year, then this is chronic tonsillitis. Home treatment of such a pathology is possible, but all the rules must be followed.

Causes of Chronic Tonsillitis

Tonsillitis can be triggered by viral and bacterial infections. One of the most common infections is streptococcal. Other root causes include:


· Influenza viruses;

Herpes simplex virus


Palatine tonsils are part of the general immunity. The main purpose is the fight against infections that penetrate the throat. The microflora of a person consists of non-pathogenic microorganisms. In case of imbalance, the entry of pathogens, the stress of local immunity ultimately destroys viruses and bacteria.

With constant island-inflammatory processes in the pharynx, palatine tonsils lose their ability to fight infections. This causes the progression of chronic tonsillitis. It is the tonsils that are susceptible to the chronic form of inflammation. The progression of this form of the disease is facilitated by such diseases of a viral and bacterial nature:

1. Sinusitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis. Any island-inflammatory processes that disrupt breathing.

2. Gingwit and caries. For this reason, pathogenic microflora appears in the mouth.

3. The presence in the near history of measles, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, which lower general immunity.

There are also a number of factors that contribute to lowering immunity:

· Malnutrition and lack of vitamins;

· Prolonged hypothermia of the body;

· Low fluid intake;

· The presence of addictions;

· Unfavorable living conditions.

Before proceeding with the treatment of such a pathology, it is important to find out its cause.

Rinsing the mouth in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis at home

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis at home is impossible without rinsing. Using such procedures, you can get rid of pathogens that form plaque. When they are removed, a person begins to struggle with the cause of the inflammatory process. There are several rinse recipes:

1. Dissolve a teaspoon of soda and salt in a glass of liquid. After add 10 drops of iodine. The resulting solution should be manipulated every 3 hours. Procedures should be carried out until complete cure.

2. 2 cloves of garlic must be passed through a press, so that they let the juice. Add a glass of warmed milk. After cooling, filter and rinse twice a day.

3. The leaves and flowers of celandine must be crushed. After add a glass of boiling water and leave the whole mass for a quarter of an hour. Gargle three times a day with a warm solution. If the preparation is prepared immediately for the whole day, then the medicine should be warmed up before use.

4. On a glass of liquid add a couple of drops of essential oil of basil.

The rules for conducting sessions are as follows:

1. The treatment mixture should not be too hot.

2. Dial a small amount of the drug into the oral cavity, hold for a bit, take a deep breath with your nose.

3. Tilt your head back and slowly exhale. Voice needs to make the ligaments vibrate.

4. Release the oral cavity from the medicine.

5. Continue the procedure until the right amount of solution has been applied.

When all the recommendations are followed, it can be cured of the disease extremely quickly.

Medicinal teas in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis at home

Healing teas can help relieve the inflammatory process quickly and relieve sore throats. You need to drink such funds only in a warm form. Such teas will help strengthen the immune system, eliminate perspiration and reduce painful manifestations. The most effective recipes are:

1. Cut the ginger root into small cubes. Add grated garlic and lemon whipped with a blender. Mix the whole mass very well and pour a liter of liquid. Put on low heat for half an hour. After the product becomes a little cool pour in a little bee product. To use three times a day between each meal. In this way, it is possible to treat pathology for children and pregnant women.

2. Boil a liter of milk. Add 10 g of violets. Put on low heat for a couple of minutes. Filter and consume warm.

3. Peel carrots, beets and cucumbers. Beat everything with a blender and squeeze the juice. Mix and use the whole healing fluid throughout the day.

4. In a glass of warm water, melt 2 tablespoons of linden honey. Add a third of a teaspoon of salt and juice from half a lemon. Drink the resulting medicine twice in small sips.

Such recipes are allowed for women bearing children and children.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis at home: inhalation, compresses, rubbing, paste for tonsils

With chronic tonsillitis, a cloudy whitish coating appears on the tonsils, with which you must say goodbye. This can be done with wipes. For the procedure, use the following means:

· propolis tincture;

· Fir drying oil;

· Juice of black radish with bee products in equal proportions;

· Garlic juice with water;

· Honey and juice of aloe leaves in a ratio of 3 to 1.

Such a medicinal composition should be applied using turunda. You can also wrap a piece of gauze on your finger. Hands should be handled well. Such a session must be carried out on an empty stomach. The duration of therapy is 2 weeks.

It is possible to get rid of chronic tonsillitis and sore throat with inhalation. Such manipulations negate the island-inflammatory process, remove the sore throat. All medicines are used only in the form of warm-humid inhalations. But there are contraindications for conducting sessions, which include:

· high body temperature;

Tendency to nosebleeds;

The occurrence of purulent plaque;

· Pronounced symptoms of intoxication.

Effective recipes are:

1. Boil the potatoes in their skins. Pour a couple of drops of turpentine into the liquid. Inhale a couple of minutes. This procedure is done only by adults.

2. Add 2 large spoons of propolis tincture per liter of hot liquid. Inhale vapors for 7 minutes 3 times a day.

3. Peel the head of garlic and pour it with a liter of liquid. Bring the whole mass to a boil. After falling asleep a teaspoon of soda. The tool for carrying out the manipulations is prepared.

4. Pour a liter of hot liquid and drip into it essential oils of eucalyptus and anise. Take 20 and 10 drops, respectively. Breathe in pairs for 10 minutes.

5. Make a decoction of sage, mint and St. John's wort. A glass of liquid will need 2 tablespoons of the collection.

When carrying out the procedures, you do not need to lean too close to the container, since you can get a thermal burn.

It is possible to treat the symptoms of chronic tonsillitis with the help of compresses. They help establish blood circulation, eliminate the island-inflammatory process, and dull the pain. It is possible to treat the throat with the following recipes:

· Dissolve 25 g of salt in a cup of liquid, a compress is necessary to remove perspiration.

Attached cabbage leaves;

· The application of cottage cheese with honey on the trachea;

· Boil and peel the beets, grate and pour a couple of drops of kerosene.

The chronic process becomes the reason that lymphoid tissue becomes thinner. You can recover using homemade pastes. To do this, prepare the following components:

Horseradish root

Radish seeds;

· flax seeds;

Mustard grains;

Radish seeds.

All components must be crushed to obtain a homogeneous mass. Pour a small amount of liquid into it. It should be a pasty consistency. With the help of such a paste, it is necessary to treat an ailment for at least 14 days.

Another paste can be made from hyacinth sprigs. To do this, set fire to a couple of branches. Add 4 drops of mustard oil to the resulting ash. Bring the mass to the required consistency. It is possible to treat with the help of such recipes, both with chronic tonsillitis, and at the time of recovery. This method helps to remove all residual effects. It promotes rapid healing, healing and prevents the recurrence of the disease. The mixture is applied to a piece of fleece, take it with tweezers. Secure the tongue with a spatula. Gently transfer the medicine to the tonsils.


Watch the video: Sore Throat. How To Get Rid Of A Sore Throat 2019 (June 2024).