Nasal horoscope and marriage


Astrology allows you to predict many events in life, based only on the moments of interaction of the planets passing through the sky during the birth of a person and on other significant days for him.
A common question people turn to astrology is love relationships, family ties, and marriage.

Indeed, with the help of an astrological forecast and natal charting, an astrologer will help you find out how soon the questioner will meet his fate, how strong their relationship will be, whether they will lead to the conclusion of a marriage, and whether it turns out to be successful and happy for them.

There are so-called indicators in the natal chart of a person, with the help of which you can determine the prospects of the family life of potential or already held spouses.
For men, the locations of the Moon and Venus will be important, for women, the Sun and Mars.
In the case of men, these female planets show on the natal chart that type of women that a man prefers, because Venus is a man's understanding of the sexual ideal of a woman, and the Moon is a model of care, love and comfort.

An important indicator of marriage and its development is the VII house and its ruler. The VII house is considered the house of relations, so it is important to pay attention to the ruler of this house (the planet that controls the sign where the decendent point is). It is necessary to find out exactly which planets are in the VII house and the nature of their relationships.

About marriage is best described in the nasal chart of the moon. The desire for marriage and the creation of a full-fledged family is evidenced by the strong, harmonious aspects of the moon, namely 60 degrees - sextile, 120 degrees - trigon. In addition, the connection of the Moon with Venus or the planet that is the ruler in the seventh house enhances these manifestations. Moreover, the conjunction of the moon in this case should not be affected by other planets. Harmonious Moon characterizes a person of economic, family and caring, focused on serious, long-term relationships and marriage.

Venus is the planet of romantics and lovers. Venus, being in exaltation and in a positive aspect, points to the fidelity and sentimentality of the nature of a person who, among other things, seeks strong relationships built on love and trust.

Ruler-Planet VII of the house talks about the luck of a marriagemoreover, the manager should be harmoniously located relative to other indicators and positively aspected. Usually, compliance with these parameters indicates a happy marriage and a strong love affection of partners.

If the moon is located in Scorpio, this may indicate emotional problems in the pair.

Venus in the VII house predicts happiness in marriage with a worthy person.

Jupiter in the VII house speaks about the security of the partner, however, also warns against illegibility in people, the credulity and naivety of its owner.
Just like, by the way, Jupiter, the Moon in the female horoscope (and the Sun in the male) can indicate several marriages throughout life. However, these planets in this situation do not always talk about the conclusion of an official marriage, it may happen that a woman receives an offer, and a man seeks an engagement.

Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Pisces, in which the Moon or Venus are located, also talk about polygamy, secret connections, strong attachment on the side. The presence of Mercury, as well as Chiron in the VII house, similarly predict a similar situation.
The moon, located in confinement or in the fall, in the presence of unfavorable aspects with other planets, means the absence of a guide to the family or even the rejection of its creation.

In an unfavorable situation, the family life of such a person will be a burden for him, so he can completely refuse to marry.

The most negative aspects are the aspects of Saturn, Uranus and Pluto with respect to the Moon: the opposition of Saturn is found in those who are emotionally cold and stingy with the manifestation of feelings. Pluto in this case speaks of despotism, pressure on a partner, emotional violence. And Uranus to the Moon in an unfavorable position speaks of a temper and a shaky emotional background of a person, he has a complex character, with which not everyone will be able to get along.

Venus, in a weak position, is present in unromantic people. The tense positions of the other planets with respect to Venus indicate inconstancy or inability to show their emotions correctly. Uranus and Venus in opposition, quadrature and other tense aspects characterize a person who confuses passion and true feelings, in negative circumstances, indicates numerous betrayals and emotional infidelity of such a partner.

Pluto and Venus talk about jealousy, a sense of possessiveness, the desire to appropriate a partner, as a thing and not to share with anyone, a tendency to despotic manifestations. Saturn in a tense relationship with Venus describes a person who carefully hides his feelings from a partner, as well as the inability to let go of himself and stop being guided solely by reason, keeping his feelings under control. In addition, Saturn in this position may indicate a large age difference between partners, as well as stinginess, greed and emotional coldness on the part of the partner.

Finding Mars in the VII house in the presence of negative aspects with other planets - unfavorable sign. He talks about the conflict nature of the partner, his inability to compromise and the temperament of the choleric.

In a woman’s horoscope, a tense Pluto in the VII house predicts strained family relationships, frequent conflicts, and the manifestation of emotional or even physical violence.
Neptune in the same house means lack of clarity in relations, unpredictability of their development. It may also indicate a possible infidelity of the partner, addiction to addictions and deceit.

However, the horoscope is not always the ultimate truth. This is just what can happen if a person does not realize his mistakes and does not begin to correct them, changing his personality and his own fate radically.


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