Black hair mask: a review of recipes for strengthening hair. How to use a black clay hair mask


In cosmetic stores, the availability of various hair products is increasing, allowing them to be nourished with vitamins and minerals, give a healthy shine and activate their growth. Natural remedies are gaining great popularity among the fair sex, who dream of transforming their appearance and condition of the hair. Black hair mask with black clay is an excellent remedy for treating scalp and hair problems.

Useful properties of a black clay hair mask

· Improving blood circulation and microcirculation;

· Healing of small cracks and wounds of the scalp;

· Getting rid of dandruff with regular use;

· Getting rid of brittle hair and split ends;

· Normalization of sebum secretion;

· Strengthening and hair growth;

· Increasing the elasticity of curls;

· Antibacterial protection and prevention of dandruff.

Why use black clay for hair

For delicate cleansing of the scalp from dead cells, it is black clay in powder that is used. It starts the process of cell regeneration and improves blood circulation. It is used as part of hair masks and is suitable for different types of hair, the compatibility of other components is important here.

A black clay hair mask stimulates metabolic processes, which means that hair growth is accelerated.

How to use black clay in hair masks

You can use masks containing black clay once a week without fear for the result.

· Dilute clay with warm water so that the powder is well dissolved and reacts;

· It is recommended to check the product on the wrist to make sure that there are no allergic reactions;

· Apply the product with a special comb for hair with rare teeth to distribute the mask evenly;

· A clay mask should be applied not only to the hair roots, but also along the entire length, including the tips, because it is struggling with the problem of split ends;

· It is recommended to keep the mask on the hair for no longer than 45 minutes, since clay significantly dries the scalp.

Clay black hair mask recipes

Natural black clay is sold in pharmacies and in cosmetic departments of stores. A sufficiently budgetary tool will be an excellent help in the fight for the beauty and health of hair. Clay masks are convenient to make at home, you just have to stock up on this powder.

Black hair mask against hair loss

Combine the black clay powder with a mixture of oils (olive, almond and wheat germ oil). It is advisable to apply the composition in a warm form, so it is recommended to heat it in a water bath. Distribute the product along the entire length of the hair and cover with plastic wrap. With the effect of the sauna under the influence of the mineral composition of black clay, the pores open and the remains of sebum come to the surface. After such a procedure, the head should be thoroughly washed with sulfate-free shampoo and a moisturizer (balm or serum to moisturize the hair).

Black hair mask for moisturizing

Black clay in combination with vitamins A and E takes great care of moisturizing the hair and smoothing it over its entire length. We take warm milk and add black clay powder to it. Add a few drops of vitamins A and E, mix well. For the effect of oils on the hair structure, such a composition must be kept for 2-3 hours and then rinsed with shampoo.

Black clay repair mask

Black clay can be used in combination with dairy products to nourish and moisturize hair. The procedure of black clay with coffee and sour cream will help restore damaged hair after the chemical effects of paint, heat styling with an iron or a hairdryer. It will be necessary to combine ground coffee with black clay. Dilute 1 teaspoon of grape vinegar in 3 tablespoons of warm water and add a few tablespoons of sour cream. Combine all this and mix until smooth. The mask is applied to the curls, not using hair roots. Hold for half an hour under a warm towel. Rinse thoroughly in the shower, then rinse with chamomile infusion.

Strengthening the entire length of the hair

The versatility of this recipe for hair masks is confirmed by many girls. A black hair mask with clay strengthens the bulbs and makes the hair elastic. In clay, add clay and mix thoroughly. Gradually introduce burdock oil and lemon juice (just a few drops). After the first time you will notice a healthy shine of your hair. With several applications, the mask is able to restore strength to lifeless and dull hair. Lemon juice disinfects and eliminates harmful microorganisms from the surface of the skin, exfoliates dead skin particles. Burdock oil under the influence of heat penetrates deep into the hair follicles and reliably nourishes them.

Strengthen hair roots with black clay

Honey and black clay are considered a reliable way to strengthen hair follicles. Honey must be warmed up and mixed with clay. Add the yolk from the chicken egg and apply the product at the roots, distributing along the entire length. We create a sauna effect due to a plastic film and a warm towel. Wash off after 30 -40 minutes. Guaranteed accelerated hair growth if you use this mask with every hair wash (at least 2 times a week) for 3-4 months. Hair is filled with vitamins and does not break even when combed. Hair combed after such a mask perfectly.

Review of black hair masks

Moroccan black mask PlanetaOrganica. A mask with an oily structure and a pleasant aroma. Well cares for hair, smoothes along the entire length and strengthens. The composition contains argan oil, which activates hair growth, strengthens hair follicles, and inhibits hair loss. The composition contains amino acids that take care of a beautiful shine.

Thai black sesame mask. A remedy for any type of hair. It has a bright aroma that stays on the hair. Healthy hair with a bright shine is guaranteed after the first use. The mask is effective and very popular in Thailand. Women of different ages use it to restore and grow their hair. The main effect is the sealing of split ends.

Black hair mask Palmy. The mask contains spirulina - these algae are a real treasure of useful substances for nourishing the scalp and hair follicles. Black sesame oil helps restore hair structure. Ganoderma fungus directed effect on the activation of hair growth. With regular use, a black hair mask strengthens them and guarantees a reduction in hair loss.

Contraindications for the use of masks

Black clay is not an allergen, but in combination with other components under the influence of a certain chemical reaction, contraindications are possible.

· Pregnancy. On pregnant women, this drug has not been tested, so you should not risk it.

· Open wounds. If there are patches of skin with damage, then do not abuse hair masks. Treat a specific problem.

· Fungus. Fungal infections can be activated under the influence of certain favorable conditions. Black clay is a way to dry the scalp, but does not fight against fungal infections. Here, it is also recommended to use directional drugs.

If on the surface of the head there are any moles, neoplasms, age spots, then it is worth consulting with a cosmetologist, trichologist. He will be able to choose personal care products for your type of scalp.

Black clay hair masks perfectly affect the structure of the hair, take care of the elasticity and beauty of your curls. A natural remedy will help to quickly and effectively restore vitality and increase hair strength. Masks can be applied to dirty hair. Strong and strong hair will not immediately, however, the positive effect will not take long. Dry hair receives the necessary trace elements and vitamins, oily hair at the roots - get rid of excessive secretion of fat. For normal hair - a restorative effect on growth and hydration.

Many factors influence the condition and appearance of hair: nutrition, ecology, care products. A black clay hair mask perfectly improves their condition inside and out. Elasticity and strengthening are guaranteed if you use such masks regularly.


Watch the video: DIY Natural Hair Mask for Healthy Scalp & Hair! (July 2024).