Dried apples: benefits for children and adults. The health benefits of dried apples, harm to the body


Apples are one of the most common fruits and remain available fresh and dried throughout the year. The article will discuss dried apples and the health benefits they bring. We will also tell you whether dried apples are harmful to the human body.

Composition of nutrients in dried apples

The peculiarity of drying apples is that the fruit gets rid of only the water in it, while almost all the beneficial substances remain as before. The composition of dried apples remains such important components:

● vitamins;

● mineral elements;

● acids of organic origin;

● tannins;

● pectins;

● volatile and much more.

The use of minerals found in dried apples ensures the normal functioning of the organs of the circulatory system, heart, the functionality of blood vessels, hormonal processes, as well as metabolic processes. Among the elements that are in such apples, it can be noted:

● manganese;

● iron;

● copper;

● potassium;

● iodine;

● phosphorus;

● magnesium;

● selenium, etc.

In the cold season, when there are not so many fresh vegetables and fruits, the body often suffers from a vitamin deficiency. It is the use of dried foods that helps to fill the existing deficit. Apples retain the following vitamins:

● A;

● B;

● C;

● E;

● K;

● PP;

● β-carotene.

Approximately 12% of this fruit is made up of sugar substances such as sucrose, glucose and fructose, which significantly improve the functioning of the brain and nervous system, perfectly restoring the body after work of various kinds.

As part of apples, there are many phytoncides - biologically active substances that inhibit growth and kill bacterial organisms and fungal formations.

Pectins normalize the processes associated with metabolism and digestion, as well as normalize cholesterol levels in the body.

In dried apples, there are such acids of organic origin:

● ascorbic;

● lemon;

● wine-stone;

● chlorogenic;

● arabin.

These acids are prophylactic against infectious diseases, and also keep alkali and acid in the human body in the right ratio.

In the peel of this fruit are a huge amount of tanides, catechins flavanoids that fight inflammation, bacteria and are good antioxidants.

In addition, after drying, the following are stored in apples:

● various proteins;

● starch;

● carbohydrates;

● fats;

● essential oils;

● dietary fiber.

Nutrition value per 100 g:

● 2.2 g of protein;

● 0.1 g of fat;

● 59 g of carbohydrates;

● 15 g of dietary fiber;

The calorie content of dried apples is 253-260 g.

Dried Apples: Health Benefits

The beneficial properties of dried apples exist due to the unique composition of the product. It contains fiber, which has a stimulating effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, creates favorable conditions for microflora in the intestines, prevents and eliminates constipation, and also cleanses the body of accumulated toxins.

Beneficial effect on the functionality of the brain and phosphorus, which is in the apple. Also, the use of this product helps to normalize the amount of iron in the body with anemia. When consumed in dried form, calcium is better absorbed, which helps strengthen bones. It also regulates the functionality of the urinary system by regulating fluid in the body.

The product is perfect for a light dessert in the form of dessert for people who want to lose weight.

Drying contains potassium - an element necessary for the full functioning of the heart and strengthen blood vessels. The constant use of dried apples helps to strengthen the myocardium, and also helps the walls of blood vessels to maintain elasticity. Apple drying can be called an excellent prevention of heart attack and stroke.

The use of dried apples for pancreatitis

When the pancreas becomes inflamed, there is a need for a diet. Then it is worthwhile to be limited in quantity and in the choice of dishes and food products during an exacerbation of this disease. In acute pancreatitis, a lot of things should never be eaten, including fiber.

But in the presence of chronic pancreatitis, dried apples are an allowed food. Having problems with the pancreas, it is necessary to use dried apples carefully and in moderation, and you need to prepare them as sparing as possible for the stomach. It is recommended to make a compote of these dried fruits, adding a little sugar or its substitute. A drink in this form is not harmful. But in any case, it is better to consult with your doctor.

Pregnancy and lactation

It is possible to eat dried apples, while pregnant or during lactation, but it is necessary to know the measure. If you take into account all the features of the body and choose the right apples, then their use may even benefit the child.

It is not necessary to use apples that are sold in stores or supermarkets. And those that are grown at home. It is also advisable to abandon the drink from this fruit, which is sold in retail chains. The thing is that manufacturers often add various additives of an unnatural origin, so that they can cause an allergic reaction, which is very dangerous especially during this period.

You can also make drying at home using homemade apples. To do this, finely chop the fruit so that the thickness of the wedges is no more than a centimeter. Arrange on a baking sheet and dry to their finished state.

The use by pregnant women of dry apples in moderate doses is very beneficial for their health. It is best to boil dried apples with rose hips for daily use.

Dried apples have a beneficial effect on the qualitative properties of milk in a nursing mother, without causing an adverse reaction in the child. In turn, fresh fruits increase the acidity level of milk, which provokes the appearance of colic in a child.

Use by children

Apples can be dried for children to use as compote when various special mixtures of vegetables and fruits are introduced. A drink from dried apples can be given to a baby from the age of six months. It will have a beneficial effect in the presence of gastrointestinal problems in children.

Dried Apples: Unhealthy

No matter how many nutrients dried apples have, they can still be harmful to health.

In the use of this product, it is necessary to know the measure, especially for people suffering from obesity or overweight, since apples in dried form have a high calorie content and a large amount of sugar. Therefore, do not get involved in drying, but it is better to use it in a limited amount. The best option is a handful per day.

The ban on such a product applies to people with diabetes, especially in the latter stages.

Not very beneficial this product affects the condition of the teeth in the presence of caries. In this case, it is better to limit yourself to compotes.

To exclude such a product from the diet is for those who have gastritis, ulcerative formations of the stomach and duodenum. Since it contains acids that irritate the gastric mucosa. Eating dried apples can trigger an exacerbation of such chronic diseases.


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