Soldiers, pistols, tanks ... The effect of military-themed toys on a child


The culture of many peoples supports the cult of a strong man - a hero, a fighter, a warrior who is able to defend his home and his country. From birth, boys are brought up to be courageous, resilient, able to fend for themselves and protect the weak. For these purposes, toy military paraphernalia is often used. It is believed that it creates the conditions for training as close as possible to the real situation - military operations. But it is worth remembering that in the war they kill. Here many questions arise: “Do children need such toys?”, “At what age can you play with them?”, “Do they really develop the necessary qualities?”, “Do they harm the psyche of the child?”.

Do children need pistols?

In order to understand this difficult situation, it is necessary to remember what significance a toy has for a child. All games and toys surrounding children form his inner world. If the percentage of military toys is more than a third, then they will significantly affect his psyche.

Those qualities that the child has to show in the game activity are fixed and become his character traits. Playing with pistols, guns, machine guns, spears, darts, the child learns to aim, shoot accurately or throw.

Such actions develop attention, thinking, the ability to concentrate, willpower, restraint. In principle, not bad. But who is the child aiming at? In animals and birds? Into the toys? In people? Then things are bad. Together with accuracy and perseverance, the child learns to harm a living being for the sake of pleasure - to hit the target.

Defense or attack?

Playing with swords and knives, the child learns to attack and defend. He tries to hone his skills as best as possible in order to get less “damage in battle”. Over time, such a baby begins to perceive the world as hostile to him. The child understands that the ability to protect oneself by force is very important. Worse, he can come to the conclusion that the strongest is the one who can attack quickly and suddenly, without thinking of others.

Playing with any type of military toys, a child can begin to perceive the world around him as hostile and dangerous, where anyone can offend, attack, hurt or harm him. The kid will become incredulous, embittered, aggressive.

Of course, military toys are not the only source of aggression in a child. Much depends on family relationships. If it is not customary in a family to assault, to fight, then the likelihood that the child himself will show aggression is low. But if a child from childhood sees how one person hurts another, then military toys can only consolidate the emerging aggressiveness.

Team spirit

On the other hand, some war games (“war”, “fortress capture”) instill in the team spirit, the ability to work in a group, listen to another person, fulfill assignments, organize others, give commands, take responsibility, develop an action plan. But a child can get all these qualities by playing less violent games. And you can learn to protect without killing.

As for the children themselves, they are drawn to such games and toys, finding them very exciting. This is due to the fact that the interest of children is fueled by the device of toys (emergency lights, sound signals) and a large number of functions. Such equipment and advertising with a clear demonstration of the application create a positive attitude towards the toy and a desire to acquire it.

What is good and what is bad…

The harmful effects of military-themed toys have been proven by many psychologists. Many countries support this issue seriously. As proof of this, World War Toys Destruction Day was adopted. It is held on September 7 and invites everyone to abandon military-themed toys, replacing them with peaceful ones.

Of course, one cannot completely isolate one’s children from war-related toys. But adults can help children understand the difference between the good and the bad. You can allow your child to play with such toys when he is 7-8 years old. At this age, the foundations of moral standards have already been laid. The child has a concept of the word “impossible” and the ability to overcome the desire to do something. The child understands what actions he hurts because he knows what “compassion” is. Only from now on, not earlier, can a child play with military-themed toys. And only under the supervision of adults. The main thing is that such games do not become a way of self-expression in a child.

Parents can turn war games into competition. For example, learn archery. This item is little associated with harm and develops accuracy well.

Undoubtedly, military-themed toys do more harm to the psyche of the child than good. In combination with other factors, the psyche of the child can be irrevocably disturbed. The benefits that such games bring can be obtained in other areas of activity. And do not pay such an expensive price for it.


Watch the video: Awesome Army Style Toy Gun for kids - Unboxing & Demo (June 2024).