Want to live a hundred years? Ministry of Health revealed the secrets of longevity


Is there a sane person in the world who would not want to live happily ever after? The chief geriatrician of the Ministry of Health of Russia described what life expectancy depends on.

Secrets of Longevity

According to Olga Tkacheva, how many people live will be affected by two main factors: genetics (it plays a decisive role in only 20% of cases) and lifestyle (it depends on it how much we will live for 80%).

And if a person can no longer influence genetics, then everyone can abandon bad habits and develop useful ones, the main thing is desire.

Life Extension Principles

According to studies by the Ministry of Health, centenarians have such habits:

- Physical activity - Helps preserve muscle mass and avoid senility caused by muscle atrophy. Good physical shape has a positive effect on well-being and prolongs youth;

- Balanced diet - the use of a large number of vegetables and fruits, the absence of a large amount of fats and carbohydrates in the diet improves health;

- Social activity - social activity, maintaining close relationships with relatives and friends helps to feel in demand, and this directly affects life expectancy;

- Daily routine and lack of bad habits;

- Mental stress - solving crossword puzzles, learning a foreign language, memorizing songs and poems helps to train memory and mind.

But we have long suspected that everything is so simple: lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, get enough sleep, be friendly - and longevity is guaranteed.

Why are we shortening our lives, constantly in a hurry somewhere, running late, not getting enough sleep, cursing, experiencing stress and anxiety ... Or maybe you should stop for a moment and think: what is more important?

Excessive employment, wealth, prestige, power at all costs? Or good health, a strong family, loyal friends, peace of mind, a long happy life?

Choose for yourself!


Watch the video: Blue Zones Concept: Healthy Habits & Longevity. inStudio. WSRE (May 2024).