Salad with oranges - proven recipes. How to cook a salad with oranges.


Salad with oranges - the general principles of cooking

Do you think that only fruit salad can be made with oranges? In fact, there are a lot of variants of salads with the addition of this bright ingredient! The taste of ripe orange goes well with cheese, fish or vegetables, and in a few minutes the dish becomes elegant and festive. The salad with oranges will be loved by both adults and children, and it will also be very useful if you carefully consider the choice of fruit.

A classic salad with oranges for several centuries has been regularly served in Sicily. It has an original flavor due to the addition of various seasonings and spices to the main ingredient. Such a salad looks more like an appetizer or side dish than an independent dish or dessert.

If it still seems strange to you to eat an orange with onions or, for example, ham, then you should prepare one of the original salads as soon as possible. Orange has a pleasant tartness, which is great for other products. In addition, this fruit will give you a feeling of satiety for a long time. Thus, using a variety of orange salads, you can not only diversify the taste sensations, but also correct the shape.

Salad with oranges - preparation of products and dishes

The whole difficulty of making salad is only that oranges need to be thoroughly cleaned. If peel or white veins get into the salad with oranges, not only the appearance, but also the taste will be spoiled. Therefore, peeling oranges is best with special knives, not hands. You should also separate all the white skin and even the smallest bones.

It is best to cut the fruit in a deep bowl so that the juice does not spread throughout the kitchen, but into the future treat. It should be cut with a small and sharp knife so that the pieces of orange keep their shape and do not fall apart.

To add salt to such salads should be carefully, because we need a combination of different flavors, which should not be overlaid with spices. It is better to refuse mayonnaise, but you can use lemon juice, olive oil, soy sauce and honey as a dressing.

Recipes for salad with oranges:

Recipe 1: Salad with oranges

Classic salad with oranges is prepared in accordance with the traditions of Italian cuisine. Its taste may seem unusual for Russian residents, but such a dish will emphasize the originality of the cook and his willingness to experiment.

Ingredients Required:

  • 2 oranges
  • 1 red onion
  • 100 g olives
  • 2 tbsp. l olive oil
  • Rosemary
  • 1 fennel.

Cooking method:

If instead of red onions you could only get white or bulb, then before cooking it is better to get rid of the bitterness in it. To do this, you can pour boiling water over the bulb or hold it in cold water. Prepared onion cut into small pieces, just chop the fennel and olives. Peeled oranges cut as much as possible. All products mix, season with olive oil. To taste, you can add salt, and on a hot summer day - a couple of leaves of fresh mint.

Recipe 2: Fruit salad with oranges

This is a favorite treat for children and for adults. Its beauty lies in the fact that you can make a juicy fruit salad at any time of the year, each time it will have its own unique taste. Salad is rich in vitamins and good mood.

Ingredients Required:

  • 2 oranges
  • 2 apples
  • 1 banana
  • 3 kiwis
  • A small bunch of grapes Kish Mish
  • 200 g ice cream or 150 ml liquid yogurt

Cooking method:

All ingredients cut into equal small cubes, grapes cut into two or three parts. Fruits mix, arrange in plates or special vases and put on top sundae or yogurt. You can also use whipped cream, sour cream, etc. as a dressing.

Recipe 3: Salad with Oranges and Mushrooms

To the usual combination of tastes, aromatic orange sourness is added here. Fruits for this dish will need to be prepared in a slightly different way, namely, to cut each orange in half and carefully remove the flesh from the rind so that the halves themselves are intact and the rind is not damaged. Salad with oranges and mushrooms is served in an original way, so you can safely prepare it for a children's party.

Ingredients Required:

  • 3 oranges
  • 400 g frozen champignons
  • 2 green bell peppers
  • 200 g durum cheese
  • 100 g sour cream
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Carefully cut the half of the oranges into small pieces. It is advisable to do this in a separate bowl so that the juice does not get into the future salad with oranges, otherwise it will look unappetizing. Pepper is also cut into small pieces, and rub the cheese on a grater. You can fry the champignons in vegetable oil, or you can boil them for 10 minutes. If you get large pieces, it is also better to grind them. All the ingredients are mixed with sour cream, and then lay out the peel from under the fruit and serve on the table in this form.

Recipe 4: Salad with Oranges and Salmon

The noble taste of red fish goes well with citrus notes, which is why salmon or trout are usually served with lemon slices. However, with a sweet orange fish will also be very tasty. So that the fish does not soften because of the orange juice, the salad will be flaky.

Ingredients Required:

  • 1 orange
  • 150g lightly salted salmon
  • 100 g durum cheese
  • 3 boiled eggs.

Cooking method:

All ingredients are cut into small cubes, grate cheese on a coarse grater. In bowls with high walls lay out layers: eggs, salmon, cheese, salmon, eggs, oranges, cheese. You can decorate the salad with a couple of teaspoons of red caviar or grated yolks.

Recipe 5: Salad with Oranges and Chicken

Chicken goes well with many fruits, and the dishes that include these ingredients automatically become very healthy and dietary.

Ingredients Required:

  • 2 oranges
  • 1 medium chicken breast
  • 150 g of hard cheese
  • 3 boiled eggs
  • 2 tbsp. l olive oil
  • Fresh greens

Cooking method:

How should we clean the oranges from the peel, white skin and seeds and cut into small pieces. Eggs are also ground, cheese rubbed on a coarse grater. Boil chicken breast in lightly salted water, cool and cut into small cubes. In a deep bowl, mix all the ingredients and season with olive oil. You can also add a few drops of lemon juice. Decorate with chopped greens.

Salad with oranges - secrets and tips from the best chefs

For any housewife is very important to quickly prepare all products for processing. There are several ways to quickly peel an orange. One of the easiest and well-known is to clean it with your hands. In this case, a large amount of white skin will remain on the fruit, which is very long and uncomfortable to clean with your hands. Therefore, it is faster to clean it with a knife.

If you clean it like a potato, you risk losing all the density and elasticity of the fruit, as you constantly press on it. To peel an orange with a knife, you need to cut one of its butts off and set it on the cutting board with this side. Then you can already cut with a knife from top to bottom, along with white skin.

One method of cleaning involves the use of a large tablespoon and is similar to the process of cleaning kiwi. The fruit is also cut into two halves and with a careful movement it is separated from the skin by a spoon. You can not cut the orange, and make only a small incision through which the spoon can crawl.

In order for the salad with oranges to be light and pleasant to taste, the fruit must remove all white veins. To do this, you will have to divide it into slices and remove them manually. The process is painstaking, but the work is worth the result.

When preparing a salad with a lot of ingredients, it is better to cut the oranges as a last resort, otherwise they may wind or darken. If it is impossible to observe this sequence, then cut fruits should be sprinkled with a small amount of lemon juice, then they will keep an appetizing appearance and, moreover, will become more juicy.


Watch the video: Cook Readers' Recipe Swap: orange and avocado salad (June 2024).