How to get along with a workaholic


Workaholism for men is a fairly common phenomenon, since it is on their shoulders that responsibility for financial well-being in the family falls. Hard work takes a lot of time, effort and energy. There are several types of male workaholism, each of which is quite difficult to get along with and each of which has its own forms of struggle. Consider some of them.

There are two forms of workaholism. At the first, workaholics dance to the tune of the authorities, perform a huge number of tasks, fearing to lose their jobs. In this case, the wife should correct her husband's self-esteem, convince him that this work reduces him, takes precious time that he can spend with his relatives.

There is another category of workaholics - they are fanatics of their work and they consciously spend most of their lives on work. These people most often include scientists, programmers, and creative personalities. In this situation, the wife, most likely, will have to simply accept the situation.

To determine whether a man is a workaholic, a lot is not needed. You just have to ask yourself: how often does he think about work, does she dream about him, is he ready to sacrifice his family for the sake of work, does he agree to all the tasks that he is assigned to? In addition, workaholics very rarely take time off, and friends and acquaintances often talk about his workaholism. If all the answers to the questions are positive, then this is a sign of a classic workaholic.

Based on this, you should decide what to do next. After all, in order for life with such a person not to become a quarrel with reproaches, you need to be patient and willpower. To re-work a workaholic, raising his self-esteem, distraction from thoughts about work will require a lot of effort. First of all, it is necessary to make his life outside work interesting.

For a start, it’s worth imagining yourself at the place of a workaholic, feeling how much strength and energy the work takes. Thus, the understanding will come that you should not load your husband with petty household chores that are quite within the power of a woman’s hand.

A lot of effort the male half of humanity puts, listening to the "female" stories about manicures, diets, fashion boutiques and gossip. However, girlfriends, mother or sister are quite suitable for this activity. For men's ears it will be much more pleasant to make another declaration of love, gratitude for his efforts, pride in him. It would not be amiss to take an interest in affairs at work, to raise topics to which the husband is interested (fishing, football, cars, etc.).

Enhance the desire of the ardent employee to run to the family more quickly with the help of a pleasant, cozy atmosphere in the house. When a wife meets her husband from work with a smile, in a clean house, and the kitchen has a pleasant aroma of dinner, then no workaholic will exchange this for a busy job. While the husband is in a state of euphoria from “snacks,” it's time to call him in for a serious conversation. Do not be afraid to talk about their experiences, to share anxiety about the state of family relationships. To declare that a family also needs to invest a lot of effort, feed it with positive emotions, spend free time together.

Love and understanding of the principles of the existence of a harmonious family will help the union to be stable, regardless of any obstacles.


Larisa 08.20.2016
Thank you for the article! My husband always disappears at work, I even began to suspect him of bad. I came to work a couple of times: when I remember, it becomes the most ridiculous!
And then I found a way out: I found Anderson café for dads: it's pretty there, chess, a motorcycle is real and the interior is very calm. And she offered her husband once a week after work to rest together in this cafe ... And slowly, slowly, he began to switch to me. Just as you write about the cozy atmosphere ... If this article came to me earlier, it would be easier, well, and so - it came up with itself. Now we have a family tradition: every Wednesday we are in a cafe. And Anderson for Dad is a really nice place!


Watch the video: How to Deal with a Workaholic Spouse (June 2024).