Acne facial masks at home - 7 best recipes


Beauticians around the world every day are fighting the most unpleasant phenomenon that can only appear on the face - acne.

It does not matter during what period of life the girl’s face is suddenly covered with such rashes, the fact that they cause a lot of suffering to persons of any age is important.

The notorious "black dots" - acne, as well as acne, comedones, papules and pustules: no matter how they are called, they always cause a very negative reaction. How to deal with problem skin using non-aggressive products from a home medicine cabinet? Today we will try to find the means by which you can make effective face masks for acne at home.

Acne Mask with Aspirin and Lemon Juice

Most girls notice the first pimples in their teens. Often their appearance means that the active period of growth of the body and the restructuring of the hormonal background have begun. Excess subcutaneous fat forms in small whitish nodules surrounded by an inflamed area.

Over time, the nodule increases in size and eventually breaks through and heals. Usually this process does not take more than 2-3 days. But, unfortunately, he is never limited to one pimple. One way or another, in most cases, by the age of 17-18, the hormonal background of the girl returns to normal, and the skin of the face becomes smooth.

To reduce the number of rashes on the skin, as well as dry and speed up their healing, try to make a mask based on acetylsalicylic acid (it is part of so many acne cosmetics that are sold in pharmacies) and lemon juice. Take:

1.5-10 tablets of regular aspirin

2. Lemon

3. Half a teaspoon of soda.

Aspirin should be crushed, squeeze lemon juice and add soda. Then mix it all to a uniform consistency and apply to the area of ​​the face covered with acne. Leave the mask for no more than 10 minutes and boldly rinse with water, and then apply face moisturizer.

Homemade mask with honey and olive oil for acne on the face

According to research by British scientists, about 80% of women with acne inherit a similar problem from their parents. It turns out that a genetic predisposition to acne, excessive sweating and oily skin also happens.

A mask based on egg yolk, olive oil and honey will help moisturize the skin, make the face smooth and silky, and significantly reduce the manifestations of acne. To recreate it at home, you will need:

• Yolk - 1 piece,

• Honey - 1 tablespoon,

• One and a half tablespoons of olive oil.

You need to connect all the components in a glass container and apply to cleansed face skin. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to leave the mask for 15-20 minutes. After a while, just rinse with warm water.

Homemade facial acne mask with oatmeal and yogurt

To reduce the incidence of comedones on your face, be sure to regularly change your sponges and clean your makeup brushes. On them, harmful bacteria gradually accumulate, which can provoke the appearance of unaesthetic pimples.

Oatmeal, as a means of combating acne, is well known to cosmetologists. They are recommended to be used not only as a face mask, but also as a scrub that exfoliates dead skin particles. To prepare a facial product at home, take:

• 3 tbsp. l cereal that you can crush in a special mortar or pass through a coffee grinder,

• 1 tbsp. l natural yogurt. Make sure that there are no food additives and dyes in it,

• 5 tbsp. l of water.

Heat the water and steam the oatmeal. Allow the mixture to infuse, about 15-20 minutes, then add it with a spoon of yogurt and apply on the skin of the face. In order for the mask to work, 20 minutes is enough. When the allotted time has passed, rinse off the mask by gently "rubbing" the flakes into the skin. After that, the use of a moisturizer is allowed.

Acne Soda Mask with Soap Shavings

Masks based on soda perfectly dry oily skin and relieve inflammation, so you can use them several times a week. Such a tool will not require special expenses, because soda and soap are in every home.

You can make a mask like this:

• Baby soap should be grated and poured into a separate container of 1 tbsp. l shavings,

• Next, grind 1 teaspoon of sea salt in a blender,

• Add half a teaspoon of soda and a little water to the mixture.

Such a slurry must be applied to the face, leaving no more than 10 minutes, and then completely washed off. If you have very oily skin, immediately after the mask, it is better to exclude moisturizing and nourishing agents.

White clay acne face mask

White clay is also widely known, as is oatmeal: very often it is used by cosmetologists in their offices, as a basis for creating universal means of combating acne and other skin problems. However, you can buy white clay in a standard pharmacy, and by adding several important components to it, you can make an excellent tool for home use. So, you should prepare:

• glass container,

• White clay (2-3 teaspoons),

• Milk (2-3 teaspoons),

• Baby powder or talcum powder (1 teaspoon).

Stir all the ingredients until the consistency of mash, cover the cheeks, cheekbones, nose and forehead. Leave the mask for 15 minutes. Feels like you will understand that it’s time to wash off the mask: the white clay will dry out, become light and begin to exfoliate from the skin. This mask has bactericidal properties, eliminates the oily film on the face, which prevents the systematic appearance of acne and blackheads.

Homemade acne mask with cucumber and apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can turn out to be the very miraculous method that will reduce the amount of acne on your skin. After the first application, others will notice how clean and smooth the face has become, because apple cider vinegar has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory property, effectively dries pimples and promotes their healing. Try to make a mask yourself at home:

• Cucumber, grind through a fine grater,

• Add one egg yolk,

• Enter into the mixture 2 tbsp. l olive oil and 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar.

• All that remains is to mix our product and apply to the area where acne is most.

• Wait about 20 minutes and wash your face with water.

Banana Strawberry Acne Mask

Such an excellent acne remedy smells great, softens the skin and has a healing property. It is difficult to resist, so as not to eat the mask before applying to the skin, but try to stop yourself, because the effect of it will exceed all your expectations. One condition: the mask must be used regularly, at least 2-3 times a week. Only in this way you will notice the best result.

All you have to do is mash one banana and several large strawberries with a fork. As a rule, 4-5 pieces are enough. Add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to the mask, cover the face with this mixture and leave to soak for 20-25 minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water.

Homemade acne mask with tea tree oil

The most famous antiseptic in the world is tea tree oil. Its permission to be applied pointwise on an inflamed pimple, to make lotions, gels for washing with it. But tea tree oil becomes most effective when it is part of a mask. Fighting acne and not tasting tea tree oil is the same as fighting overweight and forgetting about diet.

Here are the ingredients you need to create a mask:

1. Tea tree oil,

2. Starch

3. Egg white.

Mix the chicken egg protein, 1 teaspoon of starch in a container and add 3-4 drops of tea tree oil. Mix well and apply on skin. Wait until the skin is dry and a slight feeling of tightness appears. As usual, this process is not noticeable for more than 10-15 minutes. Then rinse off the mask and, if desired, apply face cream.

Tea tree mask is absolutely safe, as it is a completely organic product. In addition, with moderate use, you will feel that the skin has become smoother, fresher, and most acne will disappear.

Remember that any mask or acne lotion is not a panacea. To permanently get rid of acne, you must eat right (exclude fried and fatty foods, cakes and pastries, as well as smoked meats), forever forget about bad habits like drinking alcohol or smoking.

Endless stresses, insomnia and systematic lack of sleep negatively affect the general state of health of a woman, which also causes facial skin. Try not to touch it with dirty hands, regularly carry out procedures for cleaning at home and use our recipes.

We guarantee that the effect of such a complex will be much greater than from a one-time visit to the cosmetology office.


Watch the video: The Latest Apple Cider Vinegar Trend (July 2024).