What should be able to child in 8 months. Description of all skills and normal indicators of physical development of the child in 8 months.


The baby is becoming increasingly independent and independent from adults. Yes, mommy will not be able to keep him. After all, the peanut crawls perfectly, so he himself decides where he should go. And your task is to adjust its movement along a safe trajectory in time. Feel like a traffic police officer on the road or a lifeguard? It's only the beginning…

What should be able to child in 8 months

Baby now, clinging to the lattice of the bed, he rises, falls, becomes on all fours. The speed of movement is gradually increasing, and there he is not far from the first steps. That's when the fun begins. Already, the eight-month miracle is incredibly like trying to walk, holding the hands of an adult. For him, this is still akin to an exciting attraction.

The child gradually improves the pronunciation of your favorite sound combinations. He is now able to utter his often repeating syllables "Yes-yes-yes", "Ma-ma-ma", "Ba-ba-ba" in a whisper. When he is awake, he almost always babbles. Only becoming interested in something, he falls silent, fascinated looking at some little thing. It is better for you from the very beginning to accustom yourself to the idea that silence is not always good, and if the naughty boy became quiet in the next room, then it is best to check what he was interested in. After all, sometimes children choose for fun not the safest objects that parents forgot to remove from the field of view of little researchers.

It is becoming more and more interesting to communicate with the baby, to learn new exercises and movements: he is able to clap her palms enthusiastically and repeat simple actions he has memorized. It is especially interesting to watch the easily changing facial expressions of the little man. Look at him when you call him by name: he listens so attentively to this sound!

The attitude of the child to the mother becomes quite special. If in six months he simply gave her preference when communicating, now it results in an incredible attachment of strength. When the crumb suddenly notices that mom is leaving, he starts to get nervous and even cry. Yes, and with bedding may be a problem, although he used to go to bed with pleasure after all the ritual actions. Now, it is painful for him to part with the person closest to him, and such a state can last a whole month. Do not be angry at the toddler for the inconvenience: pediatricians believe that this behavior is associated with its increasing autonomy. The child gradually loses dependence on his mother, and this sensation is capable of provoking psychological discomfort in him.

Physical development of a child at 8 months

Another month is recorded in family history and recorded in a photo album. During this time, the baby gained about 550 g in weight, and he grew 2 cm in length. The respiration rate is still up to 35 per minute, and for one inhalation-exhalation 3 heartbeats are performed.

For children in the 8 months of life, the standard indicators developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) are defined ranges of values.

In girls, the norm accepted:

weight - 7.0-9.0 kg;

height - 66.4-71.1 cm;

head circumference - 42.0-44.7 cm.

For boys, averages are:

weight - 7.7-9.6 kg;

height - 68.4-72.8 cm;

head circumference - 43.3-45.8 cm.

Observe how the crumb gradually forms. Do not rush to worry if something is not going according to your plan. Pediatricians have noted cases when the baby did not sit down at all in 6-7 months, and then at 8-9 immediately rose on legs. The same happens with crawling: some sly people categorically refuse to move in this way, but before others start to stamp.

Nevertheless, it should be clearly known that a child should be able to at 8 months in order to navigate the deadlines for the formation of certain skills. If the time has already passed, and the baby has not mastered any actions, or has not stepped over this step, then you should consult a pediatrician who controls the growth and development of the toddler.

So, you need to worry if by the end of the 8th month the baby is still:

- not able to crawl back;

- does not seek (or it does not work) to stand on its feet with the support of the hands;

- can not take and hold a large button between two fingers (forefinger and thumb);

- not interested in adult talk, does not listen to them.

It is important to pay attention to the pose of the child during sleep. If at rest hands are bent in elbows, and legs are in knees and pulled to the abdomen, then this is a significant reason to urgently turn to a neuropathologist, since this posture is typical only for 2.5 months.

Massage for a child of 8 months

At this age, you need to help your baby develop and strengthen the muscles of the back, tummy, buttocks. The load on the skeleton only begins to grow - the baby develops a vertical position. Ahead walking, running and strong muscular corset will be very important for the preservation of health and further development. To this end, learned exercises from among those that a child should be able to do at 8 months should be supplemented with simple massage techniques that can be performed independently without inviting a specialist.

Massage of the back and buttocks. Ask the child to lie on the tummy. With warm hands, start stroking the back from top to bottom. Then practice rubbing the muscles, followed by cutting the edges of the palms. These tricks need to be completed with a new stroking. The next stage is the gnarly kneading. Do it, starting from the long back muscles and ending on the buttocks. Pat the reddened skin a few times again, and then begin to pinch with a beating. And again perform soothing, affectionate stroking the surface of the palms. All actions are recommended to repeat 3 times.

Massage the abdomen. Help the baby roll back and make a few gentle stroking the tummy from top to bottom. Follow the rubbing with fingertips. After removing the tension with soft strokes, proceed to sawing, which is performed on the rectus abdominis muscles with the ribs of both hands. The next trick is a tingling of the skin around the navel. Complete the massage by stroking the rectus muscles. Do not forget that each method is repeated 3 times.

Breast massage. The procedure contributes to the development and strengthening of the chest muscles. Leave the toddler lying on the back. Begin, as usual, with soft strokes with warm palms from the ribs to the shoulders. Then perform the same technique on the intercostal arch area. The next step is the vibratory mass, and in conclusion - circular strokes. Receptions repeat 3 times.

During the procedures, gently talk with the baby, tell me what you are doing. You can even come up with a whole story, and these half hours will benefit not only in terms of physical development, but also mental development. For a fairy tale to be connected and fascinating, pick up images-analogies for each massage. For example, stroking - the breeze blows, vibration - the seeds scattered, tingling - the chickens came running and those very grains pecked.

Developmental exercises for a child in 8 months

The full development of the child in 8 months occurs in the process of constant communication during the wakefulness of the baby. But mom should also do household chores, so it is recommended to put baskets or boxes with toys and objects for play in each room. Then be sure to take a minute to quickly do something while the little go-go is busy exploring the content. For example, in the kitchen in such a container you can put all kinds of spoons, jars, saucepans with lids. Get ready, of course, for an incredible cacophony. But it is worth some discomfort: the different structure of the materials that make up the objects, the variety of sounds that are extracted with their help, the difference in shape and size, give the crumb a lot of information to process.

Talking with your son or daughter, you should speak in short phrases, understandable, often repeated words. Comment on everything you do and encourage the baby to repeat both the name and the action after you.

And you have not forgotten that an eight year old toddler should have its own library by this age? Books attracted him long ago, about 2-3 months ago. But then he was fascinated by the rustle of pages and he squeezed them with ecstasy, listening to the sounds he received. And now the child is interested in pictures and my mother's reading. Buy for him special books, "crumbs" with thick, cardboard sheets. And then there are wonderful "babes" with washable pages. In combination with bright pictures and simple poems - as they say, what the doctor ordered.

Play with cubes and pyramids more often, putting their details together for each other. True, the destruction of the constructed turrets is no less fascinating for the child.

Imagine, show your baby all around, combine toys, periodically removing one and replacing them with others. Then they will not bother him and he will deal with them with new enthusiasm.

Do not miss a single opportunity to communicate with your favorite! The development of the child in 8 months is so fast that it changes literally by the day. It will take another month, the toddler will be quite different, unlike today.


Watch the video: Developmental Stages for Baby: 6-8 months - Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center (July 2024).