Fir oil and its medicinal properties. How to take fir oil with health benefits.


Cold and severe Siberia is considered the birthplace of many conifers, for it is in its widely known taiga that perennial pines, spruces, cedars, junipers and fir grow. The unique aroma and beneficial properties of oils made from the branches and fruits of these trees have long been included in the history of traditional medicine as one of the most useful.

They are successfully used by doctors in the complex therapy of many diseases, are used as the basis for aromatic therapy, as well as in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. You can talk endlessly about the best characteristics of cedar or fir oil, placing them in a rating of value and utility, but it's better to try and see for yourself all this. Moreover, fir oil, which you can read about in our article, is quite inexpensive.

How to get fir tree oil

If we talk about mass production, where modern technologies and specific equipment are used, fir oil is usually obtained by distillation. In simple words, the raw material is first heated to the maximum temperature, but not boiled, as a result of which the resulting composition is stratified into essential oil and water. This method is also called "distillation", which means the distillation of water from raw materials rich in oils.

In general, the artisanal production of fir oil has been established since time immemorial. Residents of different regions of the Siberian region have been engaged in this craft for a long time, earning money on it. Some made whole arrangements for the distillation of oil using steam, while others used a straightforward method at home. Usually, for the sake of oil production, thin branches of fir were cut, the diameter of which should not exceed 5-8 mm.

The quality of the oil depends on the region in which the raw materials were collected. So, for example, fir branches in polluted cities like Norilsk or Omsk are not recommended. But fir branches from cities such as Tomsk, Chita and Abakan, where industrial emissions are not so abundant, may well be suitable for independent oil production.

You can cook fir oil and at home. And that's what you need for this:

• Fir branches (so-called "paws"), as well as cones,

• Deep pan,

• Large glass jar with metal lid,

• Water,

• Sunflower oil (refined),

• Free hotplate on the gas stove.

First, the branches are packed in a dense layer in a jar. It is important to leave free at the surface of 4-5 cm. From above the paws of the fir are poured with vegetable oil and the container is tightly closed with a lid. A jar of oil is placed in a water bath in a large saucepan, which is preferably covered with thin branches or rods.

Steam bath under a can to boil over low heat for about 4-5 hours, then drain the oil, squeeze the fir branches and throw them away. Now it is the turn of the new can and fresh branches that need to be added to the boiled oil. All manipulations need to be done several times and only after that, cooled to room temperature, the oil is poured into dark glass jars and placed in a darkened locker.

Healing treasure: fir oil and its essential properties

First of all, I would like to mention the incredibly useful healing properties of fir oil for the youngest patients. It can help in treating a huge range of different ailments that our little ones suffer and successfully cope with almost any ailment.

For example, with bronchitis, acute respiratory viral infections, pharyngitis, laryngitis and asthmatic manifestations will help inhalation with fir oil. It is allowed to rub into the chest, make compresses and lotions, as well as apply a point. As you understand, fir oil copes wonderfully:

• With headaches and chronic fatigue syndrome,

• With pain in muscles, joints and ligaments for injuries, bruises and sprains,

• With cough, obstruction of bronchi and lungs,

• With insomnia and anxiety,

• With manifestations of sore throat, stomatitis and inflammation of the tonsils,

• With diseases of ENT organs. It is used to treat antritis, ethmoiditis, sinusitis, and ear diseases (otitis and mastoiditis),

• Fir oil helps in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, urinary system and prostatitis,

• It is very useful oil during the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, nervous and even endocrine,

• It is useful to mention also the problems of the musculoskeletal system, with which complex therapy with the use of fir oil perfectly copes.

Of course, fir oil is quite allowed to be used as a basis for creating your own homemade masks, for example, for the face or body. It has unique bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic characteristics, thereby helping in the treatment of acne, pimples and irritated skin. It can be applied to women and men who suffer from unpleasant diseases, such as psoriasis, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), eczema and demodicosis (cover lesions with subcutaneous mite).

Fir oil will also help to restore the hair structure. It qualitatively relieves dandruff and itching, moisturizing and cooling the scalp. If you have an increased greasiness of the skin and greasy hair, try regularly making masks with fir oil. For example, a mask with fir oil, honey and onion juice is considered a popular and uncomplicated treatment for oily hair.

To make this mask at home, just take:

• 3 tbsp. l onion juice,

• 2-3 drops of fir oil,

• 1 tbsp. l fresh honey

• Chicken yolk.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair. Absolutely useful is massaging into the scalp. If you want to strengthen the hair and give it a special shine, then replace the chicken egg yolk with quail. To create a mask you will need about 4-5 quail eggs.

Possible contraindications of fir oil

At first glance it may seem that there are not so many contraindications for the use of fir oil and they are not at all terrible. Unfortunately, some people have excessive self-confidence and believe that an allergic reaction or an inadequate response of the body to fir oil cannot be with them. How wrong they are.

As well as other essential oils, fir can become the most serious allergen. It is necessary to add it to the compositions of masks, scrubs, creams, shampoos, balms and emulsions quite a bit, otherwise you can get a strong allergic reaction that begins with a rash and itching, continues swelling of the eyelids, nose wings, lips and fingers and, eventually, quite real could result in swelling of the respiratory tract. Surely you should not mention in detail the symptoms of angioedema, when the airways are so swollen that a person simply can not breathe.

Carefully cover the face and head skin with fir oil masks, as if you do not follow the recipe, you risk getting burned. Naturally, even before using it, it is necessary to test the product for allergies.

Doctors categorically do not recommend taking fir oil to pregnant and lactating women.

If you know about the pathological processes present in your body, you should also avoid the use of fir oil in any form. Serious pathologies of the kidneys, liver, heart, or vessels are a contraindication to the consumption of fir oil.

Among other things, this product should be avoided by persons with mental disorders. Therefore, bath with fir oil with a similar diagnosis is better to exclude.

The use of fir oil in traditional medicine

It was the turn to talk about how to properly apply fir oil for the health and beauty of the body, hair, face, hands and nails.

Fir oil will be primarily useful for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, as well as suitable as a preventive measure during epidemics of influenza and ARVI. You can make inhalations for yourself or your children by dripping only 1-2 drops into a container with hot water. Cover with a towel and breathe over the steam for about 10 minutes. This method will help cure cough, relieve a cold with antritis, and also protect yourself from viral diseases. By the way, to effectively fight viruses, you can arrange aromatherapy sessions at home. To do this, you just need to buy an aromatic lamp and fir oil, drop a couple of drops in a special container and light a candle. When heated, the oil will spread a stunning aroma of pine needles, saving your family from diseases.

If you have an inhaler - that's great! Enough to fill it with saline and add 1-2 drops of essential oil of fir. So you can handle a choking cough much faster.

For the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, you can rub the limbs or the back with fir oil and apply warming compresses on painful areas. This method is also suitable for injuries, sprains and bruises received during sports activities.

Perfectly helps fir oil in the treatment of dental diseases. If you have sensitive gums that often bleed, you can rub fir oil into them, thus accelerating blood circulation. Everything else, this ether composition helps to calm the toothache.

Taking a bath with fir oil, you relax and get ready for bed, relieve tension from muscles and soothe the nerves during frequent stresses. For neurosis, neuralgia and back problems, fir fir massages are helpful. Heart rate will be calm, the brain will work much more efficiently, and you will feel how the body is filled with strength and energy. Is such a complex can not be considered an excellent prevention of heart attacks and strokes?

By tradition, it is worth mentioning an important fact: essential oils are allowed to be used only in small quantities, and for people with various diseases - only with the permission and under the constant supervision of the attending physician. Only in this case, fir oil will help to gain health, beauty and longevity.
