What scratches the right eye - national signs. Find out what causes the right eye itches and what events this portends.


Each culture has its own signs and superstitions. On the existence will take we learn from an early age. We are taught not to cross the road to a man with an empty bucket, to look in the mirror, if you had to return home, not to eat with a knife, otherwise we will quarrel with someone. We perform all these actions automatically, without even thinking about the reasons. To believe, or not to believe in omens, everyone decides for himself. But often, even inveterate skeptics expect a quarrel if they spilled salt. Superstitions are very read into our daily life.

Its roots signs go back to ancient times. In those days, people almost did not have any scientific knowledge, and they paid great attention to everyday details, weather and various phenomena. People associated certain signs with subsequent events. Thus, various signs and superstitions were born. Those times are far behind. But even after centuries, people continue to believe in omens and traditions. And no science has the power to limit the influence of faith in signs on human life.

In Russia, many will relate directly to the human body sensations. The ear burns, the hand or the eye itches, the hiccup pursues - for any case there is a suitable sign. Very often, signs were associated with the days of the week, and depending on this they were interpreted. Today we will learn what events your left eye can itch. What to expect, what to fear and what to avoid.

What does the right eye itch on Monday

If on Monday, the right eye suddenly itched, this is a very good sign. A sign indicates a quick reconciliation with a loved one with whom you recently quarreled. This is a sign of peace, mutual understanding and restoration of relations. Also, the eye can itch to soon changes in your life, changes of a purely positive nature. Any business that you start on this day will turn into good luck. Expect good news and all sorts of happy little things. Signs do not promise much profit, but promise joy and reconciliation. In order not to frighten off such a good sign, try not to anger fate on this day. Be kind, tolerant and do not swear with anyone.

What does the right eye scratch on Tuesday

Alas, the right eye does not always itch for good events. If he combed his hair on Tuesday, you might be crying. But not for some serious reason. A sign warns you of a possible conflict or quarrel. You may be in a sad mood. Try to postpone important issues for a day or two. Try to avoid conflict situations and do not cheat yourself. Then the omen will not be a bad omen, but a smart sign that always warns you.

What does the right eye scratch on Wednesday

This sign speaks of a quick long trip. But an exceptionally pleasant trip. You can expect an unplanned trip or vacation. Perhaps someone from friends or acquaintances will invite you. If your eyes itch on Wednesday, and on the same day you will receive a trip offer, do not refuse it. If you believe it will, it can be fateful for your life. Sometimes the right eye can itch to the arrival of an old friend or a distant relative - a person whom you have not been waiting for a long time.

What does the right eye scratch on Thursday

The sign says that if the right eye combed on Thursday, you will laugh long and uncontrollably. It is not known what will cause such a good mood. Perhaps this is a walk with friends, a trip to the circus, or an appropriate joke. The event that happens will make you laugh and will infect you with positive for the whole day. Do not ignore such a good sign.

Why does the right eye scratch on Friday

But if the right eye is combed on Friday - it promises an early find. In a short time you will find the thing you lost. It doesn't matter how long you've been looking for her. But this find will definitely be enjoyable. If you lost money, they can come back to you that day. But how is unknown. Try to be attentive during the day and not lose your luck.

Why does the right eye scratch on Saturday

Most of the Sabbaths will promise amorous and romantic adventures. And this omen is no exception. If you have planned a date for this day, feel free to go - it promises to be successful. Perhaps it will be a family dinner with a loved one - only you, he, a favorite film and pizza with a thick cheese crust. Any of your plans regarding love and relationships will be successful and enjoyable.

What does the right eye scratch on Sunday

According to popular belief, this promises an early marriage or the beginning of a serious relationship. Who knows, maybe today you will meet your man. The very love that I was waiting for. This is a very good sign, it will surely bring you happiness.

Always believe in good omens only. Then they will protect you, like guardian angels. From a confident, happy and beloved person, troubles run away. And if they do, they are always easier to carry. After all, luck will follow them. Most will accept, concerning the right eye, promise happiness and well-being. Why not believe that a good event will happen to you today? What exactly is a happy and beautiful day today. When we radiate a positive, good omens always go near us.

Why does the right eye itch - 7 medical reasons

But itching in the eye is not always any omen. In most cases, this phenomenon has scientific explanations. Our eyes are experiencing a tremendous burden - a computer at work, a laptop at home, a smartphone, playing on a tablet, reading or embroidery in poor lighting, a TV, a lack of vitamins, lack of sleep, constant stress - all this can undermine the health of our eyes. The eyes do not withstand such a regime, and the quality of vision gradually decreases. Therefore, it is better not to ignore a symptom such as periodic itching in the eyes. Let's see what causes itchy eyes:

• The most common cause is allergy. Itching can cause dust, wool, household chemicals, flowers. The beautiful half of humanity has another significant factor - cosmetics for the eyes. For a slight itch you are unlikely to consider allergies. And it can cause anything - new mascara, concealer, eye cream, pencil, eyeliner, eye shadow, glue for false eyelashes. Often, a similar reaction can cause food. If, in addition to itching, redness, frequent sneezing, or a runny nose appear, there is no doubt that this is an allergic reaction. In this case, you need to identify the allergen as soon as possible and take an antihistamine.

• Dry eye syndrome is a disease of people who spend a lot of time at the computer. Also found in the elderly. With this syndrome, the lacrimal glands do not produce enough liquid, causing the eye to dry out. A person begins to feel discomfort. Eyes often itch, sometimes redness is possible. For this case, special eye drops are provided. Try not to overload your eyes, at least sometimes take a break. An optometrist will help you pick up special drops with a moisturizing effect.

• Contamination of the eye. The cause of unpleasant sensations in the eye can be a regular speck of dust, mote, a grain of sand or a piece of wool. If the symptom is disturbed for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor. If the pollution is minor, you can self-clean the eyes. Ordinary eye drops can easily cope with this task.

• Glasses or lenses. If you choose the wrong contact lenses or glasses, periodically there may be discomfort in the eyes in the form of an itch. This problem can be easily solved by replacing glasses or lenses with new, correctly selected means for vision correction.

• Infectious eye disease. Very often, the first symptom of an infectious eye disease is itching. The cause of itching can be blepharitis, conjunctivitis, or demodicosis. You can get infected through the usual touch of the eye or the use of other people's glasses. The main symptom of all these diseases is itching. Therefore, if the eyes began to itch much more often than usual, be sure to visit an ophthalmologist. It will help to choose the right eye drops, and after a few days the unpleasant symptom will go away.

• Lack of vitamins and lack of sleep. At first glance, it is quite difficult to associate lack of sleep with itching in the eyes. But for the eyes is very important balanced nutrition and proper rest. The itch can hint to you that it is time to rest and change your menu a little, enriching it with necessary vitamins.

• Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system. Our body is a very complex mechanism. Failure in one part can respond with symptoms in the completely opposite direction. Pruritus may be one of the first symptoms of abnormal liver function and diabetes. If the eyes itch constantly, be sure to go to the doctor.

In most situations, itchy eyes should not cause concern, but sometimes it can indicate a variety of disorders and the onset of the disease. If itching hurts you for a long time, do not postpone the visit to the doctor, writing off everything to the signs.


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