Pine nut - description, properties, use in cooking. Recipes with pine nuts.


Pine nut description

Did you know that pine nut is the generic name of the edible seeds of several representatives of the genus Pine - cedar pine? The name "nuts" is already firmly established for these plants, but in practice they are not.

Siberian pine (Siberian cedar) is common in the Urals, in Siberia, and also grows in the highlands of northern China and Mongolia. Piniya (Italian pine) is distributed on the Mediterranean coast and stretches from the Iberian Peninsula to Asia Minor. It is also found in the Caucasus and the Crimean peninsula. Korean cedar (Korean pine) grows on the territory of eastern Asia: in Japan, Korea, northeast China and the far east of Russia (Primorsky and Khabarovsk Krai). European cedar (cedar pine) is found in the south of France, in the High Tatras, the Carpathians, and the eastern regions of the Alps. Elfin cedar is common in most parts of Siberia and reaches 70 ° north latitude.

Seeds of pine nuts are successfully used in cooking and are consumed raw and fried. They also produce valuable cedar oil, and residues from processing are used to make various dishes and confectionery.

Pine nut - useful properties

Nuts - just a storehouse of healthy ingredients. They have nutritional and healing properties due to the qualitative composition of fats, proteins and trace elements that make up their composition. Pine nut fat contains many polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic. Pine nut seeds satisfy the daily requirement of an adult organism for amino acids and essential trace elements such as copper, zinc, cobalt, manganese. They are easily absorbed by the body and their benefits are very high. Pine nut proteins contain the amino acid arginine, which is useful for the development of a growing organism, indispensable for children, teenagers and pregnant women.

Wild animals, both predators and herbivores, are also happy to eat nuts, especially during the growth period. This is an excellent remedy for B-avitaminosis. When pressing the oil by pressing it is a cedar cake. It is an excellent dietary product that helps to normalize the metabolism and maintain health. It gives a unique flavor to desserts and other pastries. Pine nuts are contraindicated for individual intolerance, for obesity in large quantities.

Calorie pine nut

Caloric value of 100 grams of pine nut is: 575 kcal.

Pine nut - use in cooking

In our country, pine nuts are more used for medicinal purposes, but only recently they have become widely used in cooking. This is a very tasty delicacy, and if you fry them a little in the pan, the taste and aroma will become even brighter and more expressive. When heated nuts release oil. They are ingredients in meat, fish, vegetable dishes and salads. One of the most famous dishes with pine nuts is Italian pesto sauce. For its preparation in Italy they use pinioli - pine pine seeds, relatives of Siberian cedar. They have a more delicate flavor and have a different texture.

Recipe Examples with Pine Nut

Recipe 1: Cookies with Pine Nuts

Easy and quick recipe for a delicious cookie with nuts. If you want to treat yourself and your loved ones, a great start to the day - breakfast with fresh crispy biscuits and a cup of tea, coffee or milk.

Ingredients: butter (100 g), flour (250 g), brown sugar (white can be used - 50 g), egg, baking powder (1/2 bag), sugar (100 g), pine nut (100 g), a pinch of salt .

Cooking method

Beat soft butter, sugar and salt. In the process of beating add egg, and then pine nuts and flour with baking powder. Knead the dough. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper, grease with oil and form small balls, spreading them at a distance of 3-4 cm. You can give relief using a fork, then send it to the oven, heated to 180 °. Bake for 12-15 minutes. Remove and cool. Done! Delicious biscuits with crisp and taste of pine nuts.

Recipe 2: Salad "Freshness" with pine nuts

Delicious salad, suitable for any holiday table and just for every day. Very light and healthy, contains many vitamins and low in calories. Ideal for weight watchers.

Ingredients: cabbage (we take white varieties, 250 g), avocado (1 fruit), colored paprika (1 piece), pine nuts (100 g), fresh cucumber (2 pieces), lemon juice (3 tbsp. l.), salt to taste, olive oil (5 tbsp.), ready iceberg lettuce (200 g), Peking cabbage (250 g), greens.

Cooking method

Cabbage, iceberg lettuce and sweet pepper cut into straws. Grind the greens. Slice avocado, sprinkle with lemon juice so as not to darken. Cut the cucumber into strips. Fry the pine nuts until golden brown in a dry skillet. Everything is mixed, refilled with olive oil, salt. Done! Enjoy your meal.

Recipe 3: Risotto with carrots and pine nuts from orzo

Despite the name, the dish is very ordinary and simple. It is only necessary to stock up on orzo - pasta in the form of rice, the rest of the ingredients will certainly be in your home. Cooking and enjoying a great tasty and healthy dish - risotto.

Ingredients: Orzo (200 g), olive oil (2 tbsp. L.), Vegetable broth or water (1.75 stacks), large carrots (1 piece), garlic (1 tooth.), Green onions (a few feathers), pine nuts (handful), salt, pepper.

Cooking method

We rub carrots on a large grater. Heat the olive oil, fry in it until golden brown garlic, add carrots, stir for about 5 minutes. Pour dry orzo, stew for 2 minutes. Pour in broth or water, cook until the liquid evaporates, stirring constantly. Add pepper, salt. Done!

Pine nut - useful tips from experienced chefs

In some cases, the nutritional value of nuts is equal to meat. Salad with nuts may well replace the salad with meat. This is especially useful for dieters. Mix lettuce leaves (chopped), chopped sweet peppers, shredded red onions and grated cheese. Add a dressing of sunflower oil, vinegar, salt and sugar and sprinkle with pine nuts. Excellent light fortified salad is ready!


Watch the video: American Pine Nuts: The Unnoticed Treasure And Its 100 Uses Dr. Leonid Sharashkin, (June 2024).