Derinat Spray will help sore throat


How good it was in childhood! There really was no bad weather! Winter seemed to consist of New Year's holidays, fun games in the snow, skiing, sledding and ice skating, snowballs, snowmen and other fun. Spring pleased even the timid sun, the first heat, puddles, streams, rubber boots and slivers, boats.

However, is ecology so affecting modern people, or is it at this time that the most insidious bacteria and viruses are activated? And instead of planning an active vacation with friends for the weekend, we glance cautiously out the window - will we get sick, catch a cold for an hour, leaving a warm, safe house?

In our body, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is the guardian of health - the first, main and most important protective barrier of our immunity. It is not so easy for viruses and bacteria to break through this protection, created wisely and with love. Unfortunately, bad ecology and bad habits do not pass painlessly for our bodies. As a rule, they lead to the fact that the epithelial tissue in our nasopharynx becomes more vulnerable when attacked by armies of bacteria and viruses, its protective functions are weakened.

But since none of us can boast of absolute health for a long time, very often the heroic defense of our epithelium is interrupted by advancing enemies - viruses, pathogenic bacteria and fungi, and our body only manages to signal that it is time to sound the alarm and urgently call for reinforcements! After all, sore throat, coughing and runny nose can mean only one thing - foreign microorganisms that carry diseases have entered the body, and the battle is in full swing on the walls of our epithelium!

How to help your own immunity to gather all forces and decisively repel an enemy attack? Indeed, if the virus attack is not quickly repulsed, the gates of other infections, viruses and bacteria that can cause complications, long-term serious illnesses that will have to be fought with heavy artillery - antibiotics will open in the damaged epithelium.

The most effective thing that can be done in a situation that does not seem dangerous from the outside is to help the epithelium quickly restore its protective functions, and Derinat Spray will help in this. Derinat is a natural activator of all the body's defenses, and its ability to resist viruses and repair the damaged mucous membrane of the nasopharynx makes it indispensable at any stage of the fight against colds.

The usual set of drugs traditionally recommended to us in pharmacies, unfortunately, is effective only with complex antiviral treatment, and sometimes does not give the expected results, which means that after them we have to resort to antibiotics. From the outside it looks like this - we could not actively support our own immunity forces when they waged an unequal battle "on the fields" of the epithelium of the nasopharynx, and as a result, hordes of hostile infections poured into the gap that managed to penetrate into the very depths of the body, damaging everything what they could get to!

In order to prevent such emergency situations, you can "tune" your body to active resistance to infections in advance and help it prevent the development of the disease, or transfer it to a mild form. Derinat spray helps to activate the protective forces of the immunity of the mucous membrane and the whole organism both at the prophylactic stage and at any stage of the common cold. Instead of the usual long list of drugs, which materializes in the form of a large package of pills, medicines and a check for an impressive amount, it is quite enough to resort to Derinat spray on time. It will help to resist viruses and bacteria, restore the protective forces of the mucous membrane and the entire body faster, and therefore, stop the onset of a cold or translate it into a lighter form.

The fact is that this drug has a set of properties necessary in the fight against colds and flu: restorative (reparative), antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and immunomodulating. However, we are not limited to one use of drugs. Add to this our additional care in the form of a healthy lifestyle, regular airing of rooms and humidification of air, walks in the fresh air in any weather - and not a single cold will dare to attack the nasopharynx, which Derinat spray took care of. And let nature never have bad weather, and let colds, viruses and infections be forever in the past.

Derinat Spray - the right treatment for sore throat in mothers and babies!

As an advertisement. Consult with a specialist, specify possible contraindications.


Watch the video: Стрепсилс Интенсив - При боли и воспалении в горле (June 2024).