Scientists called 4 products that reduce inflammation in the body


Inflammation is the natural response of our body to any damage. But if the inflammatory process ends with a chronic stage, it provokes a variety of diseases. Scientists at the University of Alabama (Birmingham) believe that consuming specific foods can successfully defeat inflammation.

As the researchers explain, the main task of the inflammatory process is to instantly identify and destroy poisonous material in damaged tissues before it spreads throughout the body. Inflammation is dangerous only in the event of a malfunction of the protective system. It begins to destroy healthy tissue and therefore - causes permanent damage to the body.

For example, inflammatory processes cause obesity, which contributes to the occurrence of metabolic pathologies and heart diseases. The use of certain foods, weight loss, on the contrary, reduce inflammation. Experts recommend that people add more whole foods to the diet and remember to eat foods that contain a lot of microfibers.

Scientists have compiled the following list of products with anti-inflammatory effects:

1. Citrus fruits. Extremely rich in vitamins E and C, which are vital antioxidants.

2. Tomatoes. Contain the natural antioxidant lycopene.

3. Leafy vegetables and green vegetables. They contain a lot of vitamin K.

4. Salmon. An indispensable source of a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

Thus, red fish with a vegetable salad and a slice of tomato is an ideal anti-inflammatory lunch or dinner.


Watch the video: Reduce Inflammation with 5 Foods! Natural Anti-Inflammatories- Thomas DeLauer (June 2024).