April 13th: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on April 13th.


Holidays April 13

Patron and Philanthropist Day

Who are the patrons? These are people who selflessly invest their capital in the development of art, painting and science. Any citizen who promotes material well-being in the development of art can be called a patron. This unusual holiday is celebrated annually on April 13, starting in 2005. And the date of the celebration was not chosen by chance, and it is associated with the great man - Guy Tsilnius Maecenas, who lived in Rome in the 1st century and was the main guardian of culture under the emperor Octavian. According to historical records, Octavian and Guy were great friends. The philanthropist especially honored poets and painters, protecting people of art from the attacks of the authorities.

Thanks to Guy Patron, all those who wholeheartedly loved culture (artists, writers, musicians, actors, scientists and other talented individuals) and contributed to its development, began to be called patrons. The name of the ancient Roman aristocrat became a household name. The celebration dedicated to the festival of art takes place annually in the walls of the St. Petersburg Hermitage Museum, and, as a rule, it begins against the background of the famous painting depicting Guy Maecenas.

World Rock and Roll Day

The birthplace of rock and roll is considered to be the United States of America. He appeared in the mid-fifties of the last century. And the first singer of rock and roll (according to most researchers) was the American singer Elvis Presley, who devoted most of his life to this musical genre. A new movement in the field of music arose absolutely spontaneously, in one of the studios of the town of Memphis, where Presley and the group recorded a new album. The hurricane rhythm of rock and roll instantly scattered across all the clubs in America.

Today, for many, rock and roll is not just a peculiar trend in music, but also an original dance, the movements of which we can easily remember from some films of the 80s (for example, the film "Back to the Future"). In the spread of the mass popularity of rock and roll, you can also safely “blame” Bill Haley. It was he who in the early 1950s introduced his own dance and music slang, based on a mixture of country, gospel, jazz and elements of boogie-woogie. Several of his singles, recorded in 1954, played a key role in spreading the new musical movement. Until that time, rock and roll was only a little-known experiment that exists at a local radio station.

"Rock and Roll Fever" extremely quickly swept across America, European countries, as well as the Soviet Union. Currently, rock and roll is rightly ranked as a classic, and, as you know, the classics are immortal.

April 13th in the folk calendar

Miracle Worker Hypatius

On April 13, the Orthodox faith honors the memory of St. Hypatius - Bishop of Gangra (Asia Minor). In 325, Hypatius participated in an action to establish the basic tenets of Christianity. Upon returning home, he was caught by the followers of the schismatics, beaten with stones and clubs, and then thrown into a quagmire. Soon the body of the martyr was taken out of the swamp and buried with all honors. According to legend, one of the attackers on Hypatia was a woman. After the incident, she lost her mind, but, having come to the grave of the murdered and repenting, the woman received healing. Many miracles appeared on the tomb of the saint.

In Russia, Hypatia was prayed for adding to the family or getting rid of infertility. The saint also patronized women in labor, helping to calm the bleeding and restore fertility more quickly. They also asked him about the expulsion of evil spirits, which, according to legend, that day began to rage and spoil the mood of home. In some places, this holiday was called the Firethorn. Today, women celebrating their birthday had to take the embers to the ground in order to light a fire. It was believed that such a rite helped the land inventory to work better and serve its owner longer.

Historical events of April 13

April 13, 1895 - During the excavations of Pompeii, uncountable riches were discovered

For the first time on the Pompeii ruins formed as a result of the eruption of Vesuvius, the famous architect Dominico Fontana managed to stumble in 1599. This happened due to the laying in those places of the underground water supply. However, the excavations of Pompeii began in the eighteenth century, and deeper research - only at the end of the 19th century. So on April 13, 1895, during the next work, a skeleton was found, among it were mountains of treasures - magnificent rings, bracelets, gold chains with pendants, coins and even precious dinner sets. Everyone was shocked by the craftsmanship with which all jewelry was made and shining coins were minted.

Found wealth secretly fused the French. However, as it always happens, one of the businessmen blabbed. As a result, a scandal erupted, but no one was able to recover the lost treasures. After some time, the values ​​were in the Louvre.

April 13, 1902 - Russia has tested the first trolley in the country

Tests of the first trolleybus in the country were conducted in St. Petersburg. For the first time the idea of ​​the invention of such a vehicle was expressed by the German engineer Wilhelm Siemens. Experiments in this area began under the guidance of his brother Werner Siemens. His first trolleybus was created in 1882. At the same time, the first guiding line was opened in Germany. In Russia, the first trolleybuses appeared in 1902. They were developed by the Frese and K company, founded by Peter Frese. Soon, the first tests of the "electric car" were carried out. Unfortunately, the new mode of transport did not take root immediately. Only 30 years later, full-fledged trolleybus routes were introduced.

April 13, 1917 - The British government under the auspices of George V refused to grant asylum to Nicholas II and his family. Georg was a close relative of Nicholas. He motivated a change in his position by an unwillingness to contradict public opinion. But the real reason lay in the fact that George did not want to support the family of the Russian emperor, because he considered this business quite expensive.

Born on April 13

- Joseph Brama (1748-1814) - the famous English inventor. The invention he created - the castle - was presented at one of the prestigious competitions. For more than 60 years, the castle could not be opened until one mechanic did not cope with the task with which he took no more than 50 minutes. In addition to the super-lock, Brahma created a hydraulic press, a machine for numbering banknotes, as well as many more useful inventions.

- Mikhail Shufutinsky (born in 1948) - Russian pop singer. For some time he worked as a pianist, and then became the leader of the ensemble "Leysya, song". Since 1981, continuing his career as a restaurant singer, he began recording his own album. And by the beginning of perestroika, Shufutinsky gained immense popularity in the Soviet Union.

April 13th

On April 13, the names of honor are celebrated: Innocent, Benjamin, Ivan, Jonah, Mary, Hypatius, Martin, Apollon, Ida.


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