It is not easy to get rid of a crack on the heel - but you can! Heel crack treatment basics: medications and folk remedies


Cracks in the heels are a serious and rather unpleasant disease that worries many young girls and women, and many men have recently encountered this problem.

Cracked heels not only look ugly, but also cause severe pain.

Cracks in the heel: causes

Instead of wearing a beautiful dress and sandals on a hot summer day, many are forced to wear sneakers and jeans, and all because cracked heels look just awful. At this moment, you begin to envy your friends who can easily put on beautiful shoes and go for a walk in it.

And about to go to the sauna or to the beach just can not talk. Indeed, besides the fact that everyone will be able to see what your groomed legs are, dirt or infection can easily get into cracks, as a result of which it is not far from the inflammatory process. But why do cracks appear?

The main causes of cracking on the heels

In fact, the causes of cracks are many. Some of them are not dangerous, and to get rid of it is enough to lubricate the feet with a soft cream, other factors require mandatory medical intervention. Let's take a closer look at each factor.

Seasonal reasons

If the skin on the heels changes in the summer, when the weather is hot outside, then open shoes are to blame. After all, when wearing a slap and slates, the skin hits the sole, as a result, it is injured and cracked. It also includes hot weather, sand, dust.

Cracks in the heels may appear after visiting the beach, and all because under the influence of water, sun and sand, the skin becomes dry. All skin on the body suffers from exposure to ultraviolet radiation; heels are no exception.

Synthetic socks and uncomfortable shoes

Fairly uncomfortable shoes provoke cracks on the heels. It can be shales, flip flops, tight shoes and even synthetic socks that do not allow enough air to pass, and the legs stop breathing. That is why it is imperative to put footprints on under sandals.

Personal hygiene

If all your foot care comes down only to washing them, then over time the skin will become rough and cracks will occur. Proper care is the use of various baths and creams.

Diseases of the internal organs

Disorders in the endocrine system are always reflected on our skin, elasticity is lost, dryness appears. The culprits of cracks can also be the following diseases - fungal, impaired kidney and stomach. Moreover, cracks may appear not only on the heels, but also on other parts of the body.

Fungal disease

Any skin diseases can cause cracks. You can pick up the fungus in the pool, sauna, beauty salon, or in the store where you measured new shoes.


Lack of vitamin A in your body can cause your skin to crack on your heels. It is not recommended to diet and eat only low-fat foods. The diet should have all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

How to get rid of a crack on the heel: medicine

Treating a crack on the heels at home is, of course, possible. It is preliminary recommended that you consult with a specialist so that he recommends which particular medications you can use. He will also give you general recommendations, if you follow them, then after 10-18 days you will feel significant relief:

1. Dermatologists say that heel cracks need to be sealed with BF medical glue 6. For health, this is completely safe. Wash your feet well and dry them. The glue is applied along the entire length of the crack, after a few minutes it will harden, and you can continue to do your job.

2. Thanks to glue, the edges of the wound will be well fixed. No other actions for treatment are recommended for a week. After this time, remove glue from the skin.

3. Start making foot baths, the keratinized layer needs to be cleaned off with a pumice stone, but gradually. In no case do not try to remove everything at once.

4. After the foot is processed, use a cream containing keratolytic.

5. In the daytime or at night, use creams to moisturize.

Other effective remedies for the treatment of heels are such creams as "Forest Strength" and "Dawn". You can buy them at any veterinary pharmacy.

Our grandmothers also used veterinary products for legs. It is believed that such creams are oily, and therefore they are indispensable in the treatment of cracks in the heels.

How to get rid of a crack on the heel: folk remedies

Allocate a lot of folk remedies that allow you to get rid of such an unpleasant problem as cracks in the heels in a short time.

Home baths

Before you start taking a bath, be sure to wash your feet with soap and then lower them for 15 minutes into the finished bath.

After that, clean the heels with a pumice stone, do it carefully so as not to injure the skin even more. Rinse them again with water and wipe with a towel. Below are the most effective baths:

• A decoction of herbs. Most medicinal herbs have such a good property as wound healing. For cooking, you can use a string, sage, St. John's wort. In order to prepare a special tincture, take 4 tablespoons of herb (You can mix several types), pour it with two liters of boiling water and leave to infuse for about half an hour. Strain the resulting product and pour into the bath. The infusion must be warm, hold your feet in it for 10-20 minutes.

• Soda bath. Everywhere and much is written about this method, because soda is really useful. In addition, you will not only get rid of cracks, but also prevent the development of fungal diseases. To prepare a bath, take two liters of warm water and add two tablespoons of soda to it. Stir well and lower your legs there for about 20 minutes. After that, it is also recommended to clean the heels with a pumice and then grease with a nourishing cream.

Home ointment

The skin of the feet is lubricated with ointments only after the feet are washed and well treated with pumice. Moreover, it is best to do this just before bedtime, so that the applied product can be absorbed.

• Ointment based on wax and propolis. In order to prepare a healing ointment based on vegetable oil, you need to fry the onions. After that, take the butter and strain it through cheesecloth. Take one glass of such oil, one hundred grams of wax and a small piece of propolis. Combine the ingredients in a saucepan and set on low heat. After the wax has dissolved, do not turn off the heat, wait a couple more minutes. Pour the resulting mixture into a jar, let stand for a while, so that it thickens. Lubricate the affected area with the ointment.

• Ointment based on oils and wax. Take one teaspoon of wax and melt it in a water bath, then add a spoonful of shea butter and a spoonful of cocoa butter. Stir everything thoroughly and add one teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil or calendula. Pour the resulting product into a jar and store it better on the window. After it thickens, lubricate the heels.

Other folk recipes

Grated apple. Few people know, but you can get rid of cracks in the heels with an ordinary apple. Take a small fruit and rub it on a fine grater. Wash your feet well and clean them with a pumice stone. Take the cooked puree and attach it to the heels, in order to make it more convenient, you can fix it with a bandage or any other cloth. After one hour, remove the apple and grease the heels with a nourishing cream.

Olive oil and honey. It is quite useful to apply olive oil and honey on the heels, even as a preventative measure against cracks and fungus. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply on the feet, leave the mixture for 20 minutes, then wash your feet well.

Apple cider vinegar and glycerin. Apple cider vinegar mixed with glycerin has a fairly good effect. Take three tablespoons of glycerin and add one spoon of vinegar to it. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the heels, it is recommended to wrap it all up with a bandage on top. Hold for one hour and rinse with water. This procedure should be carried out every other day. After 3-4 days, you will see that the condition of your legs improves markedly.

How to get rid of a crack on the heel: causes of failure

Unfortunately, many patients after having healed cracks in the heels at home, dwell on this. After some time, the disease begins to bother again, and all because it is necessary to follow certain preventive measures even at the moment when everything is fine.

In order to avoid the occurrence of cracks again, do not start to wear tight shoes, never try on shoes with your bare foot, because it is not known who measured them before you.

After you visit the sauna or pool, treat your feet with special antifungal agents.

Take care of your feet daily, remove dead epithelial cells, otherwise the skin will crack again. In no case do not remove it with a razor, infection in this case, you simply can not be avoided.

After a complex treatment, consult a doctor, let them prescribe preventive ointments and creams.

In the summer, try not to be exposed to the sun for a long time. Be sure to watch your diet!

Cracks on the heels most often occur in the summer, at the very moment when you want to look beautiful. But if in time to carry out treatment and comply with all the rules of protection against cracks, then from the disease there will not be a trace.


Watch the video: In Just 5 Minutes - Get Rid of CRACKED HEELS Permanently, Magical Cracked Heels Home Remedy (June 2024).