Spaghetti with minced meat and spaghetti with minced meat and tomato paste - favorite! The best recipes for spaghetti with minced meat: it is impossible to pass by


Spaghetti with minced meat.

General principles

Spaghetti with minced meat is an ideal option for a fairly budget and quick-to-cook dish that you can please your home if you do not have time or the ability to cook something more substantial.

And as for pasta and minced meat, then these ingredients, perhaps, can be found at home for anyone.

At the same time, you can add to the dish almost anything, giving the classic recipe a special flavor.

Various vegetables, cheese, greens, cream or sour cream, spices can serve as additives to spaghetti with minced meat and tomato paste. Minced meat can be used from beef, pork, poultry or mixed.

Spaghetti with minced meat and tomato billets is a dish that involves significant creative freedom. But there are some principles that are best followed.

First, it’s better to prefer durum wheat pasta. Of course, they are more expensive, but it is much more useful. In addition, they are not so capricious in cooking: they do not stick together, keep their shape, and look more appetizing. Of course, any pasta can be boiled into porridge, but cheap and low-quality boiled without any help.

Secondly, spaghetti is better not to cook slightly than to digest. They will reach the sauce, while becoming more aromatic and tastier, saturated with the taste of minced meat and tomato.

Thirdly, it is necessary to cook pasta for spaghetti with minced meat over low heat, stirring it several times, otherwise they can become sticky and “ragged”.

Fourth, tomato paste can already be supplemented with any additives that are especially loved in the family, and make tomato sauce better than you. To do this, free the fruits from the skin (dropping in boiling water and then immediately into cold water), grind them with a blender and boil about half. However, if a spaghetti with minced meat and tomato paste requires a sauce based on tomato paste, then there is no point in boiling so much: you still have to breed it anyway.

Stuffing, of course, is also better to do on their own, and not buy in the store. Then, at least, you can be sure that it is made of quality products, without "horns and hooves", and also that the mince is fresh. To cook spaghetti with minced meat, it is better to skip the meat through a coarse-mesh lattice - the dish will be juicier.

If cream is required for making the sauce, then it is better to take those with a fat content of 20%. Cheese for spaghetti with minced meat and tomato paste, it is advisable to use solid or semi-solid and sufficiently fat. In addition to the classic parmesan, you can take Maasdam, cheddar, etc.

Recipe 1. Spaghetti with minced meat and tomato paste "Once and Done"

This, one can say, the basic recipe for spaghetti with minced meat and tomato paste - the basis for culinary creativity.


Spaghetti - 1 full pack (400 g)

Ground beef or mixed - 400 g

Onion - 1 small

Butter - 50 g

Tomatoes - 4-5 pieces

Tomato paste - 2-3 tablespoons

Cooking Oil

Salt, freshly ground black pepper, spicy herbs: oregano, basil, saffron, etc. - taste

Cooking method

Stuff the minced meat in a pan with vegetable oil and a small amount of water or broth and cook for about 5 minutes, constantly stirring and breaking the lumps with a spatula.

Release the tomatoes from the skin and pass through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Stir in herbs, salt and pepper.

Chop the onion finely and sauté in a deep frying pan for several minutes, then put chopped tomatoes and tomato paste in the same pan. Mix everything well and simmer under the lid for 3-4 minutes, making sure that it does not stick.

Put the minced meat in the sauce, mix and cook for another 5 minutes. Turn off the gas and leave the sauce to infuse, putting butter there.

Cook spaghetti to al dente. Let stand a couple of minutes. Then put the spaghetti on plates and pour sauce on top.

Recipe 2. Spaghetti with minced meat and tomato and cream sauce


A pack of spaghetti - 350-450 g

Minced meat (preferably beef and pork) 300 g

Garlic - 3-4 cloves

Cream 20% - 200 ml

Tomato paste - 3 tablespoons

A mixture of Italian herbs or separately oregano and bvzilik


Cooking Oil

Butter - 60 g

Cream Viola type cream cheese in a bath - 3-4 tablespoons

Cooking method

Stuff the minced meat in a pan with heated vegetable oil and lightly fry it, breaking the lumps with a spatula. Add a couple of tablespoons of water, cover and bring to full readiness. Put the minced meat in a bowl.

In the same pan put finely grated garlic and cook it for about two minutes, without stopping stirring. Then add cream, add tomato paste, herbs, butter, salt, pepper, mix thoroughly and cook for a couple of minutes.

Cool the sauce slightly, mix soft cream cheese into it, pour in the minced meat and let it brew while spaghetti is boiled.

Boil the spaghetti in accordance with the instructions on the packet until cooked al dente. Cover the pan and let stand for two minutes.

Put spaghetti on plates and pour them with minced sauce. You can sprinkle with fresh chopped parsley or mint.

Recipe 3. Spaghetti with minced meat and tomato paste with mushrooms

For cooking spaghetti with minced meat, except mushrooms, you can take oyster mushrooms, chanterelles or honey mushrooms. But in the last two cases, you must first boil the mushrooms for 10 minutes, dip in cold water, drain the broth, pour fresh water and cook until cooked, and only then use it for the dish.


Spaghetti - 1 pack, 400 g

Minced meat (can be chicken or poultry and pork) - 300 g

Champignons - 400 g

Mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons

Sour cream - 3 tablespoons

Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons

Onions - 1 small onion

Parsley, dill, celery greens - in any combination, about half a bunch

Salt, pepper mixture

Vegetable oil

Cooking method

From the minced meat, form tiny (with walnut) meatballs and lightly fry them on all sides in oil, then reduce the heat to a minimum, add a spoonful of water, cover and bring to readiness (5 minutes). Remove the meatballs from the pan.

Put cooked spaghetti.

Meanwhile, chop the onion, and cut the mushrooms into medium-sized slices and simmer all together for about 5 minutes in the pan where the meatballs were cooked. Mix mayonnaise with tomato paste and sour cream, add salt, pepper, finely chopped greens and a little water and pour the mushrooms sauce. Cook a couple of minutes, dip the meatballs and boiled spaghetti in the sauce. Allow to stand for two minutes and arrange on plates. You can sprinkle with grated cheese.

Recipe 4. Spaghetti with minced meat and vegetables


Durum wheat spaghetti - 400 g

Minced meat any, but better not too dry - 200 g

Tomatoes - 5-6 pieces medium size

Bulgarian pepper - a couple of fruits

Eggplant - 1 large

Zucchini - 1 small

Tomato paste - 1 spoon

Salt, pepper mixture

Any greens

Vegetable oil

Cooking method

Minced meat to fry for three minutes in vegetable oil, breaking the lumps with a spatula. Cut the pepper and eggplant into fairly small cubes and simmer with a little water and oil in another pan, this will take more time, about 10 minutes.

Scale the tomatoes with boiling water, immediately lower them into cold water, peel them and grind them with a blender. Put in vegetables, add salt, pepper, tomato paste, minced meat and simmer all together for about five minutes, then turn it off and leave it on the stove.

Cook spaghetti.

Cut the zucchini into thin strips and fry on both sides in a separate pan. Roll up with rolls or roses.

Spaghetti put on plates, pour sauce on top, then garnish with zucchini rolls and sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe 5. Baked spaghetti with minced meat and tomato paste

If you are simply tired of spaghetti with minced meat, then you can try to come up with something more interesting, such as a casserole or something else in this style.


Spaghetti - 1 pack (400 g)

Minced meat - 400 g

Mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons

Tomato paste - 3 tablespoons

Eggs - 2 pieces

Any cheese, preferably semi-hard - Gouda or Dutch - 200 g

Sweet pepper - 3 fruits

Champignons - 200 g

Onion - 1 medium onion

Salt, pepper mixture

Vegetable oil

Cooking method

Boil spaghetti to a degree al dente.

Stuff the minced meat in a pan with heated oil and fry, stirring and breaking the resulting lumps all the time.

Put the minced meat and fry the mushrooms, sliced ​​in slices.

Mushrooms, too, lay out and fry in the same pan chopped "noodles" onions and sweet peppers.

Mix onion and pepper with spaghetti. In a bowl, beat the mayonnaise with tomato paste, salt, pepper, eggs and one hundred grams of finely grated cheese. Gently stir in spaghetti.

Put a third of spaghetti with pepper and onion into a greased dish, then put the minced meat. Again a layer of spaghetti, cover them with fried mushrooms. Spread the remaining pasta and sprinkle with the remaining cheese.

Bake in the oven at 170 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Recipe 6. Spaghetti with minced meat and tomato paste "Mon Baton"

Another variant of spaghetti casserole with minced meat.


Spaghetti - 500 g

Minced meat (better from poultry) - 400 g

Small champignons - 300 g

Garlic - 3-4 cloves

Brynza - 200 g

Any cheese - 200 g

Smoked bacon - 300 g

Eggs - 2 pieces

Tomato paste - 3 tablespoons

Olives (or olives, or both) - half a can

Salt, pepper mixture, vegetable oil

Cooking method

Boil spaghetti until cooked al dente. Stuff the minced meat in a pan with hot oil, fry until tender.

Break feta cheese into small pieces.

Wash the mushrooms and put the whole in a saucepan with oil and a few tablespoons of water, cover and simmer until the mushrooms noticeably decrease in size.

Finely grate the cheese and mix with eggs and tomato paste. Squeeze garlic through a press, add salt and a mixture of peppers.

Stir the spaghetti with minced meat, feta cheese, mushrooms, olives, carefully introduce the egg mixture there. Allow to stand for 10 minutes.

Put strips of bacon on a foil sheet, and place spaghetti with additives on top of them, giving an elongated shape. Raising the edges of the foil along with the ends of the slices of smoked meat, form a loaf in bacon, connect the edges of the foil sheet and bake spaghetti in the oven at 160 degrees 15 minutes. Then get a baking sheet, remove the top of the foil and return to the oven, increasing the temperature to 200 degrees. Bake until golden brown. When serving, cut into slices.

Recipe 7. Spaghetti with minced meat and Bolognese sauce


Spaghetti - 400 g

Minced meat (mixed from pork and beef) - 400 g

Onion - 1 piece

Carrot - 1 piece

Dry white wine - 1 cup

Tomatoes in their own juice - 1 half kilogram can

Salt, a mixture of Italian herbs

Vegetable (better, of course, olive) oil

Cooking method

Fry, kneading lumps, minced meat, pour wine into it and leave over low heat until it evaporates.

Grate the carrots, chop the onion, add them to the minced meat and continue to simmer another 15 minutes. Season with salt and sprinkle with herbs.

Get the tomatoes out of the can and finely chop with a knife (the blender will be too small). Put them out and pour the tomato from the can into the stewpan, cook another 40 minutes on low heat.

Boil spaghetti until cooked al dente. Hold in water for another 2 minutes, lay in a colander. Put on plates, place Bolognese sauce on top.

Spaghetti with minced meat: tricks and tips

  • To prevent the spaghetti from sticking together, it is advised to add one tablespoon of olive oil to the water. However, note that olive oil will give a spaghetti flavor.

  • When cooking spaghetti, it is necessary to stir several times: when put them in boiling water, when the water boils again, 2-3 times for the rest of the cooking time.

  • To cook spaghetti al dente, it will take about 7 minutes of cooking and 2 minutes in hot water. But more precisely it is better to look at the packaging.

  • You can add minced meat smoked through a meat grinder or smoked with a knife into the minced meat.

  • Without the need, it is better not to mix spaghetti with the sauce, but to put the sauce on top of pasta, so they will look more aesthetically pleasing.


Watch the video: How to Make Fresh Pasta with Bolognese Sauce - Behind the Recipe. (June 2024).