Having removed breasts, Angelina Jolie is preparing for a new operation


A few days ago, Angelina Jolie admitted that she removed the mammary glands. For surgery, the Hollywood star decided because of the high risk of breast cancer. Fans of the actress did not have time to come to their senses after this shocking news, when People magazine reported that Angelina was going to remove her ovaries in the near future.

According to doctors, the probability of developing ovarian cancer in a 37-year-old Jolie is 50%. The actress said that the medical procedures lasted three months, during which she underwent a double mastectomy and implants were installed. Angelina kept this story a secret, but later decided to talk about her experience in order to support women who also encountered oncology. According to the star, the family fully supported her intention to have the operation. “I only dream about one thing - that she would live a healthy and long life with me and our children,” says the civil husband of actress Brad Pitt.

Angelina’s brother and Brad Pitt’s mother told reporters that they are proud of the act of Jolie, who thinks primarily about children. Earlier, Angelina said that the decision to make a mastectomy was extremely difficult, but remembering her mother, who died of cancer before she was 60, she accepted it. “My children asked if something like this would happen to me,” Angelina admitted. “Finally, I can reassure them and say that they will not lose their mother because of cancer.”


sarina 10/31/2016
cancer as far as I know by inheritance is not transmitted, and Angelina suffers from bullshit since my mother died of cancer I’ll go and how can I cut off my tits for nonsense? and if her mother got under the car? would she be afraid of cars? monkey chi chi and not angelina

Nina 09/14/2016
This is paranoia. Lovely woman with a strange act. It was enough to visit a mammologist once every six months - and that’s all ...
Now I removed the breast, then the appendages ... And then at a random examination it will reveal (God forbid, of course!) Stomach cancer. Or skin ... The law of life: what we are afraid of falls on us.

We must Same 06/08/2016
Doctors just scoff


Watch the video: Angelina Jolie: Why Did She Have a Double Mastectomy? (June 2024).