Shortbread cookies in a hurry - quickly! We delight the household in a hurry with shortbread cookies: coconut, chocolate, sugar


Many people buy shortbread cookies, but only a few bake it at home.

Probably, just not everyone knows the quick recipes for this wonderful treat.

It can be easily prepared and filled the house with a wonderful aroma.

Indulge in shortbread cookies?

Shortbread Cookies - General Cooking Principles

Fats are always used for shortcrust pastry. It can be butter or vegetable, margarine, confectionery fat, lard. The choice of product depends not only on the recipe, but also on the availability of the ingredient in the house. Many fats are interchangeable, but the taste of baking may vary.

What else is put in the dough:

• sugar;

• wheat flour;

• eggs;

• baking powder.

Depending on the recipe, dairy products, cocoa, vanillin, nuts, poppy seeds can be added. Often they cook pastries with jam or jam, put raisins and candied fruits in it.

For some reason, many people think that cookies are baked exclusively in the oven. But it is not so. There are some very simple recipes for cooking goodies in the microwave and even in the pan.

Recipe 1: Sugar Shortbread Shortbread Cookies

For this shortbread cookie in a hurry you need kefir. But you can also use yogurt or fermented baked milk. With them it will turn out no worse. Vegetable oil is used, preferably odorless.


• flour 2 cups;

• 100 ml of oil;

• sugar 0.5 cups;

• 100 ml of kefir;

• 1 egg;

• 1 pinch of salt;

• 0.5 tablespoons of soda.

To sprinkle cookies, you need about 50 grams of granulated sugar.


1. Shake the kefir with soda, sugar and salt. Stir to dissolve the grains.

2. Add the egg to them and immediately pour the vegetable oil. Stir thoroughly.

3. Put the flour and slaked soda. Stir the cool dough and roll the bun out of it. If prescription flour is not enough, then boldly pour more. The quantity is affected by the consistency of kefir.

4. Sprinkle flour on the table and roll the cake. Thickness is about half a centimeter. To prevent the rolling pin from sticking, you can sprinkle the formation with flour.

5. Take a knife and cut diamonds, triangles or squares. You can use a pastry knife with a curly edge.

6. We shift cookies on a baking sheet. Lightly grease with water and sprinkle with sugar. Do not wet it so that granulated sugar does not melt.

7. Set at 200 degrees and bake for about 12 minutes. We look at the color.

Recipe 2: Whip Shortbread Cookies on Mayonnaise

A variant of very crumbly and soft cookies in a hurry, the dough for which is kneaded on an ordinary mayonnaise. Of course, it is advisable to use a quality sauce with normal fat content. You can take homemade mayonnaise.


• sugar 0.1 kg;

• mayonnaise 0.1 kg;

• 0.1 kg of margarine;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• 1 egg;

• 1 cup flour.


1. Sift the flour into a large bowl.

2. Add granulated sugar and mayonnaise.

3. Next pour the melted margarine. Or use butter.

4. We start stirring with a spoon and in the process add a raw egg, and then slaked soda. For flavor, you can add vanilla powder.

5. Knead the dough with handles and you can start forming.

6. Roll out the dough with a layer, cut out or squeeze out cookies of any shape. Also, the thickness of the formation is not of particular importance.

7. Put on a baking sheet, prick the product with a fork and send to bake. If desired, raw products can be greased and sprinkled with sugar or poppy seeds.

Recipe 3: Vienna Shortbread Shortbread Cookies with Jam

The recipe for amazing pastries that can be served even to the most expensive guests. And they are unlikely to guess that the cookies were whipped up before they appeared on the doorstep.


• egg 1 piece;

• 0.2 kg of margarine;

• 0.2 kg of jam;

• ½ tsp food soda;

• 0.2 kg of sugar;

• 0.4 kg of flour.


1. Beat sugar with a chicken egg, add melted margarine to soda, which must be quenched in acetic or citric acid.

2. Pour the flour and knead the cool dough. We pluck the fourth part of the dough and add another spoonful of flour to it so that the mass is steeper. We make a bar and throw it in the freezer for several minutes while we are engaged in the formation of cookies.

3. Roll out the remaining dough with a layer or just knead on a baking sheet with your hands.

4. Lubricate with jam. Similarly, you can use any jam, fruit or berry jam.

5. We take out the bars from the freezer, rub it on a coarse grater over the jam. We try to do it evenly. It is not necessary to cover the filling completely, let the gaps remain.

6. Bake for about 15 minutes. We get it and while the product is hot, quickly cut into squares, rectangles or any other shape. When the Viennese cookies have cooled, it will become very crispy and crumbly.

Recipe 4: Shortbread Cookies without Eggs

Did not find eggs at home? Well, it is not necessary! Without it, you can also cook cool pastries. The recipe for a simple shortbread cookie, which is prepared in milk without the addition of eggs.


• 0.18 kg of flour;

• 60 ml of milk;

• 0.12 kg of oil;

• 0.07 powder;

• a pinch of vanilla.

For taste, you can add a little poppy or sesame.


1. Rub the soft butter with powdered sugar. You can use a mixer if time is running out. It will turn out even faster.

2. Add milk in small portions, thoroughly stirring the butter. It is desirable that the products have the same temperature.

3. Pour vanilla and flour, stir. The dough is not cool, but soft.

4. Put the mass in a pastry bag or just a bag, cut off the tip. We place cookies in the form of fingers, rings or any other on a baking sheet. You can use curly nozzles with cloves.

5. If there is no pastry bag or the experience of squeezing the dough out of the bag, then you can simply put the products on a baking sheet with a spoon.

6. Bake until golden brown. Time depends on the thickness of the cookie. Temperature 200.

Recipe 5: Shortbread Cookies in a Microwave

It turns out that to cook some types of shortbread cookies in haste, you do not even need an oven. They can be quickly cooked in the microwave. Great idea for breakfast.


• 0.1 kg butter;

• 0.06 kg of powder;

• 0.13 kg of flour;

• 0.03 kg of starch.


1. The oil should be softened. If it is solid, you can also use the microwave and defrost program. Combine the product with wheat flour and starch. Grind.

2. Add the icing sugar. If you like more porous pastries, then you can add a pinch of cultivator.

3. The dough will crumble, this is normal.

4. We spread it on a sheet of parchment, cover it with a second sheet and roll a flat cake with a rolling pin.

5. Cut into 8 parts, you do not need to push apart the pieces.

6. Send to the microwave and cook 2 minutes at maximum power. That's all!

Recipe 6: Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies

For chocolate chip cookies, you will need regular cocoa powder, but only without sugar. We use butter, but you can also take any margarine or fat.


• 0.22 kg of oil;

• 1.5 tsp baking baking powder;

• 1 egg;

• 60 grams of cocoa;

• 0.18 kg of flour;

• 0.14 kg of sugar.


1. Using a mixer, beat the softened butter for a couple of minutes. Pour sugar into it and mix for another two minutes.

2. Add the egg to the dough, but little by little so that it combines with the oil mixture.

3. Combine the flour with cocoa powder and a cultivator. Sift the ingredients.

4. Combine the dry mixture with the oil mass, stir and the dough is ready!

5. Take a deep spoon, as for ice cream. But the oval will do. In general, any, but not small. We collect the dough and spread the cookies on a baking sheet with parchment so that on top it is smooth from a spoon and rounded.

6. Bake a quarter of an hour at 180 degrees. But if the cookies turned out thin, it may take even less time.

Recipe 7: Coconut Whipped Shortbread Cookies

For cooking, you need ordinary coconut flakes, which are sold in the baking department. You can also take color, the cookies will be more interesting.


• 2 tablespoons of milk;

• 0.15 kg coconut flakes;

• 0.1 kg of sugar;

• 1 tsp without a ripper hill;

• 0.34 kg of flour;

• 0.2 kg of oil;

• vanilla.


1. We take out the oil in heat in advance. Put in a cup, add sugar and beat for three minutes.

2. Next we introduce milk.

3. Add chips, baking powder, a little vanilla and flour, which we add gradually. If the oil is of good quality and does not contain much water, then a little less flour may be required. We adjust ourselves, but the dough for coconut cookies should turn out cool.

4. We form any products. You can squeeze cookies out of the reservoir, roll balls or make sticks. Turn on the fantasy! And if there is no time, then quickly cut the squares or strips.

5. We spread the products on a baking sheet and bake until cooked.

Recipe 8: Shortbread Cookies in a Frying Pan

Another version of amazing cookies that bake without an oven! You only need a frying pan. Choose a dish with the largest diameter so that cooking takes less time.


• flour 0.2 kg;

• 1 tablespoon of oil grows .;

• 0.1 kg butter;

• 1 tsp cinnamon (optional);

• 1 egg;

• 1 tablespoon of water;

• 80 grams of powder;

• 1 tsp cultivator.

You will also need some oil to lubricate the pan.


1. Mix all the dry ingredients: cinnamon, flour, ripper and powder.

2. In another container, mix the melted butter with vegetable oil, add the egg and a spoonful of water.

3. Combine both mixtures, knead the mass well until smooth, and immediately roll 4-5 millimeters into the formation.

4. Turn on the pan, grease with oil.

5. Cut a glass of cookies or cut with a knife. Put in a pan and fry until rosy color. Turn over to the other side. We do not add oil.

6. Cool and done! If suddenly the cookie turned out to be bold, then put it on paper napkins. They absorb oil from the surface.

Shortbread Cookies in Haste - Useful Tips and Tricks

• What is the thickness of rolling cookies? Any! But, the thicker it is, the softer and more like gingerbread. Thin products will be more crispy.

• Shortbread dough is remarkably stored in the freezer for about two months. But before freezing it needs to be packed in a plastic bag.

• Shortbread dough does not like heat. Therefore, it is not recommended to stir for a long time and keep warm. The oil will melt, the mass will become sticky, and the finished product will become stiff.

• Shortbread dough requires strict proportions. This is especially true for fluids and fats. Otherwise, baking may just not work.

• Dry components must be mixed before laying into the liquid mass. Otherwise, the cultivator or spices may not be evenly distributed.


Watch the video: Roasted Sugar Pumpkin Crescents with Minted Coconut Sauce (June 2024).