The meaning of the name Diana


His name appears Diana due to the goddess of ancient Rome. But the roots of the word are Latin, and literally translated it means "divine." For the Romans, the goddess Diana was an earthly embodiment of the moon. The goddess of Greece - Artemis (moon-faced huntress) was an analogue of the Roman Diana.

Until now, despite its harmony, the name Diana is not widely used. Among the Slavic peoples, the number of girls - Dian for a family of three generations is a tenth of a percent. Perhaps the reason is the incorrect combination of the name with the middle name (not every name of the Russian father will harmoniously combine with the name of his daughter - Diana). The most beautiful are the combinations with the patronymic of Valeryevna, Igorevna, Arkadevna. And patronymic Ivanovna, Petrovna, Sidorovna and the like will look completely inappropriate with Diana.

Diana - character traits

Diana is a hunter in life. Since childhood, she knows how to maneuver correctly in order to become a winner and hit a target. She is cunning and prudent. If necessary, Diana can circle anyone around her finger. For her to lie is worthless. If a lie is for salvation, it will not adhere to strict morality. Cheating in her performance is the norm. Therefore, do not believe everything that she says. Moreover, when talking about her trophies, like any hunter, she is inclined to exaggerate her own merits. Although they certainly are.

Diana loves to brag about victories excessively. Therefore, men who are in the list of objects of her attention have no chance to get dry out of the water. If Diana today conquers the heart or body of a man whom she had long wanted, tomorrow all her friends, colleagues and even neighbors will know about it. Therefore, getting caught from her network, you do not need to rely on a long female language. The whole thing is especially the character of this woman. It seems to her that in this way she will be able to win respect and glory.

But here lies an obvious error in logic. Unfortunately, each person has more envious than guardians. And every good luck produces secret and obvious ill-wishers. Therefore, around Diana there is always a mass of gossip (which she often cultivates herself) and speculation. How else? If a woman can achieve the goal, then there will be someone who wants to push this goal or intercept it. Therefore, Dianes need to learn restraint.

Diana - name compatibility

Due to the lightness of his character and the ability to interest everyone around him with his tales, Diana has a lot of friends. Most of them are ordinary friends and work colleagues. If it comes to heart interest, then Diana instantly changes tactics. She closes, developing an action plan. Of course, after the selected object of adoration is in her bed, she will tell the whole world about it. But that will happen later. In the meantime, she chooses a man.

The most suitable for stormy, but short meetings, will be Andrew, Valery, Roman, Cyril. Relations with these men will be bright, but short-lived. But the hunter herself can be tamed only by an imperious and strict partner, the owner of her own (and in the future, her) life. The category of successful tandems includes Diana’s marriage with Alexander, Vladimir, Dmitry.

Diana - famous people who bore this name

Diana Arbenina is a rock singer, author and performer of many musical compositions, the leader of the Night Snipers group. She was awarded the Triumph Prize for achievements in literature and art.

Diana Gurtskaya is a popular singer, pop singer.

Princess Diana is a representative of the English royal dynasty. Tragically died in the color of years, leaving the throne of the only crown prince. The exact version of the incident has not been determined. The reasons for the car accident have not yet been established.

Diana - interesting facts about the name

Princess Diana, despite her lifetime deification and universal love of the people, was, above all, an ordinary young woman. And, like all people, she was prone to love affairs. Her once perfect image faded in the light of events revealed by the yellow press. What is true, what a lie - time will judge. But after a divorce from Prince Charles, the princess talked, met with an ordinary surgeon, and this did not prevent her from feeling happy.


Diana 12/07/2016

Diana 08/18/2016
And I - Diana Gennadievna =)

Diana 05/03/2016
I was lucky with patronymic Diana Igorevna)) but not a gossip talk to my best friend I tell everything) I am very grateful to my parents for that name)

Alla 04/08/2016
I have a sister, Diana. It’s hard for me, as a loved one, to judge what she is like in life. But what is playing with men is for sure! Diana is not married yet, and I think, for the better. Let it settle down a bit. About gossip - I would not say, but she definitely loves to talk!))

Masha 04/08/2016
That's just for these eminent names, you can already love the name Diana! I like Arbenin, and Princess Diana. I had a girlfriend Diana at school, but she was such a gossip! And neither of which I could not keep in myself, nor any information. She already had the disease started, if she did not share the secret with a couple of people))


Watch the video: Diana Name Meanings - Personality Traits - Insights (July 2024).