Causes of facial pigmentation - a disease or a cosmetic defect? How to remove facial pigmentation and the causes of its appearance


Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are sensitive to their appearance, so they are upset about even a small pimple, what can we say about pigmentation.

No woman is safe from the appearance of brown spots on her face, which do not add attractiveness and cause complexes. Most often, pigmentation appears in women after 35 years.

Causes of facial pigmentation

Melanin, located in various layers of the epidermis, begins to be produced more actively and accumulate in certain areas of the skin, forming pigmentation on them. There are a lot of reasons for the manifestation of violent "performance" in natural pigment.

Here are the causes of facial pigmentation:

1. The hereditary factor. Stains can only be removed with laser resurfacing.

2. Hormonal malfunction in the body caused by menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth or thyroid disease. Until the root cause is eliminated, trying to fight stains (chloasma) is useless. After stabilization of the hormonal background, age spots lighten and pass by themselves.

3. Injured skin. Pigmentation of this kind can occur after an unsuccessful cosmetic procedure (peeling), thermal or chemical burns. It can also be the consequences of severe acne or furunculosis. Cosmetics in this case are not enough, comprehensive treatment should be carried out.

4. Burns from excessive exposure to the sun or tanning beds. Spring rays are most dangerous, since after winter the skin is in a state of partial depigmentation. As a rule, this kind of pigmentation occurs after the use of home masks and special cosmetics.

5. Nervous disorders. Stresses, depression are often accompanied by a change in the hormonal background and, as a result, the appearance of pigmentation.

6. Vitamin deficiency. After taking the appropriate vitamins, which must necessarily contain vitamin C and copper, the spots go away.

7. Medical preparations. Pigmentation can be the result of taking certain medications for a long time, most often these are birth control or hormonal drugs. It is necessary to inform the attending physician about the appearance of spots, which will cancel the drug or replace with a similar one.

8. Allergy to poor-quality or expired cosmetics. Often pigmentation can cause chemical components contained in the composition of the products, essential oils, low-quality ingredients.

9. Improper skin care, for example, frequent peeling procedures provoke the appearance of small pigmentation - freckles.

10. Diseases of the internal organs - kidney, liver, gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, red spots indicate a malfunction in the intestines, brown signals about diseases of the gallbladder or liver, yellow-brown indicate kidney problems. A proper diet and appropriate treatment are needed.

And, of course, the cause of pigmentation on the face or body can be the aging process, accompanied by hormonal changes in the body, withering of the skin, and exacerbation of chronic diseases, the number of which increases with age.

Pigmented spots are harmless and do not cause pain, but they can not arise for no reason. When they appear, you should consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination of the body, including consultations with a therapist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and gynecologist. This will help determine the causes of pigmentation on the face. Treatment is prescribed after determining the diagnosis.

Causes of facial pigmentation and the choice of whitening products

After the necessary treatment, the spots will disappear or brighten, after which it will not be so difficult to get rid of them.

Beauty salons and centers of aesthetic medicine offer women modern methods of getting rid of pigmentation:

1. Chemical peeling. Eliminates many skin defects, including age spots. Using a weak solution of fruit, glycolic or other acid, a deep or superficial (depending on the degree of damage) peeling is carried out, removing the upper layer of the skin. The method is considered painless, however, after the procedure, the skin should be protected from the sun for a while, otherwise pigmentation will appear again.

2. Grinding. The principle of operation is the same as with chemical peeling. As a result of laser exposure to pigmented areas, the skin regenerates, its tone increases, and spots disappear.

3. Phototherapy. The laser device emits an intense pulse of light, aimed at the accumulation of melanin cells in the layers of the skin, thereby destroying them.

4. Mesotherapy. Fillers, vitamin complexes or medicinal substances that are administered subcutaneously are used for the procedure.

To remove pigmented areas, bleaching cosmetics are also used. They must be used very carefully to avoid the opposite effect: spots may become larger or they will darken and will differ sharply from the natural color of the skin. Some of the remedies have contraindications, therefore, before using them, you must consult your doctor.

Most commonly used:

1. Cream Achromin MAX - removes stains and protects the skin from exposure to sunlight.

2. Cream Retin-A - stabilizes the level of melanin in the skin.

3. VC-IP solution with vitamin C - fights hyperpigmentation of cell layers.

4. Belita Vitex mask, based on white clay and acids. Not only eliminates pigmentation, but also moisturizes the skin.

5. Cream "Snow White" Biocon based on an extract of white lily, licorice and lactic acid. Prevents the appearance of pigmentation, has a sunscreen effect.

An excellent whitening effect has ordinary zinc ointment. Its advantage is the absence of contraindications, since the paste can be used even by pregnant women. The ointment must be applied 2-3 times a day until the spots disappear completely.

Before you start using this or that tool, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the composition and conduct a test for an allergic reaction.

Causes of facial pigmentation: folk remedies

Traditional medicine will help to cope with age spots. Masks that hold on the face for 20-30 minutes, then rinse off perfectly, help:

1. Cucumber rubbed on a fine grater. The resulting slurry is applied to the face. After 30 minutes, remove with a napkin.

2. Fresh yeast (20 g) is mixed with lemon juice (half a tablespoon).

3. Boiled potatoes in their skins. Purify, mix with yolk.

4. Lemon juice is mixed with protein. Add 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

Dry skin before applying the mask is recommended to wipe with corn or olive oil or steam face over the bath with chamomile.

Washing with birch sap, rubbing face with parsley lotion, elderberry infusion, grapefruit juice or sour cabbage, decoction of melon pulp, strawberry water is no less effective.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used as a bleaching agent. This method is resorted to if the spots are very dark. It is necessary to moisten the cotton pad in the peroxide and attach to the affected area. Put a plastic film on top and hold the compress for 15 minutes. After that, rinse the skin thoroughly with water. The compress is done within 10 days.

Prevention of age spots on the face

Any problem is easier to prevent than subsequently deal with it. To avoid the appearance of brown spots, cosmetologists recommend the use of the following preventive measures:

1. Provide UV protection with cosmetics containing retinol, vitamin C, natural oils (jojoba, shea).

2. From time to time carry out procedures for exfoliating the upper layer of the skin. Only an experienced beautician should do this.

3. For skin prone to pigmentation, do not use phototoxic agents.

4. The skin should receive vitamins all year round. To do this, include more vegetables and fruits in the menu. In the spring, when the body is weakened by vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to drink vitamin C or nicotinic acid.

5. Eat right.

6. For a timely determination of the causes of pigmentation on the face, consult a doctor.

Take care of your health and be beautiful!


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